The leader of Catalonia is preparing for a speech in Parliament. If they do it on independence?

The leader of Catalonia is preparing for a speech in Parliament. If they do it on independence?

On the eve of the speech of the President of Catalonia Pokdemon in Parliament, the pressure on the leader of the Catalan separatists intensified. France and Germany opposed the unilateral Declaration of independence.

In a matter of hours before the scheduled speech Pokdemon, as reported by the Barcelona European editor of Bi-bi-si Katya Adler, no one, even among the companions of the leader of Catalonia, does not know for sure whether Tuesday’s Declaration of independence of the Spanish autonomy. And even if close to Podemno policy know something, they don’t talk about it.

Meanwhile, the two largest EU countries, France and Germany spoke in support of the unity of Spain and against the unilateral Declaration of independence of Catalonia.

The Spanish government, faced with the most serious political crisis in the country after the military coup of 1981, warned that will immediately respond to any such unilateral Declaration and will take action, as it stated, on the restoration of law and democracy.

A week after voting in a referendum on independence, to thwart which Madrid has done everything possible tensions began to affect the business climate of the richest region of Spain.

The mayor of Barcelona Hell Cola called Carles Pokdemon and the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, to undertake efforts to de-escalate the tension in relations between Catalonia and Madrid.

