Flynn will give the Senate the documents under investigation in Russia

Michael Flynn A former adviser to the U.S. President for national security Michael Flynn has agreed to provide to the Committee on intelligence of the Senate part of the documents for the proceedings on the case about the alleged Russian interference in the electoral process in 2017. On Tuesday, may 30, reported The Wall Street Journal, citing informed sources. Ex-official will give the documentation for two of its companies with the same name Flynn Intel Group, as well as some personal documents. According to the publication, the paper will go to the Senate next week. May 11, Republican Senator Richard Burr and Democrat Senator mark Warner in a joint statement pointed out that “the subpoena requested documents relating to the investigation of the Russian intervention in elections in 2016, which makes the Committee”. The documents were sought at Flynn’s back on April 28, but his lawyer refused to cooperate with

US began supply of arms to Syrian Kurds

US began supply of arms to the Kurds from the Syrian democratic forces. As reported by Reuters, the official representative of the U.S. Department of defense Adrian Rankin Galloway, it will help to liberate the city of Raqqa fighters from the “Islamic state” (organization banned in Russia). Washington sent the Kurdish militia, which considers a key ally in the fight against ISIS, small arms and equipment. According to Galloway, the supplies were organized in the last 24 hours based on the relevant decision of Donald trump. From Ankara, which considers the Kurdish terrorist organization, associating them with the Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK), the reaction is not followed. The PKK since 1984, is fighting for the political rights of the Kurds in Turkey and the establishment of Kurdish autonomy in its composition, including extremist methods. April 25, the Turkish air force launched air strikes on objects (PKK) in Iraq and

The United States successfully tested a system to intercept Intercontinental missiles

The United States conducted a successful test of a missile defense system in the Pacific ocean. As stated by NBC News, the Director of the missile defense Agency, U.S. Vice Admiral Jim Fife, a test to intercept an Intercontinental missile is an important milestone, demonstrating the reliability in the reflection of a real threat. During the test, the interceptor missile, launched from an underground mine on U.S. air force base Vandenberg in California, successfully hit the target, launched from the Kwajalein Atoll (Marshall Islands) at about 7500 miles. It is noted that the exercise was conducted in response to the next launch in the DPRK of a ballistic missile. Approval of the channel, the interceptor missile of this type is the last line of defense against ballistic missiles. Other elements of the integrated system are patriot missiles and high-altitude THAAD system. 29 may, North Korea fired another missile, allegedly of

The Ministry of economic development predicted the lack of growth of pensions until 2035

The Ministry of economic development has developed a macroeconomic forecast until 2035, according to which the income of Russians will return to pre-crisis level only in 2022, and retirement will not be back by 2035. On Tuesday, wrote the newspaper “Vedomosti” with reference to the document. The publication notes that in the target version of the macro forecast-2035, by which Russia’s economic growth should increase to rates above the world average, the Agency provides virtually zero real growth of pensions. It is assumed that to go the pace will be possible through increased productivity and employment of citizens, including by raising the retirement age to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. However, as writes the edition, from the implementation of the plan to increase the pace of economic growth, the income of each fifth of Russians will be reduced. It is expected that in 20 years the

In the MOE explained the absence of emergency warning for a hurricane

Emergency notification of the population about the wind gusts in Moscow on may 29 was not held because the forecast of Roshydromet did not fall under the category of “emergency.” About the Agency TASS said the press service of EMERCOM of Russia. “According to the classification of EMERCOM of Russia, which defines “levels of risk” and the procedure of informing and warning received the forecast did not fall under the criteria of “emergency”, as the wind speed is expected at least 25 meters per second, that is, 17-22 meters per second. Another forecast of Roshydromet was received was not”, — explained in the MOE. The Ministry added that in line with the forecast of the Ministry of emergency situations informed citizens through the media, social networks, websites of the regional EMERCOM of Russia and SMS-sending. Earlier, representatives of Metropolitan mobile operators said that they were unable to warn callers of

In Istanbul stabbed the chief editor of the Turkish newspaper

Chief editor of the Pro-government Turkish newspaper Yeni Akit Kadir Demirel in Istanbul died from a stab wound. It is reported by the Hürriyet Daily News. Between Demirel and his daughter Esme and son-in-law, Cemil Yavuz karafilm a family quarrel broke out, which later escalated into a fight. As a result, Karanfil stabbed his wife and her father. Demirel died of his wounds, his daughter was taken to hospital in serious condition. She was operated on. The condition of the victim is estimated as critical. The killer fled the scene of the crime, he is wanted by the police. Kadir Demirel was 56 years old. He has worked in various Turkish publications: Milli Gazete, Sabah daily, Zaman. In 2014, he came to the newspaper Yeni Akit.

Lavrov commented on the words of the Makron about Sputnik and RT

Sergei Lavrov The words of the President of France Emmanuel Makron about the false propaganda of the Russian news Agency Sputnik and RT are a continuation of the anti-Russian campaign. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, reports TASS. “I think that these estimates reflected the known inertia of the anti-Russian campaign unleashed yet the Obama administration and seized a number of other Western countries. Our Western partners can not of this inertia to get out,” stated the Minister. 29 may at a press conference after talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, the President of France Emmanuel macron sharply responded about activity of the Russian news Agency Sputnik and RT during the election campaign in the Fifth Republic, calling them tools of influence and propaganda. At the same time, the French leader noted that held in Versailles talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin was very

The Senate of the Netherlands approved the Association of the European Union and Ukraine

The Senate of the Netherlands, the upper house of the Dutch Parliament approved the ratification of the Association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. On Tuesday, may 30, UNIAN reports. Now the legislation must be signed by the king and published in the state journal. After that the document will come into force. On 23 February, the lower house of the Dutch Parliament approved the ratification of the Association agreement between the EU and Ukraine. For made the majority of deputies, despite the results held on 6 April 2016, the referendum, the results of which 61 percent of participants voted against ratification. The Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU was signed in June 2014.

Died first to report about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima a Japanese

Yoshie Oka A woman died, first reported that the US dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. 86-year-old Yoshie Oka died in a local hospital on may 19, however, her family reported the loss Tuesday, may 30. This writes Kyodo News. Cause of death was malignant lymphoma. Oke was 14 years old, when he was made the atomic bombing. The girl was working as a liaison in the center of the military command of the Imperial army of Japan. Immediately after dropping the bomb she reported the incident to the military in Fukuyama. “Hiroshima was almost completely destroyed. We dropped the bomb of a new type,” she said. During the life of the woman, who suffered from the effects of the bombing, actively participated at the events, during which they shared their experiences and called for nuclear disarmament. The United States conducted the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima

Trump explained the reason for the ridicule of Americans in Russia

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump suggested that Russia is laughing at the excuses of the Democratic party for losing the presidential election last year. About this American leader wrote in his Twitter. “Russian officials must be laughing at US and how lame the excuse of the defeat of the Democrats in the election seized fake media,” wrote trump. May 12, the President has already published a similar message. “Russia, probably, furtive chuckles, watching the US tear itself to pieces because of the excuses Democrats for defeat in the election,” he wrote. After the presidential elections in the United States conducted an investigation of alleged external interference in the election campaign. The initiators of the proceedings, many of whom were supporters of the democratic party and the Clinton impose on Russia responsible for a series of cyber attacks against American political organizations. The CIA, FBI and