The State Duma found a reason to ban the United States from holding sports competitions

Zhurov on the non-admission of speed skaters in the United States: divided into third world and civilized countries the situation with the non-admission of Russian skaters to the World Cup in the USA. Her words are quoted by The deputy considered that it is worth banning the United States from holding competitions for the convenience of all athletes. In her opinion, due to the coronavirus pandemic, American organizers cannot provide the necessary security measures. “They are beginning to divide into third world and civilized countries. Not everyone understands whether this is politics or business. But the worst thing is that the athletes were vaccinated and cannot supply another vaccine, it is unsafe. They are forced to harm themselves before the Olympics! ” – said Zhurova. Russian skaters were unable to obtain permission to travel to the United States for the World Cup. The reason was that they were not

FSIN head Kalashnikov dismissed

President Putin fired FSIN director Kalashnikov amid a torture scandal in colonies Russian President Vladimir Putin fired the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service ) Alexander Kalashnikov. The text of the corresponding decree is published on the Kremlin website. “To release Kalashnikov Alexander Petrovich from the post of director of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This decree comes into force from the day it is signed, ”the document says. Instead of Kalashnikov, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Arkady Gostev was appointed to this position. Kalashnikov became head of the FSIN in 2019 Kalashnikov took over as director of the FSIN in October 2019, replacing Gennady Kornienko. Prior to that, he served as head of the FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It was reported that Kalashnikov has a number of high-profile arrests, including the Governor of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer, together with his team and the head of the FSIN

Moscow rejects accusations of involvement in the “Havana syndrome”

Press secretary Peskov: Russia has nothing to do with the “Havana syndrome” Russia has nothing to do with the “Havana syndrome” from American diplomats. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. The Kremlin spokesman denied the accusations of the head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), William Burns, who announced the possible involvement of Moscow in an unknown ailment. “This topic was in no way raised with Burns’s political interlocutors here in Moscow, and it was not touched upon with the head of state. As for the content of the conversation between Burns and his colleagues in the special services, I have nothing to say here – this is not public information, “he said. Earlier, Burns threatened Russia with consequences if the American special services deemed it responsible for” Havana syndrome”. At the same time, the CIA director did

Russian Airlines Announce Global Black Friday Discounts

Izvestia: in honor of Black Friday, Russian airlines announced a ticket sale In honor of the annual international Black Friday promotion Russian airlines have announced global discounts on air tickets within Russia and abroad. Izvestia writes about this. So, from November 26 to November 29, the carrier Ural Airlines will offer discounts on travel documents of up to 50 percent. The Pobeda company plans to launch ticket sales from 499 rubles in all directions with departure until January 31, 2022. Related materials00: 10 – 12 April 2017 Fit into the budget Six simple tips to save money on summer vacations00: 15-15 June 2016 life hacks, tricks and tricks for traveling by train Utair customers will be able to purchase tickets with a discount of up to 17 percent in selected directions during this period: from Moscow to Kaliningrad, Sochi, Ufa, Khanty-Mansiysk, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Yakutsk, from Sochi to Surgut, from

The influence of foreign vaccines on herd immunity in Russia has been assessed

Virologist Volchkov: foreign vaccines will not affect herd immunity in Russia Recognition of foreign vaccines against COVID-19 in Russia will not affect herd immunity in the country. Such an assessment was given by the head of the laboratory of genomic engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), virologist Pavel Volchkov, his words are quoted by Moscow 24. Volchkov noted that the recognition of foreign vaccines against coronavirus will be useful to those Russians who live abroad, and come to Russia sometimes. “Around tens of thousands of people will use foreign vaccines in our entire multimillion country. This will not affect the epidemiological component in any way, “the virologist said. At the same time, the scientist noted that absolutely all vaccines should not be recognized, but only those whose effectiveness has been proven. Volchkov said that most of the foreign drugs for coronavirus did not pass the 70

The “United Russia” appreciated the idea of ​​issuing QR codes “unofficially” to those who had been ill

Deputy Solomatina: ER supported the idea of ​​issuing QR codes “unofficially” to those who had been ill codes “unofficially” to ill citizens. Deputy of the State Duma from the United Russia, Deputy Head of the Health Protection Committee Tatyana Solomatina in an interview with “Secret Firmy” said that unvaccinated citizens who have a sufficient level of antibodies to COVID-19 will need to be issued QR codes According to her, the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor will have to develop standards by which it will be possible to identify Russians who have undergone coronavirus. Solomatina also supported the idea of ​​issuing digital passes to those who were vaccinated with a foreign vaccine. She noted that in Russia it is necessary to authorize all drugs that are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). “People should have more freedom regardless of what they are vaccinated with,” the deputy stressed. Earlier, State Duma

The girl sues the mother's attending physician who allowed her to be born

The girl considered her birth a mistake and demanded compensation from her mother's doctor , that she should not have been born, and sued her mother's attending physician. The Daily Mirror reports. Toombs said she suffers from spina bifida. She considers Dr. Philip Mitchell, who advised her mother before and during her pregnancy, to be at fault for the development of the pathology. As the girl explained, the doctor did not warn the patient that when planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to take supplements with folic acid, which prevents defects in the neural tube of the fetus, including the development of Spina bifida. Related materials00: 04 – October 4, 2019 “I only didn’t sleep when I ate and went to the toilet.” A mysterious disease confined the American to bed. After 11 years, he cured himself himself 00:04 – 15 August 2019 Children of the Night These people are