In the woods near Kharkov found the body of the founder of the regiment “Azov”

In the woods near Kharkov found the body of the founder of the regiment “Azov” MOSCOW, 16 Oct — RIA Novosti. The body of one of the founders of the regiment “Azov” Vitali Prince found in a forest in Kharkiv region. This was announced by Verkhovna Rada Deputy from the Radical party Ihor Mosiychuk was admitted on his page in Facebook. “They say suicide… I can’t believe I can’t understand!” — wrote the MP. During the download an error has occurred. He also noted that the Prince was an activist of the organization “Patriot of Ukraine” and one of the sergeants of the first battalion “Azov”. “Azov” — one of the so-called volunteer battalions which funding was provided from private sources. Later, the Ukrainian authorities stated that the country should not be of illegal armed groups, and the Ministry proposed the battalions to enter the ranks of the APU. Previously

The Cabinet has increased the financing of the Federal program of development of Kuriles

The Cabinet has increased the financing of the Federal program of development of Kuriles It is assumed that it will upgrade the infrastructure of the Islands and will contribute to the development of priority regional economic sectors and to improve the quality of life of the population. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий MOSCOW, October 16. /TASS/. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree increasing the amount of funding the Federal target program “Socially-economic development of the Kuril Islands (Sakhalin region) in 2016-2025”. The corresponding document was published Monday on the website of the Russian government. “The signed resolution to the program changes in terms of adjustments, the amount of financing, expansion of the list scheduled facilities, dates of their construction and commissioning. Also provides for increased funding of programs to develop transport, tourism and engineering infrastructure at the expense of extra-budgetary funding by 11.1 billion rubles,” — said in an accompanying note

Reporting corruption to protect a separate law

Reporting corruption to protect a separate law The Russian government submitted to the state Duma a bill on the protection of persons reporting corruption. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. According to the document, the person who reported the corruption offered for two years to protect against the infringement of his rights and legitimate interests. In particular, it can provide free legal aid, to protect from unlawful dismissal or disciplinary action. 27 September, during the Eastern economic forum presented a report, according to which the main problem for business in Russia is corruption. On 27 July the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika reported that for the six months for corruption violations in Russia, was fired 377 state and municipal employees. According to him, the prosecutors continued control over expenses of officials and the treatment of state income for the property acquired on

Information about the debt only through public services

Information about the debt only through public services Information about enforcement proceedings ban issue without presenting e-passports. Data about the judicial arrears of Russians to protect. Now on the website of the Federal bailiff service (FSSP) you can view information about enforcement proceedings in respect of any citizen. The Ministry of communications is negotiating with the Federal bailiff service of making such data available only to citizens who are logging in through the portal. They will be able to see information only about himself. This “news” told several sources close to the government of the Russian Federation. Data on enforcement proceedings against any citizen today free on the website of the Federal bailiff service. To learn about the debt of a person, enter his name and date of birth. In the Ministry of communications information about the negotiations with the FSSP is not confirmed, nor denied. — Judicial debt the

In the US, spoke about spending trump’s lawyers for “Russian Affairs”

In the US, spoke about spending trump’s lawyers for “Russian Affairs” WASHINGTON, 16 Oct — RIA Novosti. The headquarters of the President of the United States Donald trump and the national Committee of the Republican party in the third quarter of this year spent more than $ 1 million on lawyers and other legal advice in connection with the so-called case of Russian intervention in the race in 2016, according to published on Sunday data from the Federal election Commission. According to this information, nearly one-third of this amount — about 238 thousand dollars were allocated to the accounts of a new York lawyer Alan Futerfas representing the interests of the son of the head of state — Donald trump, Jr. in the proceedings. 30 thousand dollars were remitted to the company Willaims & Jensen, which also deals with the Affairs of Donald trump Junior. Every quarter the expenses of

The Kurds in Kirkuk clashed with the advancing Iraqi army

The Kurds in Kirkuk clashed with the advancing Iraqi army Three hours after the start of operation Iraqi army in Kirkuk province, the military clashed with Kurdish Peshmerga troops. In Baghdad claim that the attack is successful. The Agency Reuters with reference to the representative of the Kurdish command said that South of Kirkuk both sides used artillery. He stressed that the Peshmerga troops into battle not with the army, and “national mobilization” — a paramilitary organization that help the armed forces of Iraq. As reported by the Iraqi Al Sumariya TV channel, citing sources in Kirkuk province, entered to army met the resistance of the Kurdish Peshmerga troops South of the capital district. Indicates that in several areas there are recurrent skirmishes between the Iraqi security forces and Kurdish fighters. Earlier, the Kurdish government has called for the Peshmerga troops to fight the first and to open fire only

Saakashvili announced about the possible attempts of the Ukrainian authorities to eliminate it

Saakashvili announced about the possible attempts of the Ukrainian authorities to eliminate it Former President of Georgia and former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili at an anti-corruption rally in Kharkov, said that the Ukrainian authorities can eliminate it. About it reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. According to the Agency, the rally was attended by 700-800 people. Let’s show October 17, all these drug dealers, that Ukraine is not tired, that intelligence in Ukraine is that people who know how to fight in Ukraine and has that will to win in Ukraine and Ukraine will win them an external enemy — turned Saakashvili to his supporters at the rally. Action in support of political reform will take place on 17 October in front of the Parliament. After the rally, Saakashvili went to his car. At this time, unknown to the crowd sprayed gas pepper spray. During the rally also saw clashes between

Austria: conservatives win elections to Parliament

Austria: conservatives win elections to Parliament According to preliminary results of counting of votes on parliamentary elections in Austria, the leader of the conservative-minded “people’s party”, headed by 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz. Reportedly, the “people’s party”, a course which in recent years has significantly shifted to the right, got almost 31% of the vote. For the second place fight far-right “freedom Party” and the Social democratic party, each of which, apparently, gets a little less than a third of the votes. Before the elections the social Democrats headed the ruling coalition. As the party Kurtz will not gain an absolute majority of votes, she will probably have to form a coalition government with anti-immigration “freedom Party”. As the immigration issue dominated the election debate, the “freedom Party” has a chance again to be part of the government. The population of many countries of Central Europe are concerned about the influx of

Ryabkov: Moscow urged Washington “not to fix something that works” in the deal on Iran

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov © EPA PHOTO YOUSSEF BADAWI MOSCOW, October 15. /TASS/. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov believes that the United States should be addressed to the adage “don’t fix what works.” He stated this on Sunday, TASS in connection with statements of U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson about the possibility of “amending” and to develop a secondary agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

The SPD is leading in the elections to the land Parliament of Lower Saxony

The SPD is leading in the elections to the land Parliament of Lower Saxony BERLIN, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti, angelina Timofeeva. The social democratic party of Germany (SPD) leads to early elections to the land Parliament of Lower Saxony, right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” takes place in the Parliament on the results of an exit poll released after polls closed. According to preliminary data, the SPD receives from 37 to 37.5% of the votes, in second place the Christian democratic Union (CDU) with 35%. The Parliament also hosts “Green” with 8-8,5%, liberals from the Free democratic party with 7-7,5% and right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” with 5.5%. “Left”, according to preliminary data, do not pass the five percent barrier from 4.8 to 4.5%. The formal reason for holding early elections in Lower Saxony was the loss of the majority in the diet, the ruling “red-green” coalition (SPD and greens)