A member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, when discussing the bill with a member of the CPSU, decided to break his nose

In the Vladimir region, the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sidorko decided to break the nose of the deputy from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union During the discussion of the bill, Ivan Altukhov, a deputy from the Communist Party of Social Justice (CPSU), decided to break his nose. This is reported by the publication “Podyom”. A member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation said that he did not threaten the deputy at that moment, because, in his opinion, Altukhov was “hamloing out of the doorway.” He said that he was born in the Far East, where it was not customary to enter into negotiations with rude people. “If he continues to insult, then, naturally, we will fight with him. I'm afraid he will suffer a complete fiasco, “Sidorko said. In turn, the deputy from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union called

The girl sewed the iconic Britney Spears dress from jeans and received hundreds of dollars

A blogger created a Britney Spears dress from jeans from the American Music Awards pop singer Britney Spears, in which she attended the 2001 American Music Awards. The video published on TikTok was noticed in the Daily Mail. Blogger Hayley said that to recreate the singer's outfit she bought several pairs of jeans at The Salvation Army for $ 10 (750 rubles). After that, the designer made the markings on the mannequin, washed the jeans and cut them into component parts. Then the girl cut out the pieces of the necessary shape from the material and sewed them together. According to the master, the whole process took her two days. The footage shows that the outfit is identical to the original Spears dress. Hayley admitted that she was able to get hundreds of dollars for her work by selling it on the Internet for $ 350 (26.2 thousand rubles). Netizens

Mushrooms have been called a means of saving the planet

The Guardian: Scientists to Create a Global Map of Underground Mushrooms The Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN) has started a project to collect samples of underground mushrooms from different parts of the world. Scientists will create a global map of mushroom networks, which will allow monitoring the state of underground and terrestrial ecosystems and taking timely measures to preserve them, reports The Guardian. Researchers using artificial intelligence have identified 10 regions of the accumulation of mushroom networks, in which it is planned to collect 10 thousand samples for further study. The first collection of samples will begin in 2022 in Patagonia, a region of South America, and will last a year and a half. SPUN will also study the underground ecosystems of Morocco, Western Sahara, the Canadian tundra, the Russian taiga, the Kazakh steppes, the Mexican highlands, the highlands of South America, the Israeli Negev desert, meadows

Patrushev announced Russia's close observation of NATO actions near the border

Security Council Secretary Patrushev: Russia is closely monitoring the actions of NATO troops near the border Russia will closely monitor the actions of NATO armed forces near its borders … This was stated by the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, his words are quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta. “As for the increased military activity of the United States and its allies in the region, we will continue to closely monitor the actions of NATO and Ukraine troops near our borders.” , – said Patrushev.

An exhibition on human interaction with the interior opens in Vladivostok

An exhibition on human interaction with the interior opens in Vladivostok The exhibition “Secret Space” artist Anastasia Medvedeva, dedicated to the interaction of a person with the surrounding interior. This is reported by PrimPress. The exhibition features 16 paintings and 19 graphic works created in 2021. Some were made according to memories and ideas. According to the curator of the project, Yulia Klimko, the coronavirus pandemic became the reason to look differently at the surrounding space. In the exhibition Secret Space, the interior becomes the main character through which the story of a modern man and his values ​​is told. The exhibition will last until December 22. Earlier it was reported that new art would appear in Nizhny Novgorod -space “Millionka”. They decided to devote the project of historical and cultural tourism to the history of the poor who lived in the 19th century. It will demonstrate the system of

A café and craft workshops will open in the house of a Pskov nobleman

A cafe, workshops and a souvenir shop will be opened in the house of the nobleman Bekleshov in Pskov 1812, a cafe, a souvenir shop and craft workshops will be opened. Director of the city tourist information center Andrey Polyakov spoke about this in an interview with AiF-Pskov. Polyakov noted that the workshops are leased for as long as the master needs. As for souvenir shops, local goods are preferred over imported ones. In addition, in January 2022, the Children's Art School will visit the Bekleshov house. School students are ready to make souvenirs for tourists. For example, at the master class, travelers with their own hands will be able to make prints depicting the city. The director of the information center clarified that earlier three Pskov governors lived in the mansion. Later it housed a gymnasium, during the First World War – the headquarters of the Northern Front. The

The first batch of Sputnik Light was delivered to San Marino

A batch of Sputnik Light was delivered to San Marino, it will be used for revaccination The first batch of Russian vaccine was delivered to San Marino from the Sputnik Light coronavirus. This is reported by the Institute of Social Security of the Republic (ISS), RIA Novosti reports. It is noted that the Russian drug will be used for revaccination of citizens of the country who have received primary vaccinations with the Sputnik V vaccine. On November 23, it was reported that San Marino became the first country in the European Union (EU) to approve the Russian Sputnik Light vaccine as an independent drug. In addition, the drug has been approved as a booster for other coronavirus vaccines. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) noted that San Marino became the first country in Europe where not a single case of COVID-19 infection was detected.

Saving the planet hit the women of an African country

Bloomberg: Senegal's Plastic Ban Threatens Women's Jobs under threat. Bloomberg reports. The new anti-pollution rule could affect access to clean drinking water and the number of jobs for women, many of whom make a living filtering, packaging and reselling tap water in plastic bags. About 30 thousand female employees may be unemployed due to new measures to save the planet. “We need time to find a solution,” the union said. The ban on single-use plastic should take effect in the African country from December 31st. Senegal's Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development says the business has had ample time to find a replacement for the packaging. Plastic water bags were supposed to be banned back in January 2020, but manufacturers were given a respite due to the coronavirus pandemic hitting the economy. Now that markets are gradually recovering from the crisis, the ban must be fully respected. Women and girls

Criminal authority imprisoned for 10 years for extortion from prisoners

In Voronezh, a court sentenced a crime boss to 10 years for status and extortion , having found him guilty of occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy and extortion. This was reported to “Lente.ru” in the press service of the regional prosecutor's office. The convicted person will serve a sentence of 10 years in a strict regime colony. According to the investigation, From 2018 to 2021, using the highest position in the criminal hierarchy among convicts in Voronezh colony No. 9, he gave them orders and subordinated them to his will. Three facts of extortion of money from prisoners have been established: they were forced to pay for criminal protection. The money went to the common fund. The authority was the first in the region to be imprisoned for status, the department noted. In the Tula region, criminal authority Andrei Voznesensky, nicknamed “The Hobot”, was sentenced to 6.5

Russian authorities have assessed the impact of the omicron strain on the economy

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov: all strains of coronavirus are unpleasant for the economy According to the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, difficulties are easier to overcome when there are a large number of vaccinated people. His words are quoted by the Izvestia newspaper. “All strains of the virus, of course, are unpleasant for the economy. But we have already gone so much, have learned to overcome all these difficulties. The most important thing is vaccination, “Siluanov said. Earlier, Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin named possible scenarios for the impact of a new strain of coronavirus on the Russian economy. According to him, there are three possible scenarios for the development of events. The first scenario – negative – implies that the omicron strain will spread faster, and the disease itself will be difficult. Oreshkin called the second scenario a “false alarm” and explained that new strains appeared before,