Abe and trump have agreed to work on containment of the DPRK

Shinzo Abe, Donald Trump Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald trump agreed to maintain close contact on the issue of North Korea. About it reports Reuters referring to the statement of the head of the Japanese Cabinet. According to Abe, the parties will require Pyongyang to show restraint as tensions in the region increases. Abe told reporters after a telephone conversation with trump that he appreciated the position of leader of the United States, showing that all options are considered when it comes to North Korea. Sunday, April 23, it was reported that the Maritime self-defense force of Japan announced the beginning of joint exercises with carrier strike group (CSG), the U.S. Navy, led by the aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson” in the Pacific ocean. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is one of the most intense topics of international politics. Earlier it was reported that Washington is ready

Fillon spoke in support of Macron

Francois Fillon The candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon called in the second round to vote for the leader of the movement “Forward” of Emmanuel Macron, reports Reuters. According to Fillon, the leader of movement “national front” marine Le Pen would bankrupt France in the event of her election. Fillon, recognizing its responsibility for the defeat in the first round, called on the French to unite and not to allow coming to power, the “extremists”, reports RIA Novosti. According to preliminary data, Fillon does not pass the second round. He took third place, behind of makrona and Le Pen. Previously the Macron urged to vote the candidate of the Socialist party, Benoit Hamon, also Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, the former Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, also belong to the socialists. According to the first published by the French interior Ministry results of the elections, after the counting

Le Pen has promised to defend France from “unbridled globalization”

Marine Le Pen The candidate in presidents of France from the movement “national front” marine Le Pen, which, according to preliminary data, goes into the second round of elections, promised to protect his country from “unbridled globalization.” About it reports Reuters. “This result is historical, and he imposes on me a huge responsibility for the protection of the French nation, for its unity, security, culture, prosperity and independence,” — said Le Pen, speaking to supporters in Henin-beaumont in Pas-de-Calais. “The main thing at stake in this election is frightening globalization, which threatens our civilization,” she added, urging French voters to get rid of the shackles of “arrogant elites”. According to Le Pen, she overcame the first step to the Elysee Palace, RIA Novosti reported. “You led me in the second round, and I Express to you, my constituents-the patriots, my deepest gratitude. The first phase, which should lead to the

Danish defence Minister has accused Russia of hacking

The Minister of defence of Denmark Klaus yort Frederiksen told the newspaper Berlingske that the Russian hackers in 2015-2016 made several successful attempts to access the electronic correspondence of employees of the institution. According to him, these actions were not a small group of hackers acting for fun, and people associated with the Russian special services and the authorities. Frederiksen said that this incident made a big impression on him, and shared his concerns that the targets of hackers can become and other authorities in Denmark. According to him, the situation is extremely serious. According to the data collected over two years, hackers have carried out several thousand attempts to access the account e-mail to employees of the Danish Ministry of defense and Ministry of foreign Affairs. It is noted that the hackers have accessed only unclassified correspondence, which, however, can be used at recruiting events. According to the publication,

Makron expressed a desire to “be President of all the French”

Emmanuel Macron Candidate for the French presidency Emmanuel macron announced his victory in the first round of the elections and stressed his desire to “be a President for all French people”. As reported TASS, this statement he made at his campaign headquarters in Paris. “When our country is experiencing an unprecedented in its history moments, marked by terrorism and economic problems, the suffering of the people, the French people spoke and gave the most beautiful answer, massively came to vote,” he said. According to Macron, the people decided to put him first in the first round. “I commensurate the honor and immense responsibility that thereby I have” — he stressed. Macron added that the current elections were an important milestone in the political history of France. “The French have rejected the candidates of two big parties that ruled the country for the past 30 years,” he said. The macron thank

In Paris riots broke out

On the place de La Bastille in Central Paris, riots broke out, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Police used smoke grenades and moved toward the protesters started breaking the fence. Dispersing demonstrators, the police used non-lethal weapons. One protester was injured. Police officers started first aid lying on the ground injured, trying to stop the bleeding. Some time later, in the confrontation came a relative lull. The police encircled the largest group of protesters. A similar protest rally against elections “Night of the barricades” was held on Saturday, April 22. Then there gathered more than 2 thousand people. Police dispersed them with tear gas. In France on Sunday was the first round of presidential elections. According to the interior Ministry after counting 30 percent of the vote in the second round are the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen with a score of 24 and 78 percent of the

Macron surpassed Le Pen during the counting of votes

Emmanuel Macropodoidea: Makron expressed a desire to “be President of all the French” The candidate in presidents of France from the movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron during the counting of votes surpassed its rival, the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen in the first round. About it reports Reuters, citing the interior Ministry. According to the latest data, after counting 33.2 million votes Makron was supported by 23.11 percent of voters, Le Pen is 23.08%. Initially it was reported about the leadership of Le Pen, however, as the number of votes counted increased, the gap between the two candidates decreased. About leadership Rules previously indicated and the results of exit polls.

The interior Ministry of France announced the leadership of Le Pen in the presidential elections

Marine Le Pen The leader of “National front” marine Le Pen is gaining 24.15% of the votes in the first round of presidential elections in France, former economy Minister Emmanuel macron — of 21.43; they pass to the second round. These are the first official data of the interior Ministry, which leads RIA Novosti. The third is the candidate of the party “the Republicans” Francois Fillon, who after counting 3.76 million votes gaining 20.34 percent. On the fourth line — ultralevel candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon (17,96%). At the same time, many media reported about the leadership of the Macron. Assessment BFMTV, he is gaining in the first round of 23.7 percent, and Le Pen — 22. Similar results and France 2. According to estimates TF1, both candidates gaining 23 percent. The second round of presidential elections will be held on 7 may.

The President of the Republika Srpska refused to shake hands with US Ambassador

Milorad Dodik The President of the Republic of Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik refused to shake hands with US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Maureen Cormack. Writes Blic Online, at a mourning ceremony in memory of the victims of Nazism and Croatian ostashata in the concentration camp Jasenovac Dodik shook hands with all, including his political opponents, but ignored stretching his hand Cormack. Since January of this year, the President of the RS is under sanctions of the U.S. Treasury. Source Reuters explained that the restrictions are a result of multiple policy calls for secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the fulfillment of decisions of the constitutional court and threats to ban the residents of the Republika Srpska to serve in the army of BiH. Dodik also said that the question of accession of Crimea to Russia resolved the will of the people, which must be respected. “Moscow is afraid, and many

Top officials of France and the socialists urged to vote for the Macron

Bernard Cazeneuve The Prime Minister of France Bernard Cazeneuve, who belongs to the ruling Socialist party, called for a second round of presidential elections to vote for the leader of the movement “Forward” of Emmanuel Macron. About it reports Reuters. The same appeal was made by the presidential candidate from the socialist party, Benoit Hamon. According to him, you must defeat the leader “National front” marine Le Pen. Spoke in support of Him and the former Prime Minister, now foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. Earlier, the French interior Ministry published the first results of the elections. Le Pen is gaining 24.15 percent of the vote, Makron — of 21.43, they advance to the second round. The third is the candidate of the party “the Republicans” Francois Fillon, who after counting 3.76 million votes gaining 20.34 percent. In the fourth position — ultralevel candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon with a score of 17.96 percent.