Trump reacted to the appointment of spectracolor on the “Russian intervention”

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that the investigation which will carry out appointed special Advisor “Russia’s intervention in the US elections in 2016,” will show that his campaign and foreign power there was “no conspiracy”. About it reports Reuters with reference to the widespread on Wednesday, may 17, the White house statement. “As I have repeatedly stated, a thorough investigation will confirm what we already know — there was no conspiracy between my headquarters and any foreign entity,” the letter reads. “I look forward to closing this case. I will never cease to fight for people and issues that are of great importance for the future of our country,” said trump. Earlier Wednesday, a former official of the U.S. justice Department and former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed special adviser to oversee the investigation attributed to Russia’s attempts to interfere in the presidential election of 2016.

Reuters reported the lack of interest is trump to documents without his name

Donald Trump Officials from the national security Council, the U.S. reported that in the preparation of various materials for the country’s President Donald trump try as often as possible to mention his name. As the source explained to Reuters, this increases the likelihood that the President will read the document to the end. This technique is just one of the ways to keep the attention of the President. In particular, the staff preparing for the trump information and reports that contain a large number of photographs, charts, graphs and tables. “He [trump] likes to visualize things. Guy’s a Builder. All his life he was looking at the architectural designs and floor plans”, — said one of the employees of the administration. The officials expressed doubt that the President of the United States is able to concentrate on details. The lack of attention to nuances can lead to complications in the

In Bulgaria, the Deputy Minister resigned because of the Nazi salute

Pavel Tanev (center) Deputy Minister of regional development of Bulgaria Pavel Tanev resigned because of the scandal with the photo where he raises his hand in a Nazi salute. About it reports “24 Hours”. As the newspaper notes, the official was dismissed two days after his appointment. The resignation occurred after a conversation with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Deputy Prime Minister Valery Simeonov. Commenting on the situation, Simeonov said that his subordinate did not share the Nazi ideology. The picture was taken a few years ago in the wax Museum GREVENA in Paris. Standing in front of the figure of an officer of the Wehrmacht, Tanev had his arm in a Nazi salute. The photo was posted on the official page in Facebook and removed immediately after his appointment. In a special address, which was distributed Tanev, he expressed expressed his regret that one thoughtless act resulted in such

Merkel has threatened to London with sanctions in case of restriction of freedom of movement

Angela Merkel The UK will have to pay a certain price, if the country’s withdrawal from the EU, it will limit the freedom of movement for EU citizens. On Wednesday, may 17, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, reports Reuters. “This is done not out of anger, you just can’t first extract all the benefits, and then introduce a limit for citizens of the European Union in 100 or 200 thousand people”, — said the head of the German government. According to Merkel, Berlin unacceptable, if London decides to impose restrictions on the employment of EU citizens in the UK. “That will not do. In this case, the remaining 27 countries-EU members will have to figure out what obstacles we can create with his hand in response,” he threatened the Chancellor. She also added that the German government is interested in maintaining normal relations with great Britain. March 28, British Prime

Democrats in Congress called for impeachment of trump

Al Green A member of the house of representatives of the Congress of the United States Democratic party al green offered to impeach President Donald Trump. On Wednesday, may 17, according to a Twitter channel C-Span. “Call for the impeachment of the President of the United States for obstruction of justice,” he said. According to green, he raises the question not for his own political purposes, but because in the United States “nobody is above the law including the President.” He recalled that trump has sent in resignation the head of the FBI James Komi. “[Trump] was fired the FBI Director, who led the investigation against the President because of his ties with Russia intervened in the presidential election,” said green. Trump fired Komi Republic on the recommendation of the Minister of justice, attorney General Jeff and Roman sessions. According to the White house, Komi abused their powers, independently closing

In London arrested four suspects of preparing terrorist attack

In London arrested four men aged 18 to 27 years suspected of preparing terrorist attack in the UK. About it reports a press-service of the Metropolitan police. It is noted that the men were detained at the place of residence. Currently they are in custody at a police station in South London. The arrests were carried out as part of the investigation, which was led by the London police Department for combating terrorism in cooperation with the British intelligence MI5. 28 April, during a counter-terrorist operation in one of the city of London police also arrested four people suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. The storming of the house in which they were, one woman was seriously injured. Law enforcement have not named the names of the detainees, but said that they were under supervision of employees of counterintelligence. March 22 a native of South-East England Adrian Russell Ago, changed

Italy has opposed the automatic extension of anti-Russian sanctions

Paolo Gentiloni and Vladimir Putin The Prime Minister of Italy Paolo Gentiloni opposed the automatic extension of anti-Russian sanctions. About it reports “Interfax”. “It is impossible to make all decisions related to sanctions, on autopilot,” he said, speaking at a press conference after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The head of the Italian government stressed that Rome stands for a common position of NATO members and EU countries on this issue. “We cannot work separately from each other, but our goal should be the unity of our unions and a serious discussion of how the situation in Ukraine,” Gentiloni said. Restrictive measures against Moscow was introduced by the EU countries, USA and several other States in 2014 because of the entry into the Russian Crimea, and then in connection with the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. In response, Moscow imposed a ban on food imports from

Beat her friend Japanese had set fire to two police

In Japan, an unidentified man doused two officers with gasoline and set on fire. On Wednesday, may 17, reports TASS with reference to the Agency Kyodo. The attack occurred in the southern Prefecture of Okinawa. It clarifies the RIA Novosti, the two guards who had a search warrant, tried to enter the apartment of the suspect in the beating of his concubine men, but smelled of gasoline. Then they came inside through the balcony. In the apartment police met armed with a knife man. He doused the guards with gasoline and set them on fire. As a result one of militiamen has received strong burns of the person, the other injured arm. The attacker was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. The man admitted his guilt.

Chinese owners of drones will be obliged to register

The Chinese authorities will oblige owners to register drones, which weigh more than 250 grams. About it reports The South China Morning Post. According to the newspaper, from June 1, the owners of drones can proceed to enter data on one of the affected sites. “There is a register of cars, should be a similar registry for the aircraft,” — said one of the representatives of local authorities Sophie pan. These measures the Chinese authorities have decided to impose after April this year in Chengdu, dozens of flights were delayed due to the fact that over the lane circled a few drones. To China are confident that the establishment of the registry will help to protect air traffic. What are the penalties for those who do not register the drone, the newspaper said.

At a gunpowder factory in Poland was a powerful explosion

The plant for the production of gunpowder in Mongolia Polish (lower Silesia) was a powerful explosion. On Wednesday, may 17, informs television channel TVN24. According to rescuers, two people disappeared, six were injured. The incident struck a production building. At the scene several fire brigades and medics. Dog handlers with dogs examined the ruins in search of the missing employees who may be under the rubble. According to the mayor Mongolica Ursula Wrobel, the explosion was of such power that almost all the houses of the village were broken. As pointed out by the channel, the powder mill in this city was probably the oldest in the world — production was started here in the XVII century.