TNT press service denied “the fact of alleged dismissal” Laysan Utyasheva from the project “Dances” with “” rumors about the dismissal of TV presenter Lyaysan Utyasheva after the sports scandal associated with her statements about the victory of the Israeli gymnast Lina Ashram at the Olympics. The channel's representative denied the information spread through Telegram channels and a number of media outlets. “The channel denies this information,” a TNT representative replied to a corresponding request from “”, specifying that he denies “the fact of alleged dismissal.” Rumors that Utyasheva was fired from the “Dances” project, which she has been leading since 2014, appeared earlier in December. According to the Telegram-channel “NeMalakhov”, the reason for this decision was allegedly a scandal that occurred because of Utyasheva's statements about the Olympics. In addition, the Telegram channel “Mediavoiny” has information that Utyasheva will be fired for the next season of the project. According