IOC President praised FIFA's idea of ​​holding a World Cup every two years

IOC CEO Bach on FIFA's idea of ​​holding a World Cup every two years: they make a mistake President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach appreciated the idea of ​​the International Football Federation (FIFA) to hold the FIFA World Cup every two years. He is quoted by AIPS media. “The proponents of this plan are making the mistake of thinking that the behavior of the World Cup every two years will bring FIFA twice as much money,” Bach said and stressed that increasing profits is the only argument , which is cited in favor of the project. The President of the IOC noted that the players were also critical of the idea. “We saw active players who said that the World Cup every two years is 'overkill' and would pose a threat to their health and well-being,” Bach said. The World Cup is the main international football tournament

In a mine in Kuzbass, they lost contact with rescuers

TASS: communication with the mine rescuers involved in the operation in the Listvyazhnaya mine has been lost During the rescue operation in the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass, where a fire broke out on November 25, communication with the mine rescuers was lost. TASS reports. Earlier, the rescue operation in the mine had to be suspended due to the threat of an explosion.

Armenia and Azerbaijan will draw new borders on Soviet maps

Chairman of the Federation Council Matviyenko offered Armenia and Azerbaijan Soviet maps for demarcation The parties agreed to use this very source in order to outline new borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This was announced by the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, her words are reported by the website of the Federation Council. “Russia has offered assistance, given that the maps of the Soviet period are kept only by us in the Ministry of Defense. They are calibrated, precise and define the exact boundaries between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Negotiations can be confidently based on these cards, “Matvienko said at a meeting with the speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament Sahiba Gafarova. Related materials 18: 27 – 16 November Fighting began on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Russian military base in Gyumri is put on alert 00:04 – 22 November

The EU recommends limiting the validity of COVID certificates to nine months

The European Commission advised to limit the validity period of the EU COVID-certificates to nine months (EU). This is reported by TASS. Related materials 00:01 – 8 September “Lack of vaccines is a shame” The acute phase of a pandemic can drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? 00:01 – 26 September “Merkel leaves bedlam behind” Pro-Russian nationalists are entering the Bundestag. How Germany will change after the elections? November. The nine-month validity period of the certificates has been recommended by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. The European Commission also recommended receiving booster doses of the vaccine six months after the introduction of the main part of the drug. The EC stressed that restrictive measures, such as tests and quarantine, should not be applied to certificate holders. The restrictions are also required to exempt children under 12 years of age and citizens making “important

Ossetia changed their minds and voted for QR codes

Parliament of North Ossetia changed its decision on the bill on QR codes some modes of transport, changed his mind and changed his mind. This is reported by It is specified that during the repeat voting, 44 deputies supported the bill. Four opposed, one more abstained. In the afternoon of November 25, 30 deputies in North Ossetia supported the bill on QR codes, 12 spoke out against its adoption. To pass the bill, 35 votes were required. Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the process of adopting the bill on QR codes technologically, socially and digitally difficult. Draft amendments on the use in In public places, QR codes, which confirm the fact of vaccination against COVID-19 or a previous illness, were submitted to the State Duma on November 12. The initiative does not regulate the operation of public transport, pharmacies, grocery stores and retail outlets with essential goods. From

The Union of Journalists was outraged by the idea of ​​not specifying the positions of those responsible for the accident

The chief editor of MK Gusev was outraged by the idea of ​​Vyborny not to indicate in the media the positions of the participants in the accident Head of the Moscow branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia “Moskovsky Komsomolets” (MK) Pavel Gusev, in a conversation with “”, was outraged by the idea of ​​not specifying the positions of those responsible for the accident. Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Security Committee Anatoly Vyborny said that the media should not mention positions of representatives of authorities who have become participants in high-profile road accidents, as this can lead to a deterioration in the reputation of this or that organization. “Unfortunately, obscene language is prohibited in the media, I would immediately answer at the level that is prohibited … It seems to me that the clouding of consciousness of some deputies – it is not clear how they were

VTB is recognized as a platinum ESG employer

Forbes and KPMG rating “The best employers in Russia”: VTB took the “platinum” position VTB was recognized as one of the best, “platinum” Russian employers according to the Forbes magazine rating, developed with the participation of KPMG. VTB became one of 11 companies included in the Platinum category of the Best Employers in Russia rating. “Compliance with ESG principles is one of the key objectives of VTB's long-term development, which confirms the continuity of the course laid down in the Group's strategy several years ago. We work in a team, we value the professionalism of each employee and contribute to his development, we are constantly improving and are responsible for the result. Our main value is the client. We build partnerships and help to solve any life problems. VTB is an open system in which the client is free to make decisions and can always count on our professional help.

Popular Russian singer named her main achievement

StarHit: Singer Marie Kraimbreri said buying a house was her main achievement She shared her earnings details in an interview with StarHit. During the conversation, the singer was asked to share how she was monetizing her popularity. One of the achieved goals, Kraimbreri considered the acquisition of housing, noting that for other achievements she needs more funds. “I bought a house – I think this is my most important achievement to date. I am very sensitive to money and income, not one of those who squander money. I have some ambitious plans for which I need not one million, but much more, “said the artist. Previously, singer Anna Dzyuba showed her house under construction, who performed under the pseudonym Asti in the duet Artik & Asti. Together with her husband businessman Stanislav Yurkin, the artist spent 37 million rubles on housing. The house is planned to be decorated in a

The State Duma named the main allies of Russia “mother oil” and “father gas”

The State Duma announced the replacement of the army and navy in the list of Russia's main allies for oil and gas Chernyshov declared the need to make more active use of the oil and gas sector in pursuing Russia's geopolitical interests. The video with his speech was published by the Telegram channel According to the deputy, if earlier the main allies of Russia were the army and the navy (the phrase of Emperor Alexander III – approx. “” ), now it is “mother oil” and “gas father”. He announced that one should not be afraid, but should promptly respond to challenges in foreign policy with the help of geostrategic weapons. As an example, Chernyshov recalled the words of the head of the Ukrainian Batkivshchyna party, Yulia Tymoshenko, who stated that Ukraine stands on my knees in front of Russia. “They will bow their heads one way or another,”