Komi has accused trump of pressure in connection with the “Russian case”

James Komi Ex-FBI Director James Comey accused the President of the United States Donald trump in an attempt to force him to abandon the Bureau will investigate alleged Russian interference in presidential elections in 2016. About it reports Reuters with reference to the published affidavit of Komi. Trump, according to Komi Republic, asked that he “abandoned” the investigation against the former national security adviser Michael Flynn in the investigation of the FBI regarding intervene if Moscow in the elections. The President said Komi for dinner on January 27, a week after his inauguration: “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,” added the former head of the FBI. The President then asked Komi, whether he wants to continue as Director of the Department. As stated by the former head of the FBI, he was concerned that trump tried to establish “some kind of relationship of patronage”. Trump dismissed Komi on 10 may,

IG promised new attacks in Iran

Banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG) released a statement in which promised in the near future to organize new attacks in Iran. About it reports Reuters. As stated in the text, “the Caliphate will not miss any occasion to shed the blood of the Shiites”, who are the majority of the Iranian population. The campaign of terror will go on until until on the territory of Iran will not be installed Sharia law, promised by the Islamists. On the morning of Wednesday, June 7, in the Iranian capital was a double terrorist attack. Was attacked the Parliament building and the mausoleum of the first Supreme leader — Ayatollah Khomeini. According to preliminary data, the victims of the attack became 12 people, 39 were injured. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by ISIS. The Islamic revolutionary guards corps vowed to take revenge on the Islamists.

Iraqi Kurdistan has announced the independence referendum

The government of Iraqi Kurdistan announced the date of the referendum on independence for the region. About it reports Reuters. According to Hamina Havre, assistant to the President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani, a plebiscite will be held on 25 September 2017. The people of the region will have to decide whether to keep it broad autonomy within Iraq or declare complete independence. As explained by Kurdish officials in the territory, which will be held a referendum, they intend to include the city of Kirkuk and its surroundings. At the moment, their control of the Peshmerga forces (the Kurdish militia), but Baghdad does not officially recognize this area is part of Iraqi Kurdistan. Iraqi Kurdistan — Kurdish political entity in Iraq. According to the Constitution has the status of broad autonomy (somewhat similar to the position of member of the Confederation), the de facto semi-independent. The authorities in the

Russian diplomats reported the possible murder of the citizen of the Russian Federation in the USA

Continued: the Police has confirmed the death of Russian citizen in the United States The Russian Embassy in the US appealed to the state Department for clarification on the issue of the murder of presumably the citizen of the Russian Federation in Washington. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of the Embassy. “In fact media reports the consular section of the Russian Embassy in the US appealed to the state Department for additional information on the incident”, — explained the Agency interlocutor. It is known that the murder occurred on Monday, June 5. Name and surname of the deceased and the circumstances of the incident were not disclosed.

Trump’s son has called critics of his father nonhumans

Eric Trump The son of the President of the United States Donald trump Eric said critics of his father — not people. He said this Fox News presenter Sean Hannity. “Such anger I have never seen! It’s very bad. Morality just took it and threw it in the trash. We deserve better,” said trump Junior. According to him, the Democratic party is failing — she has no adequate agenda and candidates, and because it is only concerned with the sabotage and undermining of the President. “They’re trying to prevent a great man, his family, that’s terrible,” he concluded. It also outraged that a leading CNN’s Reza Aslan on Twitter called trump Sr. “piece of shit”. According to aggregator RealClearPolitics polls, activities trump as President approve 39,9% of the population do not approve of or 54.3. Many politicians and stars of show business criticize trump: 30 may, for example, actress Kathy

The EU admitted mistake decision to cease contact with Russia over Ukraine

The EU’s decision to suspend cooperation with Russia over Ukraine is wrong, the head of the Department of crisis management and planning, European external action service (EBU) gábor Iklódy. He told RIA Novosti. “There are several areas where it was explicitly defined common interests. I believe we should operate. (…) From time to time we have to meet,” said Iklódy. In his opinion, we should not expect great results from contacts at a high political level, but the dialogue at the lower levels should be continued. Iklódy noted that to cut off all contact over Ukraine “not wise”. The representative of the EBU added that it is important to have open channels of communication, for example, in the technology sector, including the military. “And contacts, civil society, researchers need to go full speed,” he said. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in March 2014, the EU issued a harsh

American intelligence agencies have asked the eternal right to monitor foreigners

American intelligence agencies should have the opportunity at any time to start spying on any foreign national. With this position, as reported by Reuters, were made by the Director of national intelligence Dan Coates. Coates suggested the Senate to permanently fix the temporary section 702 of the act of covert surveillance for the purposes of foreign intelligence (FISA). This section allows the joint decision of the US attorney General and Director of national intelligence put him under surveillance of any foreigner. Since the adoption of this solution the surveillance is carried out not more than a year. Edition Lawfare explains that the bill was introduced by Republican Senator Tom Cotton. “This program gave our intelligence agencies of valuable information that has saved American lives and provided information about the most elusive goals. The mystery of the private lives of American citizens section 702 is fully protected,” he explained in the

The Ministry of foreign Affairs attended the campaign of the West to demonize Russia

Sergei Ryabkov The West is engaged in an active campaign to demonize Russia. This was stated by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov, his words RIA Novosti reported. “Anti-Russian hysteria in the West, especially in the context of our alleged interference in elections in several countries, has reached such a scale that simply dismiss it does not work” — said the diplomat. According to him, this is evidence of the careful planning of this campaign. Ryabkov also noted that during the reign of the previous President Barack Obama, the US threatened Russia with cyber attacks on infrastructure. “Washington, through Pentagon contractors, has become the largest player in the market of so-called exploits — program vulnerabilities that facilitate hacking penetration”, — said Ryabkov. He stressed that the threats were not directly, but through leaks in the media. Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US

In the Thames found the body of a possible victim of a terrorist attack in London

British police found in the Thames the body of a man, presumably a Frenchman, who died in the terrorist attack in London. This is stated in the message published on the website of Scotland Yard. Investigators believe that the victim is 45-year-old Xavier Volume missing after the terrorist attack in London on 3 June. Formal identification procedure has not been completed, however, the lineup was invited by the relatives of this French citizen. According to BFMTV, Tom spent a weekend in London with his girlfriend, she received in the attack seriously injured. The evening of June 3, three men in a van ran over pedestrians near London bridge, then got to the borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked passers-by. If the victim will be recognized as a victim of a terrorist attack, the death toll will increase to 8 people. In the attack,

The tenth country severed diplomatic relations with Qatar

The Union of the Comoros has announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar. About it reports on Wednesday, June 7, RIA Novosti with reference to the Saudi news Agency SPA. According to him, the Comoros authorities sent a notice to Qatari Embassy. The decision comes into force from 7 June. The country became the tenth, to sever diplomatic relations with Doha. The Comoros lie in the Indian ocean between Northern Madagascar and Northern Mozambique. It is a Federal presidential Republic with its capital in Moroni and a population of over 800 thousand people. Earlier Wednesday it was reported that relations with Qatar broke off Mauritania. Prior to that, Jordan has decided to downgrade its diplomatic mission in Qatar. Also the power of the Kingdom has revoked the license to operate from the Qatari channel “al Jazeera”. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of