The head of Kuzbass assessed the force of the explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine

Governor of the Kemerovo region Tsivilev: the explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine was very strong Governor of the Kemerovo region Sergey Tsivilev Soloviev Live “assessed the power of the explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine. According to him, he was very strong and disabled and building all systems. “After the explosion, the mine was completely damaged, all life support systems, all control systems were disabled, everything was destroyed. The explosion was very strong, “the head of Kuzbass explained. Tsivilev added that the mine rescuers arrived at the Listvyazhnaya mine half an hour after the explosion. Before that, in the first 30 minutes, the miners carried out “the most valuable, the most important” and helped each other. Earlier it became known that the search for the bodies of the dead miners was again suspended due to the accumulated gas. On Saturday, November 27, the bodies of five dead were taken out of

The State Duma appreciated the idea of ​​installing smokers in schools

The State Duma said that the installation of smokers in schools contradicts the purpose of the institutions Natalia Ionova) on the installation of smoking rooms for children in schools. In their opinion, such initiatives contradict the purpose of educational institutions. Earlier, the artist said that her daughter was kicked out of school precisely because she smoked, and noted that she understands the inconveniences the child faces at school. Glucose noted that teachers do not provide children with any alternatives. The first deputy chairman of the State Duma's Education Committee Yana Lantratova said that the school exists to instill good habits in children without encouraging bad ones. According to her, an educational institution is responsible for adolescents from the moment they cross its threshold, so teachers have every right to restrict them in some way. “Smoking is harmful to human health, and the idea that it needs to be legalized in

Johnson revealed the features of a new strain of coronavirus

British Prime Minister Johnson allowed the transfer of the omicron strain between those vaccinated against COVID-19 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the new strain Omicron coronavirus can be transmitted between fully vaccinated people. In addition, he allowed the transfer of omicron between vaccinated both components of the drug. The British Prime Minister also said that the country is introducing a mandatory PCR test for all those entering the country. Tourists will have to be in self-isolation until a negative test result is obtained. The country's authorities will also tighten control over the observance of the mask regime in shops and public transport. Johnson urged British citizens to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. “We do not yet know exactly how effective our omicron vaccines will be, but we have good reason to believe that they will provide at least some degree of protection,” he stressed politician. Earlier, the head

British Ambassador to Kiev urged Ukraine to get rid of Russian gas

British Ambassador to Ukraine Simmons urged Kiev to get rid of gas from Russia British Ambassador to Kiev Melinda Simmons told how Ukraine could “get rid” of Russian gas. She called for Kiev to stop being energy independent, especially from Russia. For this, in her opinion, Western countries should invest in green energy. “Ukraine has the opportunity in the long term even to become a provider, for example, of green hydrogen. Therefore, for me, this is exactly the moment where security issues can become economic opportunities, “Simmons said. The British Ambassador also added that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline weakens Kiev, so London expresses concern about the implementation of the project … At the same time, Simmons explained that the UK is unlikely to impose sanctions against the pipeline in the near future, since restrictive measures must be used “given the circumstances.” gas from Russia to Europe after the

Prospecting work at the Listvyazhnaya mine was again suspended due to gas

Rescuers continue to drill wells and pump nitrogen into the Listvyazhnaya mine because of the accumulated gas, the press service of the government of the Kemerovo region told. As noted by experts, the situation is complicated by the gas accumulated underground. Despite this, emergency work at the facility is ongoing around the clock. “To resume the search, rescuers continue to drill wells and pump nitrogen,” the press service emphasized. On Saturday, November 27, the bodies of five dead were taken out of the ground. They were at a depth of 365 meters. Rescuers had to walk 4.6 kilometers to the people. The explosion found the miners at their workplaces. The personalities of the victims were identified by colleagues, relatives will be invited for further work. An emergency happened at the mine on Thursday, November 25. 51 people died, including five mine rescuers. Earlier, the rescue work had already been suspended,

Virologist predicted the timing of the emergence of the omicron strain in Russia

Virologist Vikulov: the omicron strain can spread in Russia quite quickly new omicron-strain of coronavirus in Russia. According to him, this can happen in a fairly short time, writes Gazeta.Ru. “The virus can spread quickly enough in Russia. Due to the fact that flights are closed only on November 28, the virus has a loophole. Even, roughly speaking, one side is enough, and it can penetrate into our country. Unfortunately, this can happen at any time, “said the virologist. According to him, currently Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health will closely monitor the situation, since the omicron strain spreads faster than the delta and has additional mutations. Vikulov added that the effectiveness of vaccines against a new variant of the pathogen, the rate of onset of symptoms and complications is being actively studied. As soon as the necessary studies are carried out, experts will be able to give an opinion

Krasnodar and Khimki scored six goals in the RPL match

Krasnodar and Khimki drew in the RPL round 16 match Russian Premier League round 16 match (RPL) between Khimki and Krasnodar ended in a 3: 3 draw. This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting took place at the Arena-Khimki in the Moscow region. Already in the sixth minute of the confrontation, the guests opened the score. Victor Klasson distinguished himself. Khimki played only in the second half. In the 54th minute, Elmir Nabiullin delivered an accurate blow. Then a goal by Denis Glushakov allowed the Moscow Region club to come out ahead. Remi Cabella from Krasnodar equalized the score in the 68th minute. In the 72nd minute, Khimki again took the lead thanks to the efforts of Alexander Dolgov. And in the 81st minute Vladimir Ilyin helped the guests to level the score for the second time. Thus, six goals were scored in the confrontation. The final score

Revealed the cause of the death of mine rescuers in the Kuzbass mine

Acting head of the Emergencies Ministry Chupriyan: mine rescuers in Listvyazhnaya died due to carbon monoxide the death of mine rescuers in the Listvyazhnaya mine of the Kemerovo region was a sharp increase in the concentration of carbon monoxide. TASS writes about this. “Why did they die? I can tell the opinion of experts: because the concentration of carbon monoxide has sharply increased, it can only be understood by a device, “Chupriyan said. Earlier, at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass, the bodies of five more dead were raised to the surface. It is noted that all those raised during the rescue operations are dead miners. In total, after the accident at the mine, the bodies of 11 victims have so far been raised, three of them are rescuers. On the morning of November 25, it became known about the incident at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass. As a result of