Niger withdrew its Ambassador from Qatar

The government of Niger adopted a decision to recall its Ambassador from Qatar in a sign of solidarity with the Arab countries that broke diplomatic relations with the Emirate. About it reports Reuters. In addition, the representatives of Senegal has announced its intention to withdraw its Ambassador and expressed its “active solidarity”. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. Representatives of the countries accused Doha of destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States as well as in support of terrorist organizations, including prohibited in Russia groups “Islamic state” and al-Qaida. Later also joined the boycott Yemen, Libya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mauritania and the Union of the Comoros. The government of Jordan decided to downgrade diplomatic relations with Doha. In addition, Saudi Arabia has stopped the land connections with Qatar. For the Emirate it is a heavy blow, because most of

Advisors Theresa may, resigned due to the result of the early elections

Nick Timothy and Fiona hill As a result of parliamentary elections in the UK, initiated by Prime Minister Theresa may, adviser to the Prime Minister of great Britain Nick Timothy (Nick Timothy) and co-head of the apparatus of the British Prime Minister, Fiona hill (Fiona Hill) resigned. About it writes “bi-Bi-si”. “Obviously, the result of the General election was a great disappointment — said Timothy. — I take responsibility for my actions in this election campaign, which was a mistake of our political program.” Timothy also suggested what could be the reason for such election results. According to him, the reason for the disappointing outcome was not low support Theresa may and the conservatives, and rapid growth in the popularity of the labour party. He also noted that many disgruntled British exit from the EU. On last Thursday an early election the conservative party won, however, lost its ruling majority

Deutsche Bank rejected the request of the congressmen on the relationship of the tramp with Russia

Deutsche Bank refused to provide information to the American congressmen-Democrats on alleged ties of U.S. President Donald trump with Russia. About it reports Reuters. In his letter to the attorneys of a financial institution referred to American laws protecting personal data. “We hope that you understand the obligation of Deutsche Bank to respect the boundaries established by Congress and the courts to protect confidential information,” the document says. The request was forwarded to the Bank on may 23. It congressmen in particular were interested in “whether to give the Russian government guarantees for loans issued to Trump Deutsche Bank, and whether these credits in any other way connected with Russia.” Congress can require the appropriate documents in court, but you need to seek a common decision of the Committee on financial services, the majority of which are representatives of the Republican party. No Republican signed off on the request to

Thai received 35 years in prison for insulting the Royal family

A court in Thailand sentenced to 35 years in prison a man found guilty of insulting the Royal family. It is reported BFMTV. The defendant has placed on the page in social network Facebook several photographs of members of the Royal family and supplied their comments. The court found those remarks offensive. “He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for each of their posts in Facebook and received a total of 70 years in prison. The court took into account his confession and reduced the period of two times,” — said one of the activists. According to him, since the sentence was imposed by a military Tribunal, the defendant has no right to appeal. Currently for insulting members of the Royal family in Thai prisons serving sentences of about 100 people. 7 December last year, Thai authorities suspect of insulting the new king of Thailand Rama X (Maha Vajiralongkorn)

Lavrov assured Qatar’s support and promised all possible assistance

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow is ready to do everything possible to the crisis over Qatar resolved. He stated this on Saturday, June 10, opening talks with his Qatari counterpart Mohammad bin Abdel Rahman al Thani, reports TASS. “We maintain contacts with most of the participants of the processes, carried out telephone conversations of the President of the Russian Federation with their colleagues in the region, our today’s conversation will be a continuation of these efforts. All that Russia can do with the consent, in the interest of the parties involved, we will try to do,” assured Lavrov. At the same time, he noted that in Moscow with concern perceive the situation in recent years. “We on principle do not interfere in the internal Affairs of States nor in bilateral relations between them. However, we can’t be happy with the situation,

Taken hostage in Newcastle the employment center staff released

All the hostages, captured by an unknown man in one of the employment centres in the British city of Newcastle have been released. About it reports The Independent. According to the police Department, holding a staff Bureau employment the man remains in the room. About his motives are not reported. Earlier, on 9 June it was reported that the attacker entered the building and, threatening with a knife, took hostage several people. Some employees managed to leave the office independently. Police cordoned off the area, the place came to negotiators. 12 may in the Austrian city of Erpfendorf in Tirol, a man burst into the Bank, which at that time was one man, and took him hostage. The accident site was immediately cordoned off by the police. About the causes of the incident and that the assailant brought for any claim not reported. The attacker later surrendered to law enforcement

The newspaper told about the secret negotiations between Russia and USA on Syria

Representatives of the administration of U.S. President Donald trump conduct secret negotiations with Russia concerning the establishment of zones of de-escalation in the South-Western part of Syria. With this statement on Friday, June 9, was made by the newspaper The Wall Street Journal. According to the newspaper, the two sides held at least two “secret meetings”, the last of which took place in Jordan about two weeks ago. It, as noted, was attended by representatives of the Jordanian authorities. The newspaper specifies that the next meeting was to be held in Amman this week, but it had to be postponed indefinitely due to the inability to agree on the time. It is noted that the holding of the next round of negotiations is under threat because of the growing tension between Washington and Damascus. It also indicates that the White house would like to find a way to negotiate with

The DPRK announced the test of an Intercontinental ballistic missile

Kim Jong-UN The tests of Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the near future can pass in the DPRK. On Saturday, June 10, reports TASS with reference to the Central North Korean newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”. “The missile test this class, which will probably be successful, will demonstrate the failure of the United States ‘hostile policy against the people’s Republic”, — stated in the material edition. It is also claimed that the United States will not unleash a war “with a country that possesses nuclear weapons and ICBMs”. June 8, North Korean military launched several anti-ship missiles from its East coast. They flew about 200 kilometers before he fell into the waters of the sea of Japan. Earlier this month a representative of the strategic forces of the Korean people’s army in an interview with the Central news Agency of the country doubted the ability of Washington to intercept North Korean missiles.

Erdogan urged to end the blockade of Qatar

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on Gulf countries to lift the blockade of Qatar. On Friday, June 9, according to Reuters. He said this commenting on the statement by U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson, who called to ease the blockade of Qatar. Erdogan said that Saudi Arabia should take the lead in this matter. The Turkish head of state noted that “I did not notice that Qatar supported terrorism.” He stressed that Turkey will provide all possible support to Doha. Earlier, on 9 June US President Donald trump has accused Qatar of financing terrorism and demanded that middle Eastern States to put an end to this. The American leader said that Doha has historically been a sponsor of terrorism “at a very high level.” On the same day, the Turkish Parliament approved legislation allowing for the dispatch of a military contingent of this country in Qatar.

British police have arrested a suspect in the case of the terrorist attack in London

London police detained another suspect in the case of the terrorist attack perpetrated in the heart of the British capital on 3 June. A statement published on the website of the Metropolitan police. Indicates that the 27-year-old man was arrested at his home in the London suburb of Ilford. “on suspicion in the Commission, preparation or instigation of act of terrorism.” He is in custody in the County of Berkshire. In total under guards now there are five people. Another 12 were released. On 6 June it was reported that the UK police released all previously arrested suspects in the case about the attack on 3 June. On 5 June it was reported that investigators working on the case of terrorist attack, to establish the identity of all the attackers. The evening of June 3, three men in a van ran over pedestrians near London bridge, then got to the