Lavrov called the conflict-free Arctic region

Sergei Lavrov In the Arctic region there is the potential for conflict, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the plenary session of the Arctic Council in Fairbanks, Alaska. The Minister was quoted by RIA Novosti. “Russia is doing and will do to the Arctic has developed as an area of peace, stability and cooperation”, — said Lavrov. The Minister recalled that before 2013 there was a practice of annual meetings of chiefs of staff of the armed forces of the Arctic States. “These meetings were very useful from the point of view of building trust, understanding, and, unfortunately, for the fourth year to conduct them frozen, and not on the initiative of our country,” the Minister said. Following the meeting, the countries signed an intergovernmental agreement to strengthen scientific cooperation in the Arctic. The document was prepared under the co-chairmanship of Moscow and Washington. He became the third

Trump spoke about the saving of many lives the meeting with Lavrov

American President Donald trump hopes that the dialogue with Russia will bring peace in Syria and Ukraine. In an interview with NBC, trump suggested that the discussion with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will ultimately save many people from death. “I think our conversation was great. It concerned Syria and Ukraine. Perhaps because of this discussion will be killed much less people and it will ultimately allow us to establish peace,” trump said in response to presenter Lester Holt. “It’s good that I meet with people,” said trump also told how during a conversation with Putin agreeing to meet with Lavrov. “I am satisfied with these meetings, it is good, not bad,” he added. The President of the United States Donald trump had previously tweeted photo from the official meetings with the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov and Ukrainian foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, accompanied by a post call “Let’s

Assad likened the policies of Western countries to the Nazi terror

Bashar Al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that some Western countries want to establish world domination, the Nazis during the Second world war, and terror is both a tool and the result of such a policy. Assad gave an interview to the Belarusian TV channel ONT, full version of which is published on Thursday, may 11. Now it is important to understand that the ideology behind the terrorism, says Assad. He drew a parallel with Nazism, stressing that the Syrian people are waging war not only against the terrorists in Syria. “What would the Nazis? Hegemony and domination over the whole world, the rest of the people were not even taken into account (…). Terror is just a tool for some Western countries. They want to establish the same world domination as the Nazis at the time, enslaving peoples and whole countries… So the terror is both a tool and

Theresa may will answer questions from the British in Facebook

Theresa May The Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may, 15 may, will answer questions of voters in Facebook. It is reported by ITV News. To communicate with voters, the head of government will help lead author political show on TV Robert Peston. It is planned that the event will start at 15:00 UK time (17:00 MSK) and will last 45 minutes. It is noted that the answers may be broadcast services video Facebook is Live. The invitation to take part in such online communication with the public is also received by other leaders of the major political forces of the country. Theresa may had previously refused to engage in direct debates with them. On June 8 at the initiative of the Prime Minister in Britain will be held early parliamentary elections. It is expected that they will strengthen the position of the conservatives in the Parliament on the eve

Assad said about the effectiveness of the agreement on areas of de-escalation in Syria

Badproducten Bashar Assad likened the policies of Western countries to the Nazi terror Syrian President Bashar al-Assad believes that established in the Republic zone de-escalate give a real chance to start a political settlement of the conflict. Any attempt at escalation will be stopped by the military of Syria and Russia with the support of Iran and Hezbollah, Assad said in an interview to the Belarusian TV channel ONT. The initiative of Russia, enshrined in the Memorandum in Astana, Assad called “right”. However, “to talk about the result, will have some time to wait,” he added. Earlier initiatives had failed, in his opinion, “due to the intervention of some countries, which contributed to the growth of military escalation”, but now “any escalation is doomed to failure.” “Because the Syrian and the Russian armed forces with the support of Iran and Hezbollah will strike at any movement of terrorists who attempt

Thai police have declared wanted 10 Muslims because of the explosion

Piyawat Aquanet Thai police have declared wanted 10 Muslim extremists because of their possible involvement in the attack. About it reports Reuters referring to the statement of the armed forces of the country. “We think that the explosion in car had a hand in 10 people, maybe more,” — said Lieutenant-General Piyawat Aquanet (Piyawat Nakwanit). 9 may in the Thai city of Pattani exploded a car bomb — attack injured 60 people and destroyed the facade of the supermarket. According to safety experts, it was the largest scale attack on civilian targets in ten years. Three regions of Thailand, located on the border with Malaysia — Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat — is populated mainly by Muslims. The confrontation between local Islamists and the Central government has continued for more than a decade.

Pakistani teenager hands cut off instead of payment of wages

Pakistani teenager named Irfan, who tended the cows of one family in Punjab province said. It is reported NDTV. According to the mother of the victim, his employer Shavkat Bibi infuriated the request for the payment of salaries. “Last week Shavkat Bibi is furious when Irfan asked for a salary. She cut off his right hand with fodder cutter, to teach a lesson when he requests a salary, but work on feeding cattle performs,” she said. 13-year-old boy owed 3000 Pakistani rupees — just under $ 30. The boy was taken to hospital in critical condition. Local police to accept the application refused, but after an appeal to the court of his registered. Detained brother Shaukat Bibi, about the fate of the women is not reported. Local authorities promised to punish the perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law.

Zakharov told a message about cheating with images from the meeting trump and Lavrov

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova denied reports by CNN that the White house is accusing the Russian delegation in the deception because of the publication of the photographs from the meeting of U.S. President Donald trump with the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov. About it the diplomat wrote on Thursday, may 11, on his page in Facebook. “The shooting format was not the intention of classifying the photos. The U.S. side has not appealed with a request not to post photos,” — said Zakharov. She also added that if pictures are not published for Russia, they would soon “leaked to the Congress, the Senate, and from there to the same CNN”. “Or they [CNN] spectralbovine would be represented as “secret evidence of collusion with the Russian tramp” would be distorted dates and circumstances of the meetings, and again the

Duterte sent troops to the disputed island in South China sea

The Philippines began sending troops and materiel to the disputed island of Titus in the South China sea (SCS). On Thursday, may 11, the Associated Press reports. It is noted that Manila is prepared for construction work that includes strengthening and lengthening the runway, construction of dock and other facilities. This Philippine authorities are ready to spend 32 million dollars. The head of the Western command of the armed forces Raul del Rosario announced that the original collateral has been delivered to Titus last week. It is noted that this island is close to the reef sub — one of the Islands of the Spratly archipelago, where he built military facilities of China. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte previously stated that it intends to build on Titus barracks. Islands in the South China sea are the subject of a territorial dispute between China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei and

Russian photographer in the oval office have alarmed the former Deputy Director of the CIA

Former employees of the American intelligence services alarmed by the presence of the press photographer of TASS, the meeting between the President of the United States Donald trump and Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in the oval office on may 10. About it writes The Washington Post. Former employees criticized the White house for issuing such a level of access to Russian state news Agency. According to them, it can threaten security. They suggested that the photographer could carry a listening device, hiding it in his technique. This subject commented David Cohen, who served as the Deputy Director of the CIA under the previous President Barack Obama. On Twitter he expressed the opinion that to let Russian photographer with all his equipment in the Oval office was not a good idea. In the US administration, in turn, said that before entering the area of the White house