Sobchak told glamour magazine about his presidential ambitions

Sobchak told glamour magazine about his presidential ambitions TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, has given an interview to Glamour magazine, where for the first time did not deny presidential ambitions. The room went on sale on Tuesday, October 10, with the announcement on the cover: “Ksenia Sobchak about the editorial weekdays and presidential ambitions.” The chief editor Maria Fedorova — “Tell me now as a potential candidate for the highest post in the country: you don’t think that your past in show business you hurt?” Sobchak responded that it was her only help. I’m just such a person — as a funnel cake. Many different layers, but in the end I’m the one cake. I communicate with different people, I’m interested, I want to know everything, to participate in everything, every second to learn — this is my life.Ksenia Sobchak One of the bands also provides another quote the journalist: “Ksenia

Peskov: Putin will meet with participants of the Festival of youth and students in Sochi

Peskov: Putin will meet with participants of the Festival of youth and students in Sochi During the Valdai forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to meet with the participants of the Festival of youth and students in Sochi, said his press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, reports RIA “Novosti”. “We expect that in the days of the Valdai forum, Putin also in a variety of formats to communicate with the participants of the festival of youth and students of the 21st of October, he will participate in some sections to discuss various issues in the framework of the festival, communicate with participants, will visit the closing”, — he said.

Putin supported Dodon in his intention to develop relations with Russia

© Sergei Savostyanov/TASS SOCHI, October 10. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin admitted that appreciates the efforts of the Moldovan counterpart Igor Dodon for normalization of Russian-Moldovan relations. “We appreciate Your efforts for normalization of Russian-Moldovan relations, we see that the process is not easy, but we believe that in the end are in the interest of the people of Moldova and the people of the Russian Federation”, – said the head of the Russian state, starting negotiations with the Dodon.

Why the gubernatorial candidates in Russia are asked to jump from the cliff

Why the gubernatorial candidates in Russia are asked to jump from the cliff The organizers of the training to potential candidates for Governor explained the Russian service Bi-bi-si, why are the students of the course to guide the regions jumped from a twenty foot cliff into the water. According to them, the jump was not necessary. During the download an error has occurred. A week in early October, dozens of Russian officials and deputies receive special training in the Sochi boarding house “Sirius”. The training was organized with the participation of the presidential administration on the basis of the courses of the higher school of public administration, Ranepa, with the support of the Moscow school of management SKOLKOVO, Sberbank corporate University and the Higher school of Economics. The purpose of this training is training for leadership positions in the regions, including potential gubernatorial candidates. Among those who took courses, there

The court arrested in absentia of opposition leader Maltsev

The court arrested in absentia of opposition leader Maltsev Petty-bourgeois court of Moscow in absentia arrested the leader of the movement “Artillery”, nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev, who is accused of extremism. This was reported by the RBC press-Secretary of the court Yulia Bocharova. ​ Maltsev set the period of detention for two months from the moment of its transfer to law enforcement in case of extradition or deportation to the territory of Russia or the moment of actual detention.Julia Bojarevics Secretary of the Meshchansky court Bocharova noted that Maltsev was charged with a crime under part 1 of article 280 of the criminal code (public calls for extremist activities). In July, RBC with reference to the press-Secretary of the unregistered Party of nationalists Denis Romanov has informed that Maltsev was prosecuted. According to Romanov, instituting proceedings, law enforcement officials announced during a search in the “people’s house” — the headquarters of

What did Paul Skates on a post of the Governor of the Ivanovo region

The former Governor of Ivanovo region Pavel Konkov © Vladimir Smirnov/TASS On Tuesday, the 59-year-old Governor of Ivanovo region Pavel Konkov resigned. The acting head of the region appointed Stanislav Voskresensky, who previously held the post of Deputy Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation. The results of the activities of Paul Konkova at the head of the field at TASS. Textile projects Ivanovo oblast is called “textile edge” — the share of light industry in the economy of the region exceeds 30%, the highest figure in Russia. Skates as an employee of this industry with many years actively engaged in the development of the textile industries, which is reflected in the indicators. For example, in the first quarter of this year, the Ivanovo textile enterprises realized production for the total amount of 10.2 billion rubles, which is more than the same indicator of the previous year by 18.6%.

The DPRK learned about the details of the military operation of the USA and South Korea

The DPRK learned about the details of the military operation of the USA and South Korea The location of key military and strategic infrastructure, power plants and the plan of joint actions of U.S. troops and South Korea in case of war with North Korea — these are all classified data in the hands of North Korean hackers. This was reported by the newspaper Financial Times (FT). From documents Pyongyang has learned how the allies were going to eliminate Kim Jong UN. The theft of the documents occurred a year ago, but South Korean experts still trying to find out what data was available to the DPRK. The situation around North Korea remains tense. Donald trump threatens to destroy the DPRK in response to the launches of ballistic missiles and nuclear testing, and U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis said on Monday that the American troops ready for action against

The leader of Catalonia is preparing for a speech in Parliament. If they do it on independence?

The leader of Catalonia is preparing for a speech in Parliament. If they do it on independence? On the eve of the speech of the President of Catalonia Pokdemon in Parliament, the pressure on the leader of the Catalan separatists intensified. France and Germany opposed the unilateral Declaration of independence. In a matter of hours before the scheduled speech Pokdemon, as reported by the Barcelona European editor of Bi-bi-si Katya Adler, no one, even among the companions of the leader of Catalonia, does not know for sure whether Tuesday’s Declaration of independence of the Spanish autonomy. And even if close to Podemno policy know something, they don’t talk about it. Meanwhile, the two largest EU countries, France and Germany spoke in support of the unity of Spain and against the unilateral Declaration of independence of Catalonia. The Spanish government, faced with the most serious political crisis in the country after

The Japanese condemned the government for the accident at the NPP “Fukushima-1”

The Japanese condemned the government for the accident at the NPP “Fukushima-1” The district court recognized, the Fukushima government and the company-operator NPP “Fukushima-1” TEPCO responsible for the accident at the nuclear power plant that occurred in 2011. About it reports The Asahi Shimbun. The court found that officials did not fulfill their direct duties, which led to the nuclear accident, and had not timely comprehensive alert local residents about tsunamis and evacuation. The plaintiffs will receive $ 4.4 million compensation. Of all participants in the class action, filed in the court of Fukushima, only 10 percent lived in areas where they issued evacuation orders. Most of the plaintiffs were residents in other parts of Fukushima Prefecture, where such orders are issued. Only in Japan was started about 30 similar group of lawsuits associated with the accident at the “Fukushima-1”. The current solution was the third. On 22 September the