Russians live independently from Catalonia

Russians live independently from Catalonia

The majority of citizens believe that Russia should not interfere in the relationship between Spain and Catalonia. Independence supporters in recent Polls among respondents was 14%, and 5% offered to support the government of Spain. Many citizens do not know what is Catalonia and why some of its inhabitants voted for independence.


Not all Russian citizens know what the Costa del Sol. 29% said they first hear this name. Among the remaining 63% indicated that it is in Spain, 5% Italy, 1% — “somewhere in Europe” in France. 26% were undecided. Dean of the faculty of economic and social Sciences of Ranepa Alexander Chichin said “Kommersant” that the level of knowledge of Russian citizens about the events in Catalonia due to the fact that “Spain and Catalonia are our pain points, like Syria”. “Due to the fact that in recent years the standard of living of Russians dropped and many stopped going abroad, Spain has become more distant,” — said Mr. Chichin.

Note, the referendum on the independence of Catalonia was held on 1 October. The Spanish government and the European Commission called it illegal and unconstitutional, Spain. For the independence of the autonomy voted 90,18% of the participants. The authorities of Spain and Catalonia negotiating the outcome of the referendum. To the question, “does the conflict between Catalonia and Spain to Russia,” 27% of respondents said that “most important” and 17% “definitely important,” 26% said “rather not important” and 14% “definitely not important”. Another 16% did not answer the question.

