Trump has accused Iran of supporting terrorism

Trump has accused Iran of supporting terrorism The US President announced a new strategy toward Iran, which is controlled by the “regime of fanatics.” Trump has not confirmed that the Islamic Republic has executed a nuclear deal, this creates the possibility for U.S. withdrawal from it. Trump accuses The President of the United States Donald trump announced on Friday, October 13, on a new comprehensive strategy of Washington against Iran. “Iran is under the control of mode fanatics,” — began his speech at the White house, the President of the United States. This mode of spreading death and chaos through the world, he said. In his speech he recalled the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979 and the Iranian support for the terrorists. There is also evidence that Tehran transfers technology to the DPRK, said trump. Among Tehran’s support of terrorist groups trump called “al-Qaeda” and “Taliban”

The United Russia party approved a reshuffle in the General Council and the CEC of the party

Vice-speaker of the state Duma, the head of the faction “United Russia” in the state Duma Sergei Neverov © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. The General Council of “United Russia” at session on Friday has approved the resignation of Secretary Sergei Neverov in connection with his election as the leader of the faction in the state Duma. Place acting Secretary took appointed on 12 October, the Chairman of “United Russia” Dmitry Medvedev, the ex-Governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak, who Neverov presented to members of the General Council and the Presidium.

The ex-Minister of culture of France Audrey Azul elected UNESCO Director General

The ex-Minister of culture of France Audrey Azul elected UNESCO Director General PARIS, 13 Dec — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The former Minister of culture of France Audrey Azul elected Friday as the new Director General of UNESCO following the vote of the Executive Board of the organization, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. She scored 30 votes out of 58 potential. To win she needed to score at least 30 votes. In the last round of voting for the post of head of UNESCO also struggled a diplomat from Qatar Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari, who received 28 votes. Approval of the winning candidates will be held during the 39th session of the UNESCO General conference held later in the fall. The current CEO of the organization, the representative of Bulgaria Irina Bokova, occupies a high position in 2009, two consecutive terms. The struggle for the post of General Director was

The British foreign Secretary to visit Russia in the end of 2017

The British foreign Secretary to visit Russia in the end of 2017 The purpose of the trip Boris Johnson will be the discussion of international security. Moscow. 13 Oct. INTERFAX.RU Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson at the end of 2017 plans to visit Russia to discuss the problems of international security, said on Friday at the Ministry. “The foreign Minister will visit Moscow by the end of this year at the invitation of Minister of foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, at the time, as the UK continues active contacts with Russia”, — stated in the message the British foreign Minister. It States that the purpose of the visit, Johnson will be a “discussion of international security.” The British foreign office said that, in particular, Johnson plans to raise the issue of the agreement on the Iranian atom, the situation in the middle East. He also would like

Russians live independently from Catalonia

Russians live independently from Catalonia The majority of citizens believe that Russia should not interfere in the relationship between Spain and Catalonia. Independence supporters in recent Polls among respondents was 14%, and 5% offered to support the government of Spain. Many citizens do not know what is Catalonia and why some of its inhabitants voted for independence. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Not all Russian citizens know what the Costa del Sol. 29% said they first hear this name. Among the remaining 63% indicated that it is in Spain, 5% Italy, 1% — “somewhere in Europe” in France. 26% were undecided. Dean of the faculty of economic and social Sciences of Ranepa Alexander Chichin said “Kommersant” that the level of knowledge of Russian citizens about the events in Catalonia due to the fact that “Spain and Catalonia are our pain points, like Syria”. “Due to the fact that in recent years the standard of

Ankara imposed the ban on the admission of ships from the ports of the Crimea

Ankara imposed the ban on the admission of ships from the ports of the Crimea The decision applies to vessels under any flag. ANKARA, October 13. /Offset. TASS Denis Nightingale/. Turkey will not make the ships arriving from the ports of the Crimea. This was reported on Friday to the correspondent of TASS, the representative of the chamber of shipping of Turkey. “The ships that will sail into our country from the Crimea, will not be permitted to enter our ports. The ban applies to ships under any flag,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He also added that “this decision was made by the Ministry of transport, shipping and communications of Turkey”. Before the press Secretary of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Larisa Sargan on the page in Facebook posted a copy of the document of the chamber of shipping, which States that “vessels coming from the region of the

The age of criminal responsibility in the Russian Federation proposed to reduce to 12 years

The age of criminal responsibility in the Russian Federation proposed to reduce to 12 years The age of criminal responsibility for serious crimes has proposed to reduce in the state Duma. Initiated appropriate amendments to part 2 of article 20 of the criminal code made by the first Deputy Chairman of state Duma Committee on civil society development Ivan Sukharev. According to him, in recent years, cases of crimes committed by juveniles, some of which are not subject to the UK because of their age, “allowing them to commit heinous crimes with little or no consequences”. “The risk of liability for such crimes should be reduced. It should continue the decriminalization of minor articles,” explained the announcement in an interview with RT. Changes to the law include violent crimes — murder, committed with special cruelty, rape and serious crimes of a terrorist nature. According to the interior Ministry, from January

MP: the founding of the United States of the complexes of global non-nuclear strike exacerbates relations with Russia

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. The development of Washington complexes of the instant non-nuclear global strike exacerbates discrepancies in Russian-American relations, which is today. On Friday told reporters the first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia”, member of the Duma Committee on international Affairs, Adalbi Shhagoshev.

Peskov: neither of which the “redemption” of Ukraine over the Crimea cannot be considered

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS VORONEZH, October 13. /TASS/. Crimea became part of Russia is legitimate, accordingly, any compensation to Ukraine for the Peninsula cannot be considered. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on made at the PACE session the President of Czech Republic Milos Zeman offer.