The authorities of Transbaikalia have found an apartment complained to Putin woman

The authorities of Transbaikalian edge have provided one-bedroom apartment in Chita single mother Natalia Kalinina from the burned in 2015 Shiviya village, which is in the direct line with President of Russia Vladimir Putin complained that he had received uninhabitable housing. About it RIA Novosti said the head of the press service of the Governor of the region Elena Nazarova. According to her, Kalinina chosen apartment on the street, people’s square is 45.2 square meters. As said the head of Department Alexey Hosoi, housing provided under the contract of uncompensated use before time of registration of ownership of Zabaykalsky Krai in the apartment. In the next apartment will be provided Kalinina under the contract of social hiring. Kalinin on 15 June during a straight line President said that after the fires, 2015, destroyed the house, the local government gave her the house appeared uninhabitable. She also said that her daughter

NATO expressed concern about the growing military power of Russia

Peter Paul NATO was faced with the desire of Russia to increase its military capacity “on virtually every level,” said the Chairman of the military Committee of the Alliance General Petr Pavel. His words leads edition of Politico. According to him, the threat assessment is based on two elements — the possibility and intention. Thus, when talking about the possibilities, the “no doubt” that Russia is developing its capacity in both conventional and nuclear components of the weapons, the General said. According to Paul, when talking about exercises, there is no doubt that Russia’s ability to deploy forces at long distances and use them effectively far enough from its territory. “When it comes to intentions, there is no such understanding, because we can’t clearly say that Russia has aggressive intentions against NATO,” added Paul. However, he noted the increasing military presence of Russia and referred to reports on the placement

Iran commented on the US sanctions against Moscow and Tehran

Ali Larijani The decision of the Senate of the U.S. Congress on sanctions against Russian and Iranian companies and citizens is contrary to the obligations of Washington and is an interference in the internal Affairs of States. About it as transfers TASS, said in Seoul at a meeting of speakers of parliaments of the countries of Eurasia on Tuesday, June 27, the speaker of Majlis of Iran Ali Larijani. “The US sanctions, imposed unilateral sanctions against independent States, are in violation of international law, the UN Charter,” he stressed. In this regard, Larijani called on “to create a mechanism to ensure that governments in the region to prevent such arbitrary decisions.” In addition, the speaker accused the US of flirting with terrorists and their support. He pointed to the growth made in the world of terrorist offences and referred to the recent terrorist attacks in Tehran. June 15, the U.S.

Modi invited trump to visit India

Narendra Modi, Donald Trump The Prime Minister of India Narendra modi was invited to the U.S. President Donald trump. About it reports Reuters. The white house, in turn, said that trump has accepted an invitation from the head of the Indian government. Yet at the same time any time not called. Modi, during his visit to Washington, held with the American leader talks. Trump urged him to exert more efforts to reduce trade barriers on the Indian side. According to the President, he would like to trade relations between the two countries would be “fair and reciprocal”. The US President expressed satisfaction at the recent Indian order for 100 new American planes. He added that the United States is hoping to increase its energy exports, including to enter into large long-term contract for the implementation of American natural gas.

The United States accused Syria in the preparation of another chemical attack

The white house said that the Syrian government is preparing another attack using chemical weapons, Reuters reports. The US administration has warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that he and his military “will pay a high price” if it commits such an attack. In a statement the White house said that the intentions of Syria, a similar chemical attack on 4 April, when, according to the West, have killed dozens of civilians. According to the opponents of Assad, the planes dropped on the opposition controlled town of Khan shaykhun chemical munitions, which killed 87 people, injured about 200. The Syrian opposition and Western countries accuse the air force attack the government troops. In Damascus said that the army did not use and not to use chemical weapons on the battlefield. The US President Donald trump on the night of April 7 was ordered to launch a missile attack on the airfield

Israel has frozen the creation of the Wailing Wall common places for prayer for men and women

The Israeli government has suspended the project of creating spaces for joint prayers of men and women at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. It is reported by The New York TImes. “Today’s decision is a powerful blow to the unity of the Jews, Jewish communities and the nature of the relationship between the State of Israel and the Jewish Diaspora”, — said on this occasion, the defense Minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman. As reported RIA Novosti, the author of the idea about the place praying together, the head of the Jewish Agency “Sohnut” Natan Sharansky also expressed their disappointment. The decision on creation of zones of joint prayer was made in January 2016 after years of consultations with leaders of Jewish communities around the world. For were made by the representatives of the liberal Jewish communities in Israel and abroad, against — Orthodox followers of Judaism, controlling the religious life

Saudi Arabia has decided to fight cholera in Yemen

The government of Saudi Arabia has allocated $ 67 million to fight cholera in Yemen. About it reports The Independent. “Saudi Arabia is committed to working closely with our partners in the humanitarian field, in order to combat cholera and to improve the overall sanitary situation in Yemen,” said Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Rabia, Advisor to the Royal court and the coordinator of the center for humanitarian assistance of king Salman. According to him, the decree on the allocation of funds was signed by the recently appointed heir to the throne crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. According to who, every day in Yemen is fixed at five thousand cases of infection with cholera and control the spread of the epidemic is almost impossible. Just suffered about 200 thousand people, killed more than a thousand. Doctors call this epidemic “the largest in the world.” In the country, meanwhile, civil war continues.

The Prosecutor of Brazil, Temer accused of corruption

Michel Temer The chief Federal Prosecutor of Brazil’s Rodrigo Janot filed charges against the country’s President Michel Temer of bribery, reports Reuters. The prosecution submitted to the Supreme court. According to Brazilian legislation, the lower chamber of Congress must now vote whether to allow the court to begin hearings on the case of the President. This charge is expected to be the first in a series of alleged episodes of corruption against an extremely unpopular leader of the country, the Agency said. The coalition of Temer, meanwhile, are sure to have the proper number of deputies that the President’s opponents failed to gain the two-thirds majority in Parliament required to continue the trial. Previously Temer managed to avoid accusations of illegal financing of the presidential campaign of Dilma Rousseff in 2014. Political crisis in Brazil broke out after the recording appeared, which Temer supposedly discusses “buying the silence” of former

Trump admitted the possibility of “interference” of Russia in elections in the United States

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump admits the possibility that Russia and “potentially other countries” interfere in the American elections. About it as transfers RIA Novosti, at a press briefing said, responding to a question, White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “Russia and potentially other countries could be involved,” he said. Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election with the help of hackers. American journalists and officials asserted that they allegedly kidnapped the correspondence Democrats, later posted online, and tried to penetrate into the electronic system of counting of votes. Moscow denies such accusations. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not rule out that the mysterious hackers could be based in the United States.

The U.S. Supreme court allowed the Tramp to enter partial “ban on the entry of Muslims”

Donald Trump The U.S. Supreme court allowed the President to Donald Trump to partially carry into effect the decree banning the entry into the country to citizens of the six predominantly Muslim countries (Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Sudan) and all, without exception for refugees. About it reports Reuters. According to the verdict, restrictions on entry to a particular group of citizens shall not affect the rights of Americans, and therefore can be introduced by the President. The exception would be those “forbidden” countries that have any relationship with the citizens of the United States: a ban against them declared invalid by the court. Court approval is temporary — is fully the case will be considered in October, but until then the decree will operate. Trump, who took office of President in January, often being accused of bad attitude towards Muslims. So, one of his first decrees was the