The Kremlin announced the talks between Putin and the President of Vietnam

Russian President Putin will hold talks on November 30 with Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold talks on Tuesday, November 30 with Vietnamese leader Nguyen Xuan Phuc. The meeting in Moscow was announced by the press service of the Kremlin, writes TASS. During the talks, the leaders intend to discuss topical issues of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the countries in various fields, including political dialogue, trade and economic, military-technical , scientific and technological cooperation, as well as humanitarian contacts. In addition, the presidents will exchange views on the regional agenda, the Kremlin specified. On November 25, Serbian President Aleksandr Vucic held talks with Vladimir Putin in Sochi. It was noted that the topics of partnership in the political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres were to be discussed. In addition, it became known that Vladimir Putin will visit India on December 6. During the

Governor complaining about miners offered help in mining cryptocurrencies

The Governor of the Irkutsk Region Igor Kobzev proposed to recognize mining as a business of cryptocurrencies – the head of the region is ready to provide them with separate sites for industrial activity, Interfax writes. “As you know, I turned to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation [Alexander Novak] and consider [mining] as an entrepreneurial activity … The government has its own opinion on this matter, it looked at it, supported us, “Kobzev said. Recognition of mining as a business will oblige miners to pay for electricity at higher rates. In October, the governor complained to the authorities about the “underground” miners. Kobzev announced an “avalanche-like increase in energy consumption” in the region, the level of which has already increased tenfold compared to 2019. The head of the region expressed concern that the state of the networks does not allow such an increase in load. According to

Former minister named the internal reason for the collapse of the USSR

Former Foreign Minister Ivanov: the USSR collapsed due to the lack of a plan for the transition to a market economy Former Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said that the collapse of the USSR occurred not because of foreign policy, but because of economic problems within the country. He named this reason in an interview with Kommersant. As Ivanov noted, despite the popularity of the first and only president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, he lost popular support due to socio-economic policies and empty counters. “I believe that these are internal problems, primarily related to the economy. We actually did not formulate, at least I did not see or hear it, a clear plan for the transition from a one hundred percent centralized Soviet economy to a market one. There was a spontaneous collapse, which led to what it led to, “said the ex-Foreign Minister. Earlier, the head of the

Lukashenko ordered the army to prepare a plan in case of NATO aggression

President of Belarus Lukashenko instructed the army to prepare a response in case of NATO aggression against the country. To this end, Lukashenka convened a meeting on military security issues at the country's defense ministry. BelTA informs about it. “Plans for any of their actions (external aggressors, whom Lukashenka considers NATO and Poland – comment of ), the plans of our counteraction must be. We have every opportunity to keep our nose downwind, as the people say, and react to their every movement with a weapon. This is the purpose of our today's event, ”the president said to the military. Lukashenko several times previously drew attention to the accumulation of NATO armed forces, including tanks and armored vehicles, near the western borders of Belarus. Related materials 15: 25-19 November Border stand. Migrants on the border between Poland and Belarus – about a breakthrough to Europe, life in a camp

Muscovites wanted to make six out of one apartment and were punished

The Moscow Housing Inspection did not allow an illegal redevelopment of an apartment in the Strogino area Enterprising Muscovites wanted to “cut” living space in order to make six apartments out of one, but were punished. This was reported on the website of the mayor of the capital. One of the local residents filed a complaint about illegal work in the house on Marshal Katukov Street. She stated that a dwelling with an area of ​​about 100 meters was “cut” into six studios, each one had communications, thus creating an extra load on the common building engineering systems. Inspectors of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate conducted an inspection, the suspicions of the Muscovite were confirmed: the owners really almost remodeled one apartment at six. The workers installed partitions with metal doors, placed additional bathrooms, made a kitchen in each room. Administrative protocols were drawn up against all the owners, and citizens

The Kremlin announced the laureates of the award “For Faithfulness to Science”

In Moscow announced the laureates of the prize “For fidelity to science” in 15 areas … In the Year of Science, the award united a record 15 directions. The awards were presented to politicians, scientists, journalists, business and non-profit sector representatives. This became possible thanks to the support of Alisher Usmanov's charitable foundation “Art, Science and Sport”, which was a partner of the award and formed its prize fund. The laureates were awarded by Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko , Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov, Deputy General Director for Science and Strategy of Rosatom Yuri Olenin and others. Fatima Mukhomejan, director of the Art, Science and Sport Foundation, presented a special prize “for her contribution to the popularization of science and technology among young scientists”. The winner in this nomination was the head of the research group of the Russian

In the Netherlands, a couple escaped from a quarantine hotel and was caught by the police

BBC News: Dutch police have arrested a couple who escaped from a quarantine hotel the Kennemerland region, where they were placed after testing positive for coronavirus. This is reported by BBC News. According to the newspaper, the couple was caught by law enforcement officers at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. The citizens were already sitting on the plane that was supposed to fly to Spain. They arrived in the Netherlands from the Republic of South Africa (South Africa), after which they were diagnosed with a coronavirus. It is noted that the fugitives can be prosecuted for violating the isolation rules when infected with COVID-19. Earlier it became known that at least 13 citizens who arrived in the Netherlands from South Africa were diagnosed with a new omicron strain of coronavirus. In total, the authorities checked 642 passengers. According to the test results, COVID-19 was detected in 61 of them. All infected

The authorities of Kuzbass told about payments to the families of those killed in an emergency on Listvyazhnaya

Tsivilev: the owner of Listvyazhnaya paid compensation of more than 100 million rubles The owner of the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region, where 51 people died as a result of the emergency, paid compensation to the families of the dead and injured in the amount of more than 100 million rubles. This was stated by the Governor of Kuzbass Sergei Tsivilev, he is quoted by TASS.

In Russia, the prosecutor's office punished a teacher and director for showing the LGBT flag

The Yamal Prosecutor's Office brought a teacher to disciplinary responsibility for the LGBT flag slide a lesson dedicated to International Day for Tolerance, the LGBT flag was displayed. The incident is reported on the agency's website. On November 16, one of the teachers from school # 8 showed the students a slide with a rainbow flag during a lesson. information harmful to the moral and spiritual development of minors. ” It is clarified that the director of the educational institution and the teacher were brought to disciplinary responsibility. Who wrote the complaint to the prosecutor's office against the teacher is not reported. Formerly director of the League for Safe Internet, member of the Public Chamber RF Ekaterina Mizulina proposed to introduce pre-trial blocking of information in Russia to protect children from LGBT propaganda on social networks. Huge amounts of money are spent on promoting such information among children, she said.