The defense Ministry announced new complexes of instant global strike the United States

The defense Ministry announced new complexes of instant global strike the United States The United States is developing the complexes of the instant global strike, which, even in non-nuclear equipment will be able to solve problems of strategic nuclear forces, said the Ministry of defence. The number of missiles will exceed the number of warheads in Russia. The Pentagon is the development of advanced systems of instant global strike, said the representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia, Alexander Emelyanov in the course of Russian-Chinese briefing on missile defense. “Implementing the concept of joint use of offensive and defensive weapons, the Pentagon began to establish a promising strike complexes instant global strike. Conventional these systems should solve the same tasks that today are entrusted to the strategic nuclear forces”, — quotes TASS Emelyanov. The representative of the Ministry of defense made a detailed analysis of the American missile defence

The Israeli Ambassador called upon after the United States to withdraw from UNESCO

The Israeli Ambassador called upon after the United States to withdraw from UNESCO TEL AVIV, October 12 — RIA Novosti. Israel’s Ambassador to UNESCO Carmel Shama-Cohen recommends that you follow suit and leave the ranks of an international organization. Us authorities announced on Thursday about the decision from 2019 to withdraw from UNESCO and to continue working there as an observer. “Until today I was of the opinion that we should not withdraw from UNESCO, despite all her crazy decisions. Now, after the US withdraws, mostly, because of the persecution of Israel to UNESCO, in my opinion, you should go with them immediately,” he wrote on his page on the social network Facebook. He noted that it is his personal opinion and final decision over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who, according to Shama-Cohen, is “a broader and more detailed picture”. The official response of Israel to the US decision yet.

The Russian foreign Ministry called on foreign partners of Ukraine to prevent riots in the country

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. Moscow calls on foreign partners of Ukraine, which has influence on its management, to take measures to prevent violence and riots in this country. This is stated in a statement on Thursday comments by the Russian foreign Ministry. As emphasized in the Russian depodesta, the concern appeared in the Ukrainian media reports about the plans of the radicals from the party “Freedom”, the movement “Right sector”, OUN (banned in Russia) and other nationalist organizations to hold in the center of Kiev and other cities of the torchlight procession on the occasion of the anniversary of the Ukrainian insurgent army (UPA prohibited in Russia) on 14 October.

The DPRK issued a world Atlas, where the Crimea is part of Russia

Pyongyang, North Korea © Alexey Berezhkov/TASS MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. Political Atlas of the world, where the Crimea marked as Russian territory, published in the DPRK. On Thursday reported on the website of the Russian Embassy in the DPRK in Facebook. “Publishing house “Science encyclopedia” (DPRK) has released a new political Atlas of the world. Drew attention to the fact that the Peninsula of the Crimea (pp. 240-242) already painted in the Russian colors”, – stated in the message.

Trump has signed a decree, which Obamacare collapses

Trump has signed a decree, which Obamacare collapses WASHINGTON, 12 Oct — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The US President Donald trump on Thursday signed the Executive decree for the reform of health care, which begins the process of ending the program of reforms of Barack Obama, known as Obamacare. “This decree defines the first steps in providing millions of Americans the burden of Obamacare,” said trump, speaking in Washington. He noted that the new measures “will not cost almost anything to the US government, but will allow people to save millions of dollars.” Trump’s speech broadcast by CNN. Trump, in particular, has promised that American insurance companies will be able to provide customers with short term insurance. The reform of Obamacare, Americans were obliged under threat of penalty to buy health insurance and increased taxes on health care, and in exchange has offered subsidies and increased assistance to the poor.

North Korea acknowledged the Russian Crimea

North Korea acknowledged the Russian Crimea North Korea declared Crimea a Russian region. On Thursday, October 12, reports the Russian Embassy in the DPRK in Facebook. “The Republic respects the results held in the Crimea referendum on joining the Peninsula to the Russian Federation, considers the results legitimate and in full conformity with international legal standards,” reads the post. During the download an error has occurred. The Embassy added that Pyongyang officially stated its position on this issue when voting in the UN. A North Korean publishing house “Science encyclopedia” has released a new political Atlas of the world in which Crimea painted in the Russian colors.

Deputy Minister of defense of Ukraine sent under house arrest on charges of major embezzlement

Deputy Minister of defense of Ukraine sent under house arrest on charges of major embezzlement Moscow. 12 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Solomensky district court of Kiev chose a measure of restraint to the Deputy Minister of defence of Ukraine Igor Pavlovsky in the form of a round-the-clock house arrest. As the correspondent of Agency “Interfax-Ukraine”, such decision was sounded by the judge Vladlen Lazarenko at the meeting on Thursday evening. The court also ordered the Deputy Minister to communicate with other defendants to wear an electronic bracelet. While Lazarenko said that the house arrest Pawlowski should depart at the place of registration in Zhitomir. In comments to journalists after the meeting the Prosecutor in the case, Maxim Grischuk said that the decision on the appeal against the verdict will be made after receipt of the full judgment. In turn, one of four lawyers Pavlovsky Rostislav Kravets noted that partially satisfied the

The Duma Council has postponed the visit of the delegation in the United States because of the removal of the flags

Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco © REUTERS/Stephen Lam MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. The Duma Council on Thursday decided to postpone the visit of the delegation of deputies to the USA due to the fact that the diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation in San Francisco and Washington, removed the Russian flag. This was announced in the state Duma.

What was interesting about Andrei Turchak, as Governor of the Pskov region

Andrey Turchak © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS As head of the Pskov region in February 2009, 33-summer Andrey Turchak (born 20 December 1975) was the youngest at that time Governor in the country. At the head of the region, he was replaced by Mikhail Kuznetsov, who left the position prematurely at his own request after four years of work. Until 2007 Turchak has held senior positions in the military-industrial holding company “Leninets” and at the same time built a rapid political career. In February 2005 he joined the party “United Russia”, two months later became the General Council of the party and co-founder of its youth wing — the “Young guard of United Russia”. In 2006, the Bureau of the Supreme Council of “United Russia” recommended Turchak for the post of member of the Federation Council from the Parliament of the Nenets Autonomous district, the year he was elected a Deputy of

US out of UNESCO

US out of UNESCO WASHINGTON, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. The United States has notified UNESCO of withdrawal from the organization, announced the state Department. “This decision was difficult to accept. It reflects U.S. concerns growing debt (membership fees — Approx. ed.), UNESCO, the need for fundamental reforms in the organization and the continuing anti-Israel bias in UNESCO,” — said in a release sent to RIA Novosti the official representative of the Department of state Heather Nauert. The decision will come into force on 31 December 2018, however, the United States will retain observer status in the organization. The head of UNESCO Irina Bokova has expressed regret move by Washington. She recalled that in 2011, after the suspension of financial assistance of Washington in the organization, she said that “UNESCO has never been so important for the United States, and the United States has never been more important for UNESCO”.