Biden spoke about the sovereignty of Ukraine

US President Biden honored the memory of Holodomor victims and supported the sovereignty of Ukraine Holodomor in the country, according to the website of the White House. Biden paid tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holodomor, stressing that the people of Ukraine coped with this “horror”, “showing spirit and resilience and ultimately created a free democratic society.” “Recalling the pain and victims of the Holodomor, the United States also declares support for the Ukrainian people today and strong support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” the US President emphasized. The US leader added, that it is necessary to prevent similar tragedies in the future and help those who are “under the yoke of tyranny.” On November 23, it became known that the United States was going to send military advisers to Ukraine. However, White House spokesman Jen Psaki declined to comment on this information. “I

Actor from “Midshipmen” dies at the age of 65

Actor Kuznetsov, who played in the episodes “Midshipmen” and “12 Chairs”, died at the age of 65 Soviet and Russian actor Vladimir Kuznetsov passed away at the age of 65, this is stated on the website “”. The cause of the artist's death was not disclosed. Kuznetsov played in 42 films. In “12 chairs” by Leonid Gaidai and the series “Midshipmen, forward!” Svetlana Druzhinina, he performed episodic roles. The artist also appeared in the films “Lonely Hostels”, “Under the Laws of Martial Time” and others. The audience will remember him from his numerous performances on the theater stage. From 1973 to 1993, Kuznetsov served at the Theater and Cinema Center under the direction of director Nikita Mikhalkov. The last time the actor, who was called “the king of episodes”, starred in a movie in 1999. On November 21, Soviet and Russian actress Nina Ruslanova died. The star spent the last

The head physician offered to show the work of the red zones and help doctors

The head physician of the infectious diseases hospital Krasnova invited the Russians to show the work of the red zones a letter offering to show opponents of the coronavirus vaccination the work of red zones in hospitals. She told TASS about this. According to the head physician, it will be more effective not only to look, but also to help the doctors. “I’m ready to take you to the red zones, and we have several of them, including in infectious diseases wards, in intensive care units, surgical and pediatric wards, as well as in a maternity hospital,” she suggested, noting that it would be more effective not just to see and to help the hospital staff, having at least a shift on duty with them. Krasnova noted that Russians will be able to feel for themselves that everything is “not just serious, everything is too serious.” She also said that

In Russia, they decided to block the numbers of telephone scammers before the trial

Gazeta.Ru: Deputy Vyborny allowed the blocking of telephone fraudsters' numbers pending trial said that the State Duma decided to consider the issue of pre-trial installation of control over the numbers of telephone fraudsters and blocking their SIM cards, writes Gazeta.Ru. The deputy recalled that now in Russia to establish control over the calls of the fraudster and blocking his number requires a court decision. The whole procedure takes about three days, during which an attacker can commit a crime and destroy a SIM card. The elective called on to reduce this “time gap.” the decision to block, provide access to telephone conversations, establish a location, “he admitted. According to Vyborny, the issue is being discussed together with the expert community, law enforcement officials and representatives of the judicial system. “If we reach a consensus, then an appropriate bill can be developed and introduced,” he concluded. Earlier, the Russians were explained

Names of modules of the new Russian space station revealed

Head of Roscosmos Rogozin: ROSS modules will be named after Russian regions the planned names of the new modules of the promising Russian orbital service station (ROSS). According to him, they will be named after Russian regions. “ROSS will have other modules. I want to call them Crimea, Kaliningrad, Sakhalin, Siberia, Ural, Arctic, Kuriles, Caucasus, Big Volga, Golden Ring, etc. “, – wrote the head of Roscosmos in response to a message from one of the users. Earlier, Dmitry Rogozin predicted the timing of the emergence of the Internet from space in Russia. He noted that the Sphere program will allow him to receive it in 2024. According to the general director of the state corporation, the first funds have already been received under the program for the formation of a scientific and technical reserve. In 2022, another seven billion rubles will be allocated to Sphere.

MSU employees who refused to get vaccinated were suspended from working with students

MSU Rector Sadovnichy: MSU employees without vaccinations were suspended from working with students said the rector of the university Viktor Sadovnichy, his words are quoted by TASS. He noted that out of 20 thousand employees, about 800 people, that is, 4-4.5 percent, have not been vaccinated. According to him, the situation is worst of all at three faculties. “We know who has contraindications, we know who was vaccinated, revaccinated, we know who is simply an ideological opponent. I issued an order asking such people to be removed from contacts with students. For the first time. And then we will think, “Sadovnichy emphasized. Earlier, the government proposed making it mandatory throughout Russia to present QR codes by passengers of trains and airplanes, as well as when visiting public places. On November 12, draft amendments were introduced to the State Duma regarding the use of QR codes confirming the fact of vaccination

Russian expert clubs discussed the ideological constructions of the future for the first time

Expert clubs first met in Moscow for the ideological constructions of the future Russian expert clubs met for the first time on the site in Moscow and discussed the ideological constructions of the future. According to Life, members of the Izborsky, Zinovievsky, Sretensky Club, the World Russian People's Cathedral and other thinkers and representatives of the intellectual elite took part in the discussion “Turning Point: Ideology That Will Unite the Nation”. At the opening of the event, the chairman The Izborsk club, writer Alexander Prokhanov, noted that it was especially important that representatives of different intellectual communities gathered at one site and would soon be ready to present their joint developments. According to the director of the Mendeleev Institute for Socio-Political Forecasting, representative of the Sretensky Club, Andrey Shcherbakov , the current format has excellent prospects. So, despite the existing differences in views, the Izborsky, the Zinovievites, and the World

Russia declared the inadmissibility of infringement of the veto right in the UN Security Council

Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation Polyansky: any ideas that infringe on the veto in the UN Security Council are unacceptable First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia Dmitry Polyansky stated that any idea that infringes on the veto in the United Nations Security Council is unacceptable. His words are quoted by TASS following the meeting of the UN General Assembly on fair representation and expansion of the Security Council. “The use of the veto or the threat of its use more than once saved the UN from being drawn into dubious adventures,” the diplomat emphasized. Polyansky added that the institution of the veto is an important factor that pushes the members of the Security Council to seek balanced solutions. Currently, five permanent members of the organization (Russia, USA, China, Great Britain, France) have the right of veto. Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the UN Security Council for the

The Russians continued the feast after the murder of a drinking companion

In Ulan-Ude, a man killed a drinking companion, after which he continued a feast with friends A feast in Ulan-Ude killed one of the drinking companions, after which the company took his body to the next room and continued to drink for two days, according to the website of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the region. According to the investigation, on the evening of December 23, 2020, a group of friends drank alcohol in the apartment of one of them. There was a conflict between the two men, during which a 32-year-old Russian took a knife and stabbed them in the stomach and legs of a 39-year-old acquaintance. After that, he continued to beat the victim with his fists and feet, knocked him to the floor and jumped on his chest several times. The company dragged the corpse's body into the bedroom and continued the feast. “Later,