The United States recognized the death of over 100 civilians in Mosul after the air strike in March

The us military acknowledged the deaths of more than 100 civilians in the Iraqi city of Mosul in an air RAID, produced in March of this year. This was stated by Brigadier General Matthew Isler, the Associated Press reports. According to the military, the purpose of the strikes was two snipers of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), ensconced in one of the buildings. They were dropped 500-pound bombs. In the result of a direct hit detonated the explosives that the militants had laid on the lower floors of the concrete structure. As explained by Isler, neither the us military nor the Iraqi military had no information about what the building can be civilians, and the mining areas. The result is a powerful explosion in this and the adjacent buildings that killed 105 people, 36 missing. On 30 April the joint command of operation “Unwavering commitment”

Media reported about the possibility of expanding Washington’s package of anti-Russian sanctions

Bob Corker The foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate of the U.S. Congress, maybe in the summer to consider the bill on the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions. On Thursday, may 25, according to Reuters. According to the Chairman of the Committee, Republican Bob Corker, this may be the case, if not improve the situation in Syria. He also expressed hope that U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson in the near future will tell about the policy of the administration of the American President Donald trump in respect of the settlement of the Syrian conflict. Corker added that the bill on new restrictive measures against Moscow can be considered in the case, if you want to other members of the Committee.

In Britain, the police released the detained in the case of the terrorist attack in Manchester woman

Law enforcement agencies in the UK have released a woman detained on charges of terrorist attack in Manchester. This is stated in the message of the police of Manchester, posted on Twitter. — G M Police (@gmpolice) May 25, 2017, 03:18 It is noted that she has not been charged. The woman was detained in the district of Blakely, located in the North of the city. Thus, at present, as noted by Reuters, remain in detention, eight people suspected of involvement in the attack. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about 120, 59 of them were hospitalized. Suicide bombing was committed by 22-year-old Salman Abedi, who had just returned from Libya.

The state Duma approved the candidacy of the new Ambassador of Russia in the UN

Vassily Nebenzia The state Duma Committee on international Affairs endorsed the candidature of Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Vasily, Nebuni to the position of permanent representative of Russia to the UN. About it reports “Interfax”. “The Committee took a positive decision on this staffing issue,” — said the source Agency after the discussion of the candidacy of the Deputy head of the foreign Ministry. Nebesa 55 years, he is a career diplomat, is in the diplomatic service since 1983, holds the position of Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs since 2013. On 20 February in new York at the age of 64 years died Vitaly Churkin, who held the position of permanent representative of Russia to the UN. The cause of death of the diplomat was a heart attack.

The US attorney General was accused of withholding facts meetings with Russian Ambassador

Jeff Sessions When filling forms access to classified information, U.S. attorney General Jeff sessions did not mention about the meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. It is reported by CNN. Special application form needed to disclose all contacts with a foreign government or its representatives for the last seven years. Sessions, according to CNN, did not mention the two meetings with the head of the Russian diplomatic mission in Washington. Press Secretary of the US Department of justice Sarah Isgur Flores explained that when filling out the form tolerance Sensis consulted with the FBI that allowed him to specify dozens of meetings with foreign ambassadors and officials that have occurred in recent years. 14 February from the post of adviser to the President for national security has gone Michael Flynn. In his statement on the dismissal Flynn pointed out that “not fully informed Vice-President Mike Pence and others on your

Tusk said about the differences of positions with the trump against Russia

Donald Tusk and Donald trump The head of the European Council Donald Tusk said that the European Union (EU) and U.S. President Donald trump there are differences in the approaches towards Russia, the area of climate change and international trade. About it reports Reuters. “We discussed foreign policy, security, climate and trade relations. I believe that we agreed on many issues, primarily on the fight against terrorism,” Tusk said after an hour of negotiations with the trump, held in Brussels. “I’m not a hundred percent sure that we can say today “we” — together with Mr. President [trump], have a common position, a common opinion about Russia. Although when they talked about the conflict in Ukraine, it seems we were on the same side”, — said the head of the European Council. Trump is located in Brussels in the framework of the first big international tour as President of the

The security services were found in Manchester explosives for future terrorist attacks

Manchester police and the security Service of great Britain Mi5 has discovered the explosives, which could be used for further terrorist acts on the territory of the country. According to The Independent, one bomb was destroyed by the bomb squad. Sources of the edition in law enforcement agencies told that there is a possibility of existence of other bombs, and security forces are busy to search for them. In law enforcement believe that Manchester was created a terrorist network whose aim is a series of attacks. Police did not rule out arrests of suspects throughout the Kingdom. Alleged terrorist, 22-year-old Salman, Abedi acted with accomplices, previously announced on may 24 on NBC. According to the source, the bomb that blew up a terrorist, was “large and complex” and consisted of components that are difficult to obtain in the UK. At the moment, in the case of the terrorist attack in

The Brazilian President has mobilized the army to suppress the protests

The President of Brazil Michel Temer ordered the army to restore order in the capital in connection with the ongoing riots. This was in the night of may 25, the Associated Press reports. — Conflict News (@Conflicts) 24 may 2017, 21:19 In Brasilia pass mass protest actions which participants demanded the resignation of Temer. In some cases rioting, the police used non-lethal weapons, the protesters started building barricades. It was also reported about the arson of the Ministry of agriculture. The authorities were forced to evacuate officials of the buildings on the Esplanade of ministries (government quarter — approx. “Of the”). In a brief address to the nation, defense Minister Raul Jungmann said that the troops sent to guard Federal buildings, including the presidential Palace. “This mess, this chaos is unacceptable, said Jungmann. — The President will not allow it”. Political crisis in Brazil broke out after the recording

Mei expressed dissatisfaction with Trump due to leaks in the media about the investigation of the attack

Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may is going to give the President of the United States Donald Trump the concern that the data on the investigation of the terrorist attack in Manchester were leaked in the American media. About it reports BBC News. This question can be discussed at the meeting with the White house, who arrived in Brussels for a NATO summit. The discontent of representatives of the British authorities caused the publication in the newspaper The New York Times photos from the scene of the explosion, as well as pictures of the device, which the publication called “possible detonator”. The indignation of the officials was the fact that information about the suicide bomber came less than a day after the explosion. The interior Minister of the UK amber Rudd stated that she is “annoyed”, and warned the American authorities that this should not happen again. It is noted

The NYT has published new data about the alleged Russia’s attempts “to influence trump”

Us intelligence last summer gathered information according to which Russian political leaders allegedly discussed how to exert influence on Donald trump via his advisers. This writes The New York Times, citing three current and retired officials, whose names were not disclosed. According to the newspaper, they talked about the Field Manafort, who at that time was a post of the head of the election headquarters during the presidential campaign of trump, and retired General Michael Flynn, who later became the adviser to the President on national security. The newspaper writes that both of them have been indirectly associated with officials in Moscow and in the Kremlin were convinced that they can be used for the formation of opinions of the future President of the United States. Moscow has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election. Such statements, in particular, contained in the published in January, declassified part of