Biologist explains the danger of extinction of the delta strain of coronavirus in Russia

Biologist Baranova: the delta strain restrains the mutation of the coronavirus, its disappearance is dangerous be dangerous for Russia, since this option inhibits other strains due to its infectivity. Ancha Baranova, a biologist and professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia, USA), said this in an interview with “Delta is transmitted faster than other strains, so they have little chance of multiplying … There are strains that are more harmful, among them those that evade antibodies, which means that the vaccine takes them worse. Therefore, if the delta dies by itself, and other strains are happy and come, it will probably get much worse, “she explained. Earlier it was reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) doubts that that the delta strain could self-destruct. According to the representative of the organization, the disappearance of this type of virus is unlikely, since people in countries

Revealed the scheme of revaccination of adolescents from coronavirus

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: revaccination of adolescents against coronavirus is similar to that of an adult Gamalei Alexander Gintsburg revealed the scheme of revaccination of adolescents. According to him, it requires additional study, but is likely to be similar to an adult, reports TASS. “It will be necessary to watch, now they need to be vaccinated, and then think about how often to revaccinate. Apparently, there should be no difference with adults, “he explained. The methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health suggest revaccination six months after the first vaccination or illness. Currently, an “emergency” vaccination is being carried out to obtain herd immunity, in the “routine” case, the period between vaccinations increases to one year. Earlier it became known that the Russian Ministry of Health registered a coronavirus vaccine for adolescents. Based on the results of clinical trials, the drug for COVID-19 has shown high efficacy and

The options for continuing a career for Kokorin are named

Clubs from Russia and Qatar are interested in Fiorentina's forward Alexander Kokorin Russian Fiorentina forward Alexander Kokorin vata can continue his career. This is reported by Calciomercato with reference to Corriere dello Sport. Not only Qatari, but also Russian clubs are interested in the services of the 30-year-old striker. However, the Italian publication does not name specific contenders for Kokorin and his exact options for continuing his career. The media have repeatedly reported that Fiorentina's leadership is ready to part with the Russian striker. At the same time, the club itself denies Kokorin's imminent departure from the team. The Violets were credited with the desire to send the player on loan or terminate the contract with him ahead of schedule. Amid injuries, Kokorin fails to gain a foothold in Fiorentina. This season, he only appeared on the field three times as part of the Italian club. Kokorin is known for

The Russian rested for a week in Egypt for 25 thousand rubles and shared his impressions

A Russian rested at an unpopular resort in Egypt and called it ideal for a vacation shared his impressions of the vacation. The tourist told about the trip to the portal “Subtleties of Tourism”, his review was published on the channel in “Yandex.Zen”. The traveler admitted that he had seen vouchers to good hotels for 18 thousand, but he was primarily interested in the first line. Therefore, the man stayed at a four-star hotel in the Safaga resort. “It was the first time I had a rest at the Safaga resort. Very quiet, very small town. There are souvenir shops, a fruit stand and a pharmacy – an ideal set for a vacationer. No noise, merchants and heaps of garbage for you, “the tourist noted. In addition, he was delighted with the beach at the hotel – according to him, the entry into the sea was gentle, and at the

The Russian Pension Fund has changed the procedure for the provision of services

Rossiyskaya Gazeta: the FIU changed the procedure for providing services until January 1, 2022 The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) changed the procedure for the provision of services. From now on, it will be possible to receive at the branches until January 1, 2022 only by appointment, by e-mail or by phone, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta. According to the publication, the Ministry of Justice registered the relevant temporary procedure for the provision of public services. In addition, now pensions and payments will be assigned on the basis of the data available to the fund. The Russians will be informed about the decision and, if necessary, will be invited to provide additional documents. This procedure will apply to services for the establishment and payment of insurance pensions, funded pensions, as well as pensions for state pensions, the establishment of cash payments to certain categories of Russian citizens, the implementation of compensations for

Biden has a precancerous tumor removed

Personal physician O & # 39; Connor: US President Biden removed a potentially precancerous adenoma Doctors identified a polyp removed from US President Joe Biden during a colonoscopy. He was recognized as a tubular adenoma – a benign, but potentially precancerous tumor that does not require further intervention, RIA Novosti reports, citing a statement by the politician's personal physician Kevin O'Connor.

Named a way to profitably buy currency

Financier Arzamastsev urged to buy insignificant amounts of currencies through the bank's application for a purchase than at a bank, even with brokerage commissions included. He called the Russians the best way to buy currency, reports the Prime agency. Arzamastsev said that it is better for private investors to buy currency on the stock exchange. However, there are several factors to consider. For example, the financier urged to buy small amounts of currencies through the bank's application. “Currently, one lot on the Moscow Exchange currency market is one thousand US dollars or euros, so many brokers can buy currency on the exchange only in such lots. That is, if you need to buy, for example, $ 2,500, then this will not work, and you will have to choose between an amount of two or three thousand conventional units of currency “, – explained Arzamastsev. Previously, the Russians were called” golden

A blogger in Moscow relieved himself of need at a stand with a snapshot of a war veteran

In Izmailovo, a blogger retired to a stand with a photo of a Great Patriotic War veteran Izmailovo, REN TV reports. The video was posted by a user under the nickname ogm4tt_aka_bamperone in Stories on his Instagram page. After a while, he deleted the video. The man's account is filled with pictures of him being captured behind bars. It is still unknown whether an investigation has been started on this fact. In April, a resident of Novosibirsk stole money from the bowl of the Eternal Flame. The footage shows a man in a camouflage jacket collecting coins from the monument. An eyewitness asks him if he has a job and explains to the child off-screen that bad people do this. The Russian does not react to remarks and statements. In March in Togliatti, a group of teenagers extinguished the Eternal Flame in Victory Park. Judging by the footage from the

The largest supermarket chain in the United States was found guilty of the drug crisis

A US court found Walmart pharmacies involved in the opioid crisis owned by the American company Walmart, the owner of the world's largest chain of wholesale and retail stores, responsible for the opioid crisis in the country. The court's decision was reported by NBC News. A Cleveland court ruled that Walmart, CVS and Walgreens, have irresponsibly distributed massive volumes of opioid-based pain medications in at least two counties in Ohio. This led to a real epidemic among residents of the regions who took painkillers as narcotic drugs. The court also acknowledged that this led to numerous deaths of citizens from drug overdose, and also caused the districts in losses of approximately one billion dollars (74.5 billion rubles). The districts were also able to prove to the court that the sale of drugs containing narcotic substances in Walmart pharmacy chains exacerbated the opioid crisis in the United States and created a