Argentina approved the Russian Sputnik Light vaccine as a stand-alone drug Argentina approved the Russian Sputnik Light vaccine as a stand-alone drug and as a booster vaccine. This is stated in the Twitter account of Sputnik V.
Category: Russia
Banks have found a new way to protect customers from fraudsters
VTB clients will be able to prohibit the issuance of loans via the Internet , said Anatoly Pechatnikov, deputy board of the bank (the company's press release is at the disposal of This way, clients can better protect themselves from fraudsters who use social engineering methods to obtain borrowed funds. Thanks to the new method of protecting clients, a fraudster will not be able to obtain a loan, even if he provides all the information about the borrower and does not know the reason for the refusal. told Pechatnikov. But the bank will understand at an early stage that an attacker is submitting an application. According to a bank representative, when a fraudulent loan is issued, the “most difficult” consequences for the borrower and the bank come. The former is often unable to repay the debt, while the latter cannot afford the growth of overdue debt. The introduction of
Key witness testifies in the case of thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky
In Tatarstan, a member of his organized criminal group In the Supreme Court of Tatarstan at the trial of a criminal case against a thief in law Rashid Khachataryan, known as the thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky, accused of occupying a high position in the criminal hierarchy and creating an organized criminal group (OCG), testified by a key witness. This is reported by “BUSINESS Online”. This person turned out to be a former member of the organized criminal group Daniil Chikurov, nicknamed Myakish. He said that he got into the Dzhambulsky group after he turned to him for help. Myakish was serving time and in the colony began to cooperate with the administration, that is, he was a “red suit” convict. He mercilessly beat the “muzhiks” – ordinary convicts, for which they began to make claims against him after his release. Myakish was severely beaten several times, and he decided
Apple Wireless Beacons Help Steal Cars
Auto-hijackers in Canada have started using Apple's AirTags This is reported by the Cult of Mac edition. Journalists refer to the report of the police department of the Canadian city of Aurora. It says that AirTag wireless beacons have begun to be used during car theft. Police representatives said that the hijackers attach devices to the car and track its movement to the garage, and then hijack it. Related materials 00:02 – 26 May Safety factor. Apple has released an iPad with a computer processor. Why does he need such power? 00:02 – March 18 More expensive than moneyTypically, attackers use AirTag to steal expensive cars that they pay attention to on city streets. Criminals install Apple beacons under the fuel filler flap, under the bottom of the car, or on the towbar. The hijackers then turn on the iPhone and use the tracking function to find out the location
Economist appreciated the initiative of the Central Bank to return money to victims of fraudsters
Economist Belyaev: the Central Bank's idea of returning money to victims of fraud is laudable, but there are questions Ph.D. Mikhail Belyaev, in a conversation with, praised the initiative of the Central Bank (CB) to introduce a mandatory amount of money back to victims of fraudsters. In the situation of an increase in the number of frauds, the economist considered the Central Bank's initiative commendable, but indicated that it was especially important the mechanism of its execution, and there are a number of questions to law enforcement, for example, how to identify fraudsters. “As a rule, fraudsters hide behind various plausible legal grounds, and we see that the court even sometimes finds it difficult to define them as fraudsters. Why? When people fall into these fraudulent schemes, it is often heralded as voluntary actions of the citizen himself. How they were influenced, where was the motivation, it does not
The Ministry of Education told about the format of teaching schoolchildren in 2022
Vasilyeva: The Ministry of Education in 2022 does not plan to transfer schools to online education The Ministry of Education does not plan to transfer schoolchildren to distance learning in 2022 year. The deputy head of the department Tatyana Vasilyeva spoke about the format of the work of educational institutions, she is quoted by TASS.
Ingushetia named the winner of the Golden Tower Film Festival
The winner of the Golden Tower Film Festival in Ingushetia was the film Glorious Sons of the Caucasus The film Glorious Sons of the Caucasus VII International Film Festival “Golden Tower”, held in Ingushetia. It is reported by TASS. It is noted that the film “New Life of Ancient Magas” was recognized as the best Ingush documentary film. The best documentary film was “Russia – Phoenix”. The prize for the title of the best North Caucasian film was given to the picture “Postal Marathon.” city. The Golden Tower Film Festival has been held in the republic since 2014. The main prize of the festival is a miniature golden copy of a medieval Ingush tower.
Residents of the Russian region will see the parade of planets
Residents of Yekaterinburg on December 7 will see the parade of planets Residents of Yekaterinburg will be able to see the parade of planets without additional equipment. This was reported by E1 with reference to Vladilen Sanakoev, an engineer at the Ural Federal University scientific laboratory. “On Tuesday, December 7, the weather will allow us to see another evening parade of planets in the Urals. This time, the situation of early November is almost repeated, when it was possible to simultaneously see the planets Venus, Saturn and Jupiter in a small sector. They will be visited in turn by the Earth satellite – the Moon, ”he said. According to Sanakoev, on December 7, the Moon will be 2.4 degrees from Venus, on December 8 – 4.7 degrees from Saturn, on December 9 – 5.3 degrees from Jupiter. “All the designated planets are easily visible with the naked eye low above
A black box of the Earth will be built in Australia in case of human death
A black box of the Earth will be installed in Australia in case of a global climatic catastrophe the last decades of human civilization in case of death due to a global climate catastrophe. ABC reports this. Related materials 00:03 – September 1 Deadly draft. How to cover up cracks and replace rotten pipes humanity from a global catastrophe? 00: 01 – August 16 Point of no return. A global climate catastrophe was recognized as inevitable. What can humanity do for salvation? It will be installed on the west coast of the Australian island of Tasmania by the end of 2022. The task of the box is to document all the steps of mankind, bringing it closer to an ecological catastrophe. The recorder is made for the future inhabitants of the planet so that they can understand the reason for the disappearance of civilization. The size of the box will
In Russia, identified 32 136 cases of coronavirus
In Russia, 32 136 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the past day, 32 136 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia. Thus, the total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country amounted to 9,833,749. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Monday, December 6. A day earlier, 32,602 infections were recorded in the country.