Kiev refused to let the Eurovision song contest visited the Crimea journalists

Anton Gerashchenko The adviser to the interior Minister of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada Deputy Anton Gerashchenko said that visited the Crimea Russian journalists will not be allowed to Eurovision even in the presence of accreditation. “None of those Russian journalists who are accredited in Kyiv for Eurovision and who has previously violated the state border of Ukraine illegally visiting Ukrainian Crimea, will not be admitted to the territory of our country”, — wrote Gerashchenko on his page in Facebook. According to him, the photographer Ramil Sitdikov he gave the guards and volunteers of the Center Peacemaker proof “of illegal stay on Ukrainian territory of Crimea.” “The first went! Back North, on the beaten track Lolita track,” wrote the Deputy. 23 APR singer Palladium was removed in Konotop with trains to Ukraine. Later that same day, the SBU has published on Twitter a photo of the partially bare breast of a star.

Militants “Boko Haram” kidnapped were released three years ago, 82 girls

Fighters of radical group “Boko Haram” in Nigeria released 82 of Schoolgirls that were kidnapped in Cibaca in 2014. About it reports Reuters, citing an unnamed Minister in the government of the country. The girls were released after negotiations between the government and terrorists. According to unconfirmed reports, distributed social networks, released the number of girls varies from 50 to 62. A source in the military circles told the news Agency that the kidnapped have been provided with medical assistance. Soon their planes will be delivered in the capital of Borno state Maiduguri. 276 pupils of the boarding school in the town of Chibok were taken hostage by militants Boko Haram in April 2014. 57 of them later managed to escape. 1 April, the militants “Boko Haram” kidnapped the 22 girls in the North-East of Nigeria. During the first attack jihadists raided a village near the border with Cameroon, where

Jamal urged not to give Russia “spoil” the Eurovision

Jamal Ukrainian singer Jamala, who won the last Eurovision song contest, urged not to “spoil” the competition this year. She stated to Reuters on Saturday, 6 may. “I think we should expect more provocations from Russia, because our victory greatly have hurt them,” said Jamal. In her opinion, “the closer the date of the show, the greater the number of incidents can be expected. I would like to ask everyone in Ukraine to be very careful.” Jamala (real name Susana Dzhamaladinova) won the “Eurovision 2016” in Stockholm with the song “1944”, dedicated to the deportation of the Crimean Tatars under Stalin. In the same month, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko gave Jamal title of people’s artist of the country. The semi-finals of the competition will be held in Kyiv on 9 may and 11 may, the final on 13 may. Announced at the “Eurovision-2017” from Russia Yulia Samoilova does

Klitschko opened the automatic toilet and run around with the kids in the center of Kiev

Vitali Klitschko The mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko has opened in the centre of the Ukrainian capital auto toilet. In addition, according to TSN, the mayor attended the presentation of the updated fountain and took part in the performance of the children ensemble. Klitschko showed reporters automatic toilet on Mikhaylovskaya square, one visit which is 1 UAH (about 2 rubles). After that, the mayor moved on Poshtova square, which will be one of the fan zones “Eurovision-2017”. — ?? Inna ?? (@innamyflower) May 06, 2017, 12:29 May 3, Klitschko held a presentation of underground waste containers and new boxes. According to him, “in the West, the trash cans buried under the ground. And on top stands a small urn. We already have 50 such tanks, up to the end of the year install 250”, — said the mayor. May 4, Klitschko said that Kiev is fully prepared for the music

The Ministry of defence to assess the effect of the Memorandum of de-escalation in Syria

By the end of the first day of validity of the Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation in Syria the opposing sides assessed the situation as stable. On Saturday, may 6, according to the defense Ministry of Russia, reports TASS. The Russian defense Ministry also reported that on the night of 6 may in the province of Hama, Syrian government forces shelled. After communication through the Russian Centre of reconciliation with the Turkish side managed to find out that the militants organization “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia). Return fire the terrorists were suppressed. Earlier the MFA of Russia published the text of the Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation in Syria, signed in Astana on may 4. According to the document, the zones will be created in the province of Idlib, in areas of Latakia, Aleppo and Hama; in the North of HOMS province; in Eastern ghouta, on

Miner was a 10x champion of Ukraine on football

Donetsk football club “Shakhtar” for the tenth time won the championship of Ukraine. In 28-m round the leader of the Premier League beat in Kharkiv with the score 3:2 Zorya Luhansk. After this, the team was out of reach for the Dynamo, even under the most favorable scenario, the capital club will not be able to catch up with Shakhtar on points, reports “Interfax”. Shakhtar regained the title, lost in 2014. The previous two seasons the championship was won “Dynamo”, bringing your account up to 15 League titles. Coached Shakhtar Portuguese coach Paulo Fonseca, who headed the Donetsk team may 31, 2016. The victory of his wards became his first won the championship in the career of the coach.

The Russian centre for reconciliation in Syria said about the staged shooting himataki

Shooting with the consequences of attacks using chemical agents in Syria was staged and involved in this were the operators of the TV channel “al Jazeera”. This is with reference to local residents and representatives of the opposition announced the Russian center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, reports RIA Novosti. “The settlements Sarakeb and Jisr-EA-Shugur special “videomagazine” during the past week carried a staged photo shoot depicting the consequences of attacks and air strikes”, — quotes Agency message center. On may 4, a military-diplomatic source said stringers, “al-Jazeera” had staged the shooting with the purpose to falsify the facts of the use by the Syrian army chemical weapons against the civilian population. He said that information about the fake shooting pan-Arab channel “had been confirmed through multiple channels of information.” The channel has denied this information. On 28 April, the Organization for the prohibition of chemical

Hollande has promised to “not leave unanswered” the hacker attack on the headquarters of Macron

Francois Hollande French President Francois Hollande said that the hacking hackers the correspondence team of the candidate for the top post in the country of Emmanuel Macron “will not remain unanswered”. On Saturday, may 6, according to Yahoo! News. “We knew about the existence of such risks during the presidential campaign, as has happened in other places. Nothing will go unanswered,” — said the French leader. On the night of 6 may, the day before the second round of presidential elections, the organization WikiLeaks has published an array of documents, teams of Macron — nine gigabytes of files. Supporters of the founder of the movement “Forward!” believe that they were victims of a “coordinated hacking”operation. The national Commission for monitoring the elections of the President of France addressed the media with a request not to use published documents, as they may contain false information. The second round of presidential elections

The U.S. and Russia have declared readiness to renew the agreement for flights over Syria

Valery Gerasimov The chief of defense General staff of Russia Valery Gerasimov and Chairman of the Committee of nastasov of the United States Joseph Dunford in a telephone conversation confirmed that the parties are ready to return to the commitments of the Memorandum on safety of flights over Syria. It is reported TASS citing the Russian defense Ministry. “The focus was the situation in Syria in the context of the agreements reached on may 4 this year in Astana on the establishment of a de-escalation of the conflict in certain areas of Syria,” — said in the press release of the Ministry of defense. In addition to confirmation of readiness to restore in full the obligations under the Memorandum on security and the prevention of incidents in the airspace of Syria, the parties promised to continue working on additional measures to prevent conflict situations in operations against the “Islamic state”

In Tanzania in the fall, a school bus off a cliff, killed 31 people

In the fall, a school bus off a cliff in the town of Arusha in Northern Tanzania killed 31 people. On Saturday, may 6, informs the Agency “Xinhua” with reference to the official source. Only the bus was carrying 35 people, among whom were teachers and elementary school students Lucky Vincent English Medium School. It is reported that the bus was carrying children on a trip, but, driving past the village of Raheja hill, he fell in the gorge at the river Mara. According to the district Commissioner of karatu, Mahongo Theresa (Theresia Mahongo), the incident occurred at about 07:00 local time (same as GMT), 150 kilometers from the city near the Ngorongoro crater and Serengeti National Park. “We have yet to establish the exact number of people killed in the accident,” said local police chief Charles Mkumbo (Charles Mkumbo). 19 April in the Northern state of Himachal Pradesh of