Roscosmos launched the Prichal

Roskosmos on the Soyuz-2.1b rocket launched the last module of the ISS Prichal Soyuz-2.1b rocket with the Progress M-UM transport cargo vehicle and the Prichal nodal module launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome to the International Space Station (ISS), Roscosmos reports. The launch took place at 16:06 Moscow time. Undocking of Progress MS-17 together with the attachment of the passive docking unit of the Nauka module from the ISS is scheduled for November 25 at 14:18 Moscow time. Docking of the Progress M-UM module spacecraft with the Prichal to the ISS is scheduled for November 26 at 18:26. The separation of the instrument-assembly compartment from the Prichal is scheduled for December 22 at 01:20. In November, astronautics historian Alexander Zheleznyakov told TASS that during the launch of the Prichal nodal module to the ISS using a Russian rocket ” Soyuz-2.1b ”a record can be set. The agency recalled that the maximum

The Federation Council responded to the call of the European Union to refuse to support Donbass

Senator Klimov recommended the European Union to force Kiev to comply with the Minsk Agreements Federation Council Senator Andrei Klimov recommended to the European Union to force Kiev to comply with the Minsk Agreements – this is how he responded to the EU's call to Russian President Vladimir Putin to refuse to support Donbass. In a conversation with, the politician added that helping the region and the Russians on its territory is a constitutional obligation. The EU called on Putin to cancel the decree facilitating trade with the unrecognized Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics ( DPR and LPR). Klimov reminded the allies that presidential decrees are a sovereign affair of the Russian Federation. Constitutional duty “A presidential decree is a sovereign affair of our country. And any attempts to influence our decisions, relationships with other subjects are unacceptable. In this case, the decree is dictated by humanitarian considerations, as

The new general director of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky announced the temporary closure of the theater

The director of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater Kekhman announced the closure of the theater for renovations in 2022 theater for renovation. This was reported by the Izvestia newspaper on Wednesday, November 24. It is noted that the institution will be closed for four months from July 1 to November 1, 2022. Kehman explained that this must be done, since the stage complex is “in a pre-emergency state.” “We have investigated everything, it is in a safe condition, but there has been no renovation for 50 years,” said the theater director during a troupe meeting. On November 21, Zakhar Prilepin, deputy artistic director of the Gorky Moscow Art Academic Theater, said that Kekhman was given a certain task as the general director. Businessman Vladimir Kekhman was appointed general director of the theater in October, a month later the former director and artistic director Eduard Boyakov left the theater and wrote

Efremov's film won the prison competition

The film “The Gospel of Fedor” based on the script by Mikhail Efremov won the prison competition Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Efremov Traffic accident on the Garden Ring, was the screenwriter of the film “The Gospel of Fyodor” based on Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment”. The work won the All-Russian prison video competition, Baza reports. The film took the prize in the Best Editing nomination. It is noted that the daughter of Efremov Vera took part in the film – she sent a video to the colony, in which she played Sonya Marmeladova. Also in the video were the employees and convicts of IK-4 in the Belgorod region, where Efremov is located. On September 15, the cassation court did not mitigate the sentence to Efremov, who was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for the death of a person in an accident. An accident involving the actor occurred on

The European Parliament explained the reason for the US sanctions against “Nord Stream 2”

MEP Maximilian Kra: the meaning of US sanctions against SP-2 in pressure Russian gas pipeline “Nord Stream-2” – to put pressure on Europe. This was stated by a member of the European Parliament Committee on International Affairs, German MP from the Alternative for Germany party Maximilian Kra in a conversation with Izvestia. Related materials00: 01 – July 8 ” America is looking for external enemies “Why, 150 years after the Civil War, the United States again found itself on the brink of a split? 00:02 – October 13 ” Sanctions are for life “The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? “The USA puts pressure on some European and, above all, German parties. It's no secret that Washington is wary of putting the pipeline into operation, ”he added. At the same time, the MEP did not explain the reason why the American authorities are afraid

New coronavirus found in UK bats

New coronavirus RhGB01 was found in horseshoe bats in the UK mice new coronavirus RhGB01. The found virus does not yet pose a danger to humans. However, scientists emphasize that there is a risk of recombination of this and similar viruses with SARS-CoV-2, which could lead to new outbreaks of infections among people. The findings were presented in an article published in Research Square. Although the natural source of SARS-CoV-2 is still unknown, it is believed that the precursor to the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic and has killed more than five million people worldwide was the sarbecovirus (a subgenus of coronaviruses) in Asian horseshoe bats or rhinolophids. The ancestor of SARS-CoV-2 could have passed from bats to an intermediate host, for example, pangolins, where the virus underwent mutations, the exchange of genetic material (recombination) with other viruses and other changes affecting the gene. Since the habitat of rhinolophids

Russian scientists have found a way to solve a global problem

Altai State University developed meteorological stations to save water when irrigating land during a drought Russian scientists from Altai State University (Altai State University) together with researchers from Germany and Kazakhstan have found a way to prevent crop losses during drought. A new technology that allows to save water when irrigating agricultural lands can be used to solve the problem that has become aggravated in many countries against the background of global warming, according to the website of the educational institution. Instead of installing expensive irrigation systems, the developers suggested monitoring soil moisture. To do this, on farmland in the Altai Territory and Kazakhstan, scientists have installed meteorological stations with sensors – they measure the temperature, moisture level at different depths and the availability of water for plants. Data is received in real time on computers or smartphones – on their On the basis, drought can be predicted and the