Oliver stone spoke about his film about Putin

Oliver Stone American film Director Oliver stone has confirmed that a film about Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is reported by The Sydney Morning Herald, where an Oscar winner, gave an interview ahead of the trip to Australia. The newspaper claims that the picture, which, in particular, will talk about Russia’s influence on U.S. elections, will be a hit. It is noted that the tape will be released soon. “It’s not so much a documentary, as the film format of questions and answers,” said stone. “Mr. Putin is one of the most influential world leaders, and because the United States declared him an enemy — the big enemy — I think it would be very important to hear what he says”, — he added. The film will tell about the views of the Russian leader on various events that have occurred since he first became President in 2000.

Russian film about Antarctica received the Grand Prix of the science film festival in the Czech Republic

Director Ekaterina Eremenko “Lake Vostok. Ridge mountains of Madness” was awarded the Grand Prix of the oldest science film festival — Academia Film Olomouc in the Czech Republic. This was reported on the website of the Gorky film Studio where the film was made. The film from Russia he received the Grand Prix AFO for the first time since 1966. Just to the festival, there were more than 3 thousand applications, but the shortlist was only 20 movies. In one of them as a producer and actor, attended Leonardo DiCaprio is in the film “Save the planet” directed by Fisher Stevens. Eremenko worked on the film for 18 years and became the first Russian woman who spent over a month at the inland Antarctic station “Vostok”. “This film was very hard to do, insanely hard. My family saw it,” said Eremenko, expressing gratitude to the scientists, the explorers, producers, and

Wikipedia accused of defaming the image of Turkey

Wikipedia has become part of an information campaign to demonize Turkey in the international arena and therefore has been blocked in the country. So, the Turkish authorities explained to the restriction of access to the online encyclopedia, reports the Anadolu news Agency. The Ministry of transport and communications of Turkey said that Wikipedia contained articles on Ankara’s ties with various terrorist organizations. The government is required to remove these “offensive material”, but the encyclopedia refused. If Wikipedia is to fulfill the requirements of the authorities, access to the site will be restored, said the Agency. Earlier on 29 April it was reported that the Wikipedia site is inaccessible in Turkey since 8:00 GMT. On 17 April, an unknown user changed the Wikipedia article about the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan in, giving him the title of “His Excellency the dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan”. The edit was promptly removed by

Trump called exciting and productive first 100 days of presidency

Donald Tramploline: During a speech trump in the air planted Russian flags The US President Donald trump called exciting and very productive first 100 days of his stay in the White house. He gave a speech at a rally of supporters in Pennsylvania, reports on Sunday, April 30, RIA Novosti. “I believe that the first 100 days of my administration were the most successful in the history of our country”, — quotes trump Foxnews. He stressed that every day working to improve the situation in the country and cited as an example work on the return of jobs for the miners. “We have made historic progress,” the President said the success of his administration. April 29, Vice-President Michael Penny said that trump is planning the largest increase in the military budget since the 40th President Ronald Reagan. Shortly before this, China has denied the statement of the press service of

Snowden was awarded a prize by Norwegian PEN centre

William Nygaard, Hege Newt Nuri, Edward Snowden The whistleblower activities of the U.S. intelligence Edward Snowden, hiding in Russia, was awarded the Norwegian PEN-center named after Carl von Osickova. This was reported on the website of the organization that brings together writers, poets and journalists, on Saturday, April 29. The award was presented to Snowden in a Moscow hotel, the President of the PEN center William Nygaard and Secretary-General of the Hege newt Nuri. The Norwegian authorities did not give Snowden a guarantee of its non-refoulement in the United States. For this reason, Snowden, who is in Moscow since June 2013, declined earlier on a visit to Norway, where he was awarded the name of the writer bjørnstjerne bjørnson. In July, Snowden’s lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, told him to cancel the trip to Norway, between Oslo and Washington, there is an extradition Treaty. The U.S. state Department recommended that the authorities

Le Pen called the Euro is dead currency and a burden to France

The candidate in presidents of France from the party “national front” marine Le Pen intends to return the national currency, to manage it and adapt to the economy. She declared it in interview to the newspaper Le Parisien. The Euro is “dead”, I’m sure Le Pen, and dead currency is a burden for the country and every Frenchman. The presidential candidate intends in the future to “demand management currency”. Euros, according to Le Pen, should be transformed into currency, which “is not bound to a daily purchase.” “It will only be available to large companies who are engaged in international trade”, she said. On March 27, the candidate in presidents of France from the “National front” stated that the EU will disappear. In the beginning of the year, marine Le Pen urged European countries to abandon the single currency and return to the idea of a common currency like the

The media learned about the dead in a plane crash in Cuba

Continued: Named the number of dead in plane crash in Cuba According to preliminary data, as a result of the crash of a Cuban airline Aerogaviota has died, according to news portal CiberCuba with reference to the representatives of the carrier. The plane crashed on Saturday, April 29, near Las Terrazas in the province of Pinar del Rio. According to a relative of one of the crew members, this happened in remote areas, in the area of Las Lomas de San Cristobal. The duty of the Consul of the Russian Embassy in Cuba Evgeny Suldin has told RIA Novosti that the Embassy checks the information, could the Russians be on Board the crashed plane. “Are in contact with the airway, while data on citizens of Russia”, — he said. Earlier it was reported that in Cuba disappeared from radar screens a passenger plane An-26, carrying out domestic flight from Baracoa

Called the number of dead in plane crash in Cuba

In a plane crash in Cuba killed eight people, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the statement of the authorities. “The plane An-26, belonging to the revolutionary armed forces and departed at 6:38 am from the airport Playa Baracoa, Bauta municipality, crashed into the ground in the area of Loma de La Pimienta, in the municipality of Candelaria, Artemisa province”, — stated in the message. Killed eight soldiers, including the crew. The Commission of the Ministry of the revolutionary armed forces began to study the causes of the accident. Earlier it was reported that the passenger plane An-26 of the company Aerogaviota performed a domestic flight from Baracoa airport to the East of the country. Airline Aerogaviota was established in 1994. The carrier operates local, regional, Charter and private flights. The company’s fleet includes 39-seater aircraft An-26 Soviet-made 50-seater ATR-42 made in France.

Trump has produced the largest increase in the military budget since the Reagan administration

The President of the United States Donald trump is planning the largest increase in the military budget since the 40 th President Ronald Reagan, Vice-President Michael Penny, passes on Saturday, April 29, RIA Novosti. Pence called the increase in investment in military industry in the US is long overdue. In his speech he emphasized that with the adoption of the new budget will be restored the military power of the U.S. “Arsenal of democracy”. The Vice President expressed confidence that “in a time of growing threats around the world,” the us Congress will support trump. “Trump is now and forever made ensuring America’s security a top priority,” said Pence. His speech the Vice President said at the shipyard in Newport new on the eve of the 100 days of the new administration. According to the Stockholm international Institute of peace studies, in 2016, the increase in military spending the U.S.