Cell Libyan “al-Qaeda” declared self-dissolution

Libyan terrorist group “Ansar al-Sharia”, associated with the international organization “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia), announced about its dissolution. According to Reuters, the decision was taken due to heavy losses. In particular, the terrorists have admitted that they have lost their command. U.S. authorities accuse the group in the attack on its Consulate in Benghazi in 2012 which killed four American citizens including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. “Ansar al-Sharia” is included in the list of terrorist organizations by the UN security Council. On Friday, may 26, the Egyptian air force struck six blows to terrorist camps near Derna in Libya. In Cairo believe that there are militants responsible for the perfect on the eve of the terrorist attack against Coptic Christians. Then the Islamists fired on a bus bound for the monastery of St. Samuel. According to the latest data, 35 people were killed. May 18, in an attack on an airbase

The United States will send a third aircraft carrier to the coast of Korea

The U.S. Navy will send to the shores of Korea the aircraft carrier “Nimitz” (USS Nimitz), to increase the pressure on Pyongyang. On Saturday, may 27, according to Japanese Asahi Shimbun, citing American sources in military circles. “Nimitz” will join the already located in the area the aircraft carrier “Ronald Reagan” (USS Ronald Reagan) and “Carl Vinson” (USS Carl Vinson), forming the strongest connection to the U.S. Navy for the past 10 years. Only the U.S. Navy have 11 ships of this class (10 aircraft carriers type “Nimitz” in the Navy and not yet transferred to the customer latest “Gerald Ford” – approx. “Ribbon.ru”), and the concentration of three of them in one region is an extremely rare event, the newspaper notes. While it is likely that the “Nimitz” moved to change “Carl Vinson”. According to sources of the newspaper, “Nimitz” was 1 June to leave the place of their

The team doctor told me about the “purity” of Russian players

The football team of Russia The football team of Russia is clean, they will not have problems when passing doping control. This was announced by the doctor of the national team Edward Bezuglov, his words leads TASS. “Sure of “clean” players. Extensive work on prevention in this direction, all candidates for the team are aware of the different nuances, and we are confident that the guys will have no problems. I am sure that the doctors of the leading clubs in this issue keep the brand, otherwise the top clubs and the day will not last,” said Bezuglov. He noted that the doping control at the FIFA confederations Cup will deal with the international football Federation (FIFA). “Analysis of samples will be conducted in one of the accredited world anti-doping Agency laboratories, it can be and Lausanne, and Vienna, and Berlin. According to the regulations, the location of any team

Gennady Zyuganov was reelected Chairman of the Communist party

Archive photo Gennady Zyuganov was reelected Chairman of the Communist party. About the Agency RIA Novosti said the Secretary of the party Central Committee Sergei Obukhov. On Saturday, may 27, Moscow hosted the 17th report-election Congress of the Communist party, which was elected a new Central Committee and control Commission. According to Obukhov, Ivan Melnikov re-elected first Deputy chair Vladimir Kashin, Dmitry Novikov, Yuri Afonin — Deputy. During the Congress, Zyuganov did not rule out his participation as a candidate of the Communist party in the presidential election in 2018. According to him, the electoral race will be held “in the face of rising public discontent.” March 1, “Izvestia”, citing sources in the presidential administration reported that Zyuganov could abandon the presidential campaign. It was noted that he wants to leave the post of Chairman of the Communist party. Presidential elections will be held in March next year. About intention

Sicilian police dispersed opponents of the G7 tear gas

Italian police have used lethal weapons to disperse opponents of the summit “the Big seven” in the Sicilian town of Taormina. According to Reuters, the activists of leftist movements clashed with the police, and security forces were forced to use batons and tear gas. After one and a half thousand demonstrators demanding from the leaders of “seven” to pay more attention to the interests of ordinary people peacefully marched through the streets of the resort suburb of Giardini Naxos, a group of about a hundred people separated from the crowd and tried to break through the cordons. Many of the protesters were seen Soviet symbols. It is noted that the G7 leaders left the territory for meetings before the incident. The two-day summit “the Big seven” was held in Italy ended on may 27. It was attended by leaders of the United States, France, Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy and Japan.

Semak chose “Ufa” Zenit

Sergei Semak Head coach of “Ufa” Sergey Semak said that is not going to lead the St. Petersburg “Zenith”. His words on Saturday, may 27, brings Twitter account to “Sport FM”. “Next season I remain in the “Ufa”, “Zenith” will not head. I hope for one-two-three quality enhancement. A place in the top eight is certainly good, but I hope to fight for the European cups. Realized that he was ready to work on my own about a year ago. Was going to start next season”, — said Semak. “Zenit” under the leadership of Romanian coach Mircea Lucescu finished the championship in 3rd place and failed to get into the Champions League of the season 2017/18. Blue-white-blue will perform in the group stage of the Europa League. May 26, “Soviet sport” reported that the new head coach of “Zenith” can become the former coach of Manchester city Roberto Mancini. Semak

The Senator doubted the possibility of “sanctions” to be a partner of the West

Statement of G7 leaders on opportunities to strengthen sanctions against Moscow suggests that the “group of seven” has no plans to actually fight with international terrorism, since Russia will not be able in such circumstances to be a partner for the West. This opinion, according to TASS, was expressed by the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council security and defence Franz Klintsevich. “G7 leaders, stating readiness to strengthen sanctions against Russia, in fact, sign a statement that they are not going to really confront international terrorism. Without Russia, it is absolutely disastrous project,” said the Senator. According to him, “sanctions” can be a partner to the West. “We, for that matter, it is able to ensure the security of Russia’s own forces,” — said Klintsevich. Saturday, may 27, at the Italian Taormina ended the summit “the Big seven”. In the outcome document adopted by the leaders

In Parliament and the state Duma have appreciated a warning G7 to tighten sanctions

The G7 summit in Taormina Vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Iryna Gerashchenko on his page in Facebook called “a powerful signal” a willingness of the G7 to strengthen sanctions against Russia. “In fact, a strong signal in support of the position that the Ukrainian issue will never be solved behind the back of Ukraine”, — she wrote, thanking the European and American partners, leaders of the G7 countries and the President of Ukraine and the Ministry of foreign Affairs for the “hard work”. At the same time in the Russian state Duma called the G7 statement about sanctions is counterproductive. “I don’t know what they want to reinforce — I think it’s unproductive solution. Instead of exerting pressure on Ukraine in order to achieve implementation of the Minsk agreements, attempt to impose sanctions against Russia. This is unwise,” — said RIA Novosti Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international

Chinese businessmen are thinking about the construction of a tunnel to Crimea

The Kerch Strait Chinese investors interested in the project the construction of a tunnel to Crimea, across the Kerch Strait, said the Minister of economic development Andrei Melnikov. On Saturday, may 27, according to RIA Novosti. According to officials, the regional authorities will discuss the issue with Chinese companies. “The technologies that can Chinese entrepreneurs to offer, they say they can do it with quite modest costs,” — said Melnikov. The Minister also added that companies from China are already involved in building a new airport in Simferopol. “The Chinese comrades are interested in infrastructure because it is a large amount of potential investments,” he explained. Earlier, the Eurasian business Council has suggested that the Crimean authorities simultaneously with the bridge across the Kerch Strait to create a tunnel. The construction was to be funded through private investment, the toll it wanted to pay. Kerch Strait bridge should connect the

Macron has promised to Putin demanding dialogue

Emmanuel Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron said that its dialogue with Russia will be demanding. About it as transfers RIA Novosti, the French leader said at a press conference on the results of the G7 summit in Taormina on Sicily. “I will be demanding a dialogue with Russia. But it will be dialogue,” he said. On Monday, the President of France for the first time as will meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. According to Macron, they will discuss issues of cooperation on Syria, which will adopt a position to create long-term political solution. According to him, all members of the G7 acknowledged the role of Russia, Iran and Turkey in resolving the Syrian crisis. “On this subject it is necessary to build a political decision, while fighting in the coalition against all terrorist organizations,” he said. “Many international problems cannot be resolved without Russia”, — quotes the