The media learned about the next visit of Rodman in KDNR

Dennis Rodman American basketball player Dennis Rodman intends to visit the DPRK. On Monday, June 12, according to CNN. According to sources, the channel among the authorities of the DPRK, the player needs to arrive in Pyongyang on Tuesday. The purpose of the visit by Rodman to North Korea is not called. CNN also reported that the athlete was spotted at the Beijing airport. To answer the questions of the TV channel, he refused. Dennis Rodman’s career as a basketball player in 2006. In March 2013, the athlete visited North Korea and took part in a gala dinner with the country’s leader Kim Jong-UN. During a recent trip to the DPRK in January 2014, he participated in the match, organized for birthday of the leader of the country. After returning from Korea he went to the clinic on the East coast of the United States to undergo treatment for alcoholism.

Putin said that the Russian non-interference in the Affairs of other countries

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with the American Director Oliver stone said that Russia will never interfere in the internal political processes of other countries. A fragment of an interview on Monday, June 12, published Showtime. “We, unlike our many partners, never interfere in the internal political processes of other countries. This is one of the principles of our work”, — said Putin. Earlier, Putin told the stone about their grandchildren. Putin also said the stone on the question of the desire to be king. The premiere of the film “Interview with Putin” (The Moscow Interviews), dedicated to the President of Russia will be held June 12 on Showtime. In Russia, the picture will show the First channel. The film, in which four of the series, will be broadcast from 19 to 22 June.

Putin in an interview, stone spoke about his children

Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with the American Director Oliver stone spoke about his daughters. A fragment of an interview on Monday, June 12, published Showtime. “They have their own family life and we meet,” — said Putin on the question of whether his daughters husband and see whether he is with them. Putin also said that his daughter is not connected with politics and big business, and engaged in science and education. In addition, Putin replied in the affirmative to the question whether he is a grandfather. Stone asked the Russian President whether he plays with his grandchildren. “Very rarely, unfortunately”, — Putin admitted. On the question if Putin disputes with brother-in-laws, the President replied: “there Are different (point of view). We’re not arguing, we’re discussing”. The Director noted that Putin was very lucky with children. “I’m proud of them,” said the President of Russia. Earlier, Putin

Navalny has been sentenced to 30 days in jail

Alexei Navalny Simonovsky court of Moscow has appointed Alexei Navalny policy of punishment in the form of 30 days of administrative arrest for violating the rules of holding rallies and demonstrations. On Tuesday, June 13, reports “Interfax”. Navalny was found guilty in committing offenses under part 8 of article 20.2 of the administrative code (“the Repeated violation of the established procedure of organization or holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations”). The court found untenable the arguments of the lawyers for Navalny, who asked to stop the proceedings because of the lack in its actions of structure incriminated offense. June 12, in Moscow on Tverskaya street was inconsistent with the government’s anti-corruption campaign of opposition supporters. On the same day there is a festival reconstruction “Times and epochs”, which part of the street has been blocked off and made pedestrian. The demonstrators began to come back after the appeal by Alexei Navalny. Himself

The units of the Syrian opposition broke into the Old city of Raqqa

The Kurdish militia and allied formation “of the Democratic forces in Syria” said that broke the walls of the Old town in raqqa, under the control of militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Monday, June 12, according to Reuters. As noted, the militia captured in the area of Raqqa al-Sanaa and moving into the East part of the city. The Old town itself is under intense fire from their side. On 9 June it was reported that the Kurdish militia and the “Democratic forces of Syria” broke through the defense of militants in the area of Raqqa and entered into the city’s neighborhoods. Raqqa — the captured militants city in Syria, which has proclaimed as its capital. The liberation of Raqqa is considered to be one of the main goals of the international antiterrorist coalition headed by USA.

Named the date of the start of official negotiations on Brexit

David Davids The British Minister for Brexit (British exit from the European Union), David Davis, said that official talks between London and Brussels will start on June 19. About it reports Reuters. According to Davids, first and foremost, we will focus on the fate of Europeans residing in the United Kingdom and British subjects residing in the EU. “The fears are unnecessary. They [the British] don’t have to worry,” said the official. 8 June in Britain were held early parliamentary elections. The conservative party won, but lost the ruling majority and lost the chance to form a single-party government. Elections were held at the initiative of Prime Minister Theresa may, who has decided to dissolve the Parliament and strengthened the parliamentary majority of his party ahead of negotiations with the EU on Brexit. March 28 Mei signed a letter with the notice of the authorities of the European Union about

The former Prosecutor of Manhattan has declared a missed call from trump’s resignation

Prit Bharara The day before the Prosecutor of Manhattan (new York) of Bharara Preet (Preet Bharara) and 45 of its employees asked to resign, he telephoned US President Donald trump. This Bharara told ABC News, noting that the phone he did not, as it believes such phone conversations one-on-one (without the participation of the attorney General) irrelevant. “Still have no idea why I was fired”, — he stressed. On 11 March it was reported that Bharara who refused to voluntarily resign, was dismissed by the decision of the U.S. justice Department. According to U.S. media, the persistence of the official was caused by the promise of Donald trump to save his post in November 2016. On 10 March, the administration trump ordered to retire 46 the Federal prosecutors appointed under the presidency of Barack Obama. Bharara represented the prosecution in the courts in cases of Russians Viktor bout and Konstantin

Ankara has accused supporters of Gulen of masterminding the murder of Ambassador Charles

The Widow Of Andrew Charles Marina Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Turkey Andrei Karlov was killed on the orders of the supporters of the Islamic preacher Fethullah gülen FETO (“the Terrorist organization of fethullahists”). This conclusion was made by the Prosecutor’s office of Ankara, reports TASS. According to supervising body, by mevlüt MERT Altıntaş had connections with the five members of FETO. In addition, the investigators found that the killer met with one of fethullahists hotel in Cyprus, where he received instructions on how to kill the Russian Ambassador. In Charles was shot December 19, 2016, during the opening of the exhibition “Russia through the eyes of the Turks” in the Gallery of modern art in the Turkish capital. The police eliminated the Altıntaş and diplomat was taken to hospital in serious condition, but doctors were unable to save him. Ankara accuses Gulen, living in the United States

In the South of Romania crashed MiG-21 air force

MiG-21 Romania air force During a training flight in the South of Romania crashed MiG-21 air force. It is reported by Adevarul. The accident occurred while conducting joint exercises with the Bulgarian air force. The pilot ejected. He was found by rescuers near the wreckage unconscious. Currently, the pilot is taken to hospital. Doctors diagnosed him with minor injuries, his life is out of danger. To investigate the causes of the accident, a special Commission. 18 may 2016 when landing in the heart of the Libyan city of Tobruk, crashed MiG-21 air force. The pilot of the plane died. The MiG-21 is a Soviet supersonic light tactical fighter of the third generation, developed in the mid 1950-ies. At present, various modifications are in service with several European, African and Asian countries.

In Germany arrested four alleged terrorists

Patrolman on the streets of Berlin German police detained in one of the districts of Hamburg, the four likely members of the terrorist group “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia). It is reported by Bild. The incident occurred at 4:30 local time (6:30 GMT). To the house, where the suspects drove several police cars. Security officers burst into the room and seized four men at the age from 39 to 51 years. Three of them, presumably brothers, the fourth is also their relative. German investigators believe that in 2012 they all joined the group “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” and participated in the fighting against government forces in Syria. The decision on their arrest will be taken by the court, which will be held June 13. On April 14 in the town of Celle in Northern Germany in the hands of the police caught three people on suspicion of aiding terrorists. Among the arrested