An exhibition of 17th century Italian graphics will open in Chelyabinsk

An exhibition of 17th century Italian graphics will open in Chelyabinsk An exhibition “Guido Reni and etching XVII century “. This is reported by the publication “Chelyabinsk Review”. 40 works of Italian masters arrived at the museum from the Irbit State Museum of Fine Arts. It was decided to open the exhibition a day earlier, on November 25, and it will be possible to visit it with a regular ticket, although the event is traditionally closed. The center of the exposition will be a large-scale painting “The Sleeping Cupid”, possibly written by Guido Reni. The painting will be surrounded by 39 etchings made by artists, which defined the face of Italian art in the 17th century – a turning point in the history of European culture. The exhibition will last until February 6, 2022. Earlier it was reported that in An exhibition of photo hokku related to the artistic culture

Business forum started in Ingushetia

The Magas Business Forum 2021 is being held in the Artis Plaza business center of the capital of Ingushetia in the Artis Plaza business center, will bring together business representatives, federal and republican development institutions, as well as experts. A business exposition will also be presented within the framework of the forum, which will enable companies to acquaint guests of the event with their products. It is noted that the organizers of the forum have prepared a rich program: thus, the participants will be able not only to discuss the prospects for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region, but also to participate in various master classes. At the same time, during the forum it is also planned to name the winners of the “Best Startup Project” competition among entrepreneurs. Earlier it became known that the Ingush medieval castle-type tower settlement Bisht will be opened for visits

Russian with many children was sent to the zone for pirate software

The Russian received a year in prison for an unlicensed drawing program A large Russian was sent to the zone for pirated software – he downloaded the drawing program for about seven years back. This is reported by OTV. According to the newspaper, businessman Ivan Krasnoyurchenko from Asbest installed an unlicensed version of the drawing program on three computers of his enterprise about seven years ago. But this year, officers of the Department of Economic Crimes raided the office of the enterprise and confiscated three computers. The copyright holder counted the damage over three million rubles: one million and 131 thousand rubles for each copy. Ivan did not agree with such a sum and refused to negotiate with the company-copyright holder. The judge, having considered the case, delivered a verdict: a year of imprisonment in a general regime colony. Krasnoyurchenko's defense will appeal this verdict – he has three children,

The EU will change the rules for crossing its borders

European Commissioner Kyriakides: EU border crossing rules to be changed due to COVID-19 The European Union (EU) will soon change its borders due to the worsening situation with the coronavirus. This was stated by European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides, reports La Razon. According to the European Commissioner, the border crossing rules will be changed in the coming days. At the moment it is not known what kind of changes are in question. “The winter will be very hard. In December and January there will be a heavy burden on hospitals, “she concluded. Kyriakides stressed that countries in which less than 80 percent of citizens are vaccinated will have to tighten restrictions to combat the spread of COVID-19. She recalled the need to be vaccinated and noted that each country can take decisive measures against the background of an increase in the incidence. Earlier, the Director of the European Bureau

The road to Russia was closed for the American producer of vegetable meat

Kommersant: American vegetable meat Beyond Meat fell victim to the food embargo in the world, stopped going through Russian customs, because officials considered that it was falling under a food embargo. Kommersant writes about this with reference to the distributor Alianta Group. The development director of the supplier, Alexander Buinevich, said that we are talking about a litigation with the Moscow Regional Customs regarding the classification of goods. Previously, imports went under the classification “other protein concentrates and textured protein substances”, but the customs decided to transfer vegetable meat to the code “other food products”, which closes its way to Russia. Products from the latest code have been included in the list of prohibited import since August 2014. Alianta Group appealed against the actions of customs officials, believing that it had become a victim of an incorrect assessment of the goods, and won the case. Last week, the Moscow Arbitration

Peter Jackson talks about The Beatles' attempts to film The Lord of the Rings

Director Peter Jackson: The Beatles wanted to film The Lord of the Rings Director Peter Jackson spoke about the attempts to get The Beatles writer John Ronald Tolkien has the rights to film the Lord of the Rings book series. The cinematographer's words are reported by BBC News. When Jackson was working on a documentary about The Beatles from archival footage of the late 1960s, he asked Paul McCartney about the confrontation with Tolkien. “I questioned Paul about what happened. Ringo [Starr] doesn't remember much of what happened, “the director said. Related Content 00:02 – November 1 The return of the greats. “The King of Tigers”, Dexter and crazy Catherine II in the main series of November 00:01 – 23 November Russia cannot be understood. a new season of the scandalous series “Great” about Catherine II, her power and orgies? He explained that the idea to film The Lord of

Muscovites were told about the ghost station in the subway

The Moscow Department of Transport told about the Troitse-Lykovo ghost station in the metro There is a so-called ghost station in the Moscow metro – it functions on the blue line. Attentive passengers can see it, passing between the stations “Krylatskoe” and “Strogino”, according to the Telegram-channel of the Moscow Department of Transport. The mysterious platform called “Trinity-Lykovo” is equipped on one of the longest subway runs , told in the Department of Transport. It has an attendant's room, an electrical substation, corridors, and a ventilation shaft. The station is an evacuation exit, they are placed on long hauls for the safety of passengers. “Trinity-Lykovo” is not on any scheme of the Moscow metro. “You can see it if you come close to the left door window while driving from Krylatskoye to Strogino. Look carefully – the train will pass quickly and will not stop, “the message explains. Last October,

The immunity of adolescents to COVID-19 after vaccination with “Sputnik M”

TASS: 93.2 percent of adolescents developed immunity to COVID-19 after Sputnik M After vaccination with Sputnik M “93.2 percent of adolescents have developed cellular immunity to COVID-19. This follows from the instructions of the drug, reports TASS. “Immunization with the drug” Gam-COVID-Vac-M “forms an antigen – a specific cellular anti-infectious immunity in 93.2 percent of the surveyed volunteers,” – says the text of the instruction. Earlier it was reported that the vaccine is contraindicated in severe allergic reactions, infectious and non-infectious diseases. Sputnik M should be used with caution in chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and endocrine system. On November 24, the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology received registration for the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents Sputnik M … It was created on the same platform as the Russian drug for coronavirus Sputnik V. It consists of two components, which are injected at intervals of 21 days.

In Britain, they talked about the interception of Russian planes

UK Defense Journal: British F-35s intercepted Russian aircraft more than 30 times British Defense Minister Ben Wallace spoke about the interceptions of Russian aircraft. According to him, Russia used aircraft to spy on the carrier strike group (AUG) of the Royal Navy (Navy) of Great Britain, led by the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth. This was reported by the UK Defense Journal. According to Wallace, Russian aircraft were tracking British ships in the Mediterranean. He noted that F-35 carrier-based fighters from the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth intercepted Russian planes taking off from Syrian airfields 30 times. Earlier, the British Defense Department reported about the fall of the F-35 Lightning II fighter at sea. The plane crashed into the sea during scheduled flights from the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth. The pilot ejected and was rescued by the ship's crew. In September, Russia placed five Project 636 Varshavyanka submarines in the Mediterranean for