The scheme of extortion of money by employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service in women's colonies has been disclosed

Human rights activist Litvinovich: they extort money from women in colonies for the right to be released on parole In women's colonies money is often extorted from relatives of Russian women prisoners. For the sake of being released on parole (parole), women are ready for a lot, so some families have to sell apartments and take out loans. The scheme of extortion by employees of the FSIN was revealed in an interview with by human rights activist Marina Litvinovich. In general, the leadership of the colonies is aimed at constantly pulling money out of the families of prisoners. They are always interested in women whose families can pay. And very often a woman who wants to get out on parole is told in plain text: you need to buy building materials or pay for some work Marina Litvinovich human rights activist Litvinovich said that the money allocated by the

Named Russia's main weapon against Abrams, Leopard and Challenger tanks

Izvestia: Russia will protect itself from Western tanks with Chrysanthemum-S complexes Russia will strengthen the western strategic direction with self-propelled anti-tank missile systems ( ATGM) “Chrysanthemum-S”, Izvestia reports, citing sources in the Ministry of Defense. The newspaper writes that the military department has decided to completely re-equip units of the 2nd Taman motorized rifle division with ATGM-like ones. According to experts interviewed by the publication, “Chrysanthemum-S” can be called the main weapon of Russia against Western tanks. In particular, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky is sure that “Chrysanthemum-S” is the most advanced Russian anti-tank missile system, providing penetration armor of all types of foreign tanks, for example, modern Abrams, Leopard and Challenger. The newspaper writes that this self-propelled ATGM, created on the basis of the BMP-3 platform, is called a tank killer in the army. Chrysanthemum-S is equipped with optical sights, a thermal imager and a powerful onboard radar. The maximum

Malakhov spoke about the execution of Gradsky's request after his death

Host Malakhov: the request of Alexander Gradsky to bury him with his mother in Moscow will be performed by The host of the Live broadcast on the Russia 1 TV channel Andrei Malakhov said that People's Artist of Russia, musician Alexander Gradsky would be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery. He spoke about the fulfillment of the singer's request on the air of a program dedicated to him, the release was published on the YouTube channel. As Malakhov noted, the musician and his mother Tamara Gradskaya were united by a love of art. She studied at GITIS, and after moving from the Chelyabinsk region to Moscow, she took her son to a music school and instilled a love of creativity. The program reported that until the age of 16 the musician bore the name of his father – Fradkin, but after the death of his mother took her last name. “His

Ice golf tours are planned to be launched on Baikal

Ice golf tours are planned to be launched at Lake Baikal Ice premium golf tours are planned to be launched at Lake Baikal. This was announced by the director of the autonomous non-profit organization “International Center for Golf Tourism” Anna Ovchininnikova at a round table at the tourist exhibition “Baikaltour” in Irkutsk, reports It is assumed that tours will be available on two shores of the lake in the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. In 2022, experts and foreign tour operators will come there to get acquainted with the infrastructure. At the same time, there are plans to create not only winter, but also summer tour packages. It is expected that most tourists will come with a golf tour to Lake Baikal from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region – according to preliminary estimates, the project will cover about 15 million traveling golfers from Asia. “Close, exciting, understandable – this

Disclosed the effect of the omicron strain on the course of COVID-19

Gunzburg: with the omicron strain, the body has more time to develop immunity With the omicron strain, the severe form of coronavirus may take longer, than with other options, due to the large number of mutations. This gives the body more time to develop immunity. The director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg told TASS about this. He noted that a large number of mutations does not mean that the disease will be more difficult. “This can just affect, I really hope that this will weaken his ability to form syncytia (cells that merge into a single mass – approx.” “), [will reduce] the speed of transition from infection before penetration into the lungs, “- explained Gunzburg. According to him, if this process proceeds in the same way as in the previous strains, then memory cells will work and protect the body. “That is, the number of cases of

Four generals of the Russian Guard were suspected of fraud for hundreds of millions of rubles

Kommersant: 4 generals and 3 colonels of the Russian Guard were suspected of fraud for 192 million rubles The main military prosecutor's office suspected four generals and three colonels of the Russian Guard of fraud related to the introduction of the information system (IS) “Real Estate” in the structure of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard. Despite the 192 million rubles spent on it, the system did not work. Kommersant writes about this with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies. The reason for the large-scale check of the military prosecutors was the materials collected by the staff of the own security service of the Russian Guard itself. The auditors and prosecutors were interested in the details of attempts to introduce the Real Estate information system in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2012–2016, which was supposed to unite

Employees in the highest paid industry were dissatisfied with their work

BCG: 78 percent of Russian IT employees said they intend to change jobs 78 percent of Russians working in the digital industry are going to leave for another company in two to three years, and 43 percent of employees are already actively looking for a new job. These results were shown by a survey of the consulting company BCG, carried out in conjunction with the global alliance of recruiting sites The Network ( became a participant from Russia). The research data is at the disposal of At the same time, the digital sphere in Russia remains the fastest growing and the highest paid. The entire year of 2021 was marked by an explosive growth of IT vacancies – the annual growth rate is 75 percent, while there remains an acute shortage and shortage of IT personnel, resumes are growing an average of 5 percent. Natalya DaninaDirector of the Department

Describes the scale of violence in women's colonies in Russia

Human rights activist Litvinovich: women in the colony are subjected to psychological violence There are no tortures and rapes in Russian women's colonies, which take place in men's prisons female prisoners are subjected to psychological and physical violence, which can sometimes take on the character of torture. Human rights activist Marina Litvinovich described the scale of violence in women's colonies in an interview with According to her, one of the largest problems of prisoners in women's colonies is the inability to go to the toilet when the need arises: women who work mainly in the sewing industry claim that they can go to the toilet once or twice per shift and this is given for about five to ten minutes. At the same time, about 70 people work in the production, and there can be only five toilets, and not everyone can have time. “But in general, as you

Russia was suspected of being ready to invade Ukraine

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: the plan for Russia's invasion of Ukraine is on the table in Moscow Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that the plan “ invasion “of Russia into the republic” is on the table in Moscow. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the Delfi edition. According to the minister, Russia is considering the invasion as one of the alternatives. “There is no evidence that the decision to implement it has already been made in Moscow, but this option is on their table,” he said. According to Kuleba, Ukraine and its partners are currently working on to dissuade Russia from choosing an “invasion”. The minister argues that it will not be possible to achieve this by concessions, but only by a powerful policy of containment. According to the politician, Moscow in 2014 “could not achieve all of its goals, so for the Russian army, a campaign

Nurmagomedov announced his desire to return the UFC championship belt to Dagestan

Former UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov is expecting the title from Islam Makhachev Former mixed style fighter (MMA) Fighting Championship (UFC) at home – in Dagestan. He spoke about this during an interview on the YouTube channel ESPN MMA. 33-year-old Nurmagomedov will not resume his career. In an interview with a journalist, he stressed that nothing can force him to return to the octagon. The ex-champion is expecting victories from fellow Russian fighter Islam Makhachev. “Makhachev must take the championship belt. Return him to Dagestan. At the end of next year, he will do it, “he said. Makhachev won nine victories in a row in the UFC. The next opponent of the Russian will be the American Beneil Dariush. The fight will take place in February 2022. Makhachev has been repeatedly named the successor of Nurmagomedov in the UFC lightweight division. The Russian was highly praised by his mentors: American Kickboxing