Fox News found out about the North Korea testing ICBM engine

Kim Jong-UN North Korea conducted another test of the engine of the launch vehicle, reports Fox News, citing two sources in American institutions. According to officials, held on Wednesday, June 21, the test was the first from the moment in March carried out a series of three tests. The sides of the channel noted that the engine can be used to develop the DPRK Intercontinental ballistic missile or space launch vehicle. On 10 June, North Korea said that the test of an Intercontinental ballistic missile can pass in the near future. Pyongyang has expressed confidence in the successful test and said that the United States will not unleash a war “with a country that possesses nuclear weapons and ICBMs”. Earlier the representative of the strategic forces of the Korean people’s army in an interview with KCNA countries have questioned the ability of Washington to intercept North Korean missiles. In this

Tillerson telephoned Lavrov

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson telephoned Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. This is stated in the statement on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. The parties have discussed the dialogue between the two countries: while Lavrov “stressed the illusory nature of the attempts of sanctions pressure on Russia what Washington once again ran June 20”. According to him, the Russian-American relations and without going through a difficult period, and such actions are putting them at even greater risk. The statement also said that Moscow was forced to postpone scheduled for June 23, a meeting of Deputy foreign Ministers, which was supposed to discuss the problems accumulated in Russian-American relations. In addition, the Ministers discussed the situation in Syria — Moscow has urged Washington to abide by all previous agreements — and in the East of Ukraine, both sides agreed to make further efforts for the comprehensive

In Turkey announced the possibility of sending Russian troops in Idlib

Ibrahim Kalin In the area of de-escalation in the Syrian province of Idlib may put the Russian and Turkish military. This was stated by the representative of the Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin, reports RIA Novosti. “Developing a framework in which, perhaps, in Idlib province will be our military and Russian in the vicinity of Damascus — Russia and Iran in the South in Deraa — Jordanian and us”, he said and added that the maps of areas of de-escalation, specifying lines of demarcation still being developed. According to Kalin, last week in Turkey was visited by the special representative of the President of Russia, Alexander Lavrentiev, who discussed areas of de-escalation with Turkish colleagues. Also, said Kalin, the Russian side proposed to send to the zone of de-escalation of the military of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The head of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov has confirmed that Moscow is

Tusk agreed to extend EU sanctions against Russia

Donald Tusk The leaders of the member countries of the European Union decided to extend economic sanctions against Russia. This was announced by the President of the European Council Donald Tusk. “Agreed. EU extends economic sanctions against Russia for what it did not sufficiently complied with the Minsk agreement,” Tusk wrote in his Twitter. The summit of EU heads of state will end on June 23, the official decision on the extension of sanctions can be taken a few days after this date, notes RIA Novosti. Earlier on Thursday, June 22, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during a joint appearance with Tusk said that he had received from representatives of the European Union certification of intent to extend sanctions against Russia. June 21, one of the senior officials of the European Union reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of France Emmanuel macron at the summit of EU

The white house refused to confirm the meeting of Putin and trump in Germany

Lindsay Walters Deputy press Secretary of the White house Lindsey Walters has not confirmed information concerning a possible personal meeting between the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump in the forthcoming meeting of the countries “Big twenty” (G20) in Hamburg on 7-8 July. On Thursday, June 22, reports TASS. “I have currently no ads [on this account]”, — quotes Agency the words of the official representative of the President of the United States. 21 June the press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, gave a negative answer to a question of journalists, is training the leaders of Russia and the United States, explaining that if necessary, all will be agreed. “We believe that President Putin and President trump will participate in the summit of “twenty” in German, and we cannot exclude that one way or another they will certainly meet in one form or another,

In an explosion in southern Afghanistan killed 29 people

As a result of the explosion of a car bomb in the town of Lashkar Gah in Helmand province (southern Afghanistan) killed 29 people, about 50 were injured. It is reported TOLO News. The explosion occurred near the offices of a Bank at 12:00 local time (13:30 GMT). At this point in the office of the financial institution were a lot of visitors — officials and employees received a salary. None of the existing in the country of terrorist groups has yet claimed responsibility for this attack. 6 Jun Afghan city of Herat (the capital of the eponymous province) exploded a bomb planted near the mosque. The explosive device was hidden in a motorcycle parked near the mosque of the XII century JAMA Masjid. The bomb exploded at the moment when the crowd of believers passed through the Park, heading to prayer. Killed seven people, injured 15. May 31, a

The head of the European Council made the abolition of Brexit

Donald Tusk The head of the European Council Donald Tusk made the abolition of Brexit (a British exit from the EU), despite the start on this issue the negotiations. He stated this at a press conference in Brussels, reports The Independent on Thursday, June 22. According to Tusk, British friends asked him, is it possible to avoid a Brexit. “I told them that the European Union is built on fantasies that seemed impossible. So who knows? You can call me a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”, — said the head of the European Council. Official talks between London and Brussels on the terms on which the UK out of the EU, began on June 19. The consultation is supposed to last until November 2018, after which the parties will have six months to ratify the agreements reached in the national parliaments. May 30, Prime Minister Theresa may said

The macron, called the mistake the French participation in the invasion of Libya

Emmanuel Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron called the error part of the armed forces in an armed operation in Libya in 2011, and warned against a similar move in Syria. A fragment of an interview with a Macron on Wednesday, June 21, publishes Corriere della Sera. “France was not involved in the war in Iraq and this was right. But she was wrong to engage in war in Libya. What are the results of these two invasions? The destruction of the state in which terrorist groups thrive. I don’t want that to happen in Syria,” he said. The unrest in Libya escalated into civil war in early 2011. In March of that year the UN Security Council sanctioned intervention to protect civilians from loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s forces. The bombing of the country was held as the coalition forces under the command of the United States

North Korea has advised South Korea “not to follow a psychopath trump”

Donald Trump Pyongyang advised Seoul not to go in the footsteps of American policy, which forms the “psycho tramp”. About it reports The South China Morning Post, citing a North Korean newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”. “South Korea needs to understand that if she will continue to follow the psychopath trump, you will come to the disaster,” said the editorial, quoted by the publication (in the online version of the “Rodong Sinmun” this text is missing). North Korean journalists argue that the American President was in a difficult situation and is now trying pedaling the idea of a preemptive strike on the DPRK, to win political points. 20 Jun Donald trump has promised to punish North Korea for the death of an American student of Otto Wambier. “The fate of Otto only increases the determination of my administration to make it so that innocent people no longer become victims of the regime

Duterte apologized to the residents of the Islamists in the city

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte apologized for martial law to residents of Marawi city occupied by terrorists loyal to the group “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia). His words of June 21 leads CNN. “I had no choice. They destroy Marawi. I had to knock them out. But I’m sorry,” said Duterte, speaking to evacuated residents in a makeshift refugee center on the island of Mindanao. He promised to rebuild the city. Fighting between rebels and government troops in Mindanao began on 22 may. Duterte, who arrived on the same day with the visit to Moscow, entered the region under martial law. Because of these events, his meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin was urgently transferred. The terrorists launched an offensive in Marawi on may 23. On some southern Islands of the Philippines there are several terrorist groups. One of them was “Abu Sayyaf” was