The Ministry proposes to reduce the retention period on the “Spring package”

The Ministry proposes to reduce the retention period on the “Spring package” MOSCOW, October 17. /TASS/. The Ministry proposes to reduce the retention period for the package of anti-terrorist laws (the”Spring package”) up to 1 month. The head of the Ministry Nikolai Nikiforov said on the sidelines of the forum “Open innovation 2017”. “One option that we offer contains a storage option within 1 month,” he told reporters. Nikiforov recalled that the cost of operators will be “on average” tens of billions of rubles, not billions and not hundreds of billions, as reported by the operators informed. Prepared by the Ministry document, said Nikiforov, a very long time developed, together with colleagues from FSB. “It is their direct jurisdiction from the point of view of the storage terms that they set, based on the objectives for security in the Russian Federation,” he davil. Evaluation of the Ministry of communications show

Pamfilova: Bulk will be able to run after 2028

Chairman of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Stoyan Vasev/TASS SOCHI, October 17. /TASS/. The head of the CEC of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova has declared that Alexey Navalny will be able to participate in the elections after 2028. “Mr. Navalny, he is young, promising politician, he has all the chances…that will take this ten-year period, somewhere in 2028 plus five months he can run,” she said.

Assange is looking for killers participating in the project “the Panama document”

Assange is looking for killers participating in the project “the Panama document” WikiLeаks founder Julian Assange is willing to pay 20 thousand euros for information which will help in the investigation into the death of Daphne Caruana Galicia. A Maltese journalist was killed in a bomb blast in her car. She wrote about the relations of the Prime Minister of the country with a Panamanian offshore companies and the Azerbaijani authorities. “With indignation learned that Maltese journalist-investigator and blogger Daphne Caruana Galicia was killed this afternoon outside his home in the explosion of a bomb in her car. I declare a reward of 20 thousand euros for information which will lead to the conviction of her killers,” wrote Assange in his “Twitter”. Yesterday evening it became known that the 53-year-old Maltese journalist was killed in the explosion that destroyed the rented car in which she was riding. Earlier Daphne Caruana

Venezuelan opposition demanded a full recount of the votes at the last gubernatorial election

Venezuelan opposition demanded a full recount of the votes at the last gubernatorial election Moscow. 17 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Venezuelan Opposition refused to recognize the results of last Sunday elections of the governors of the States of the country demanded as a condition for negotiations with the authorities of a full vote recount of voters. “We will not participate in any negotiations or preliminary discussions before until authorities agree to recount the votes,” — said the leader of the opposition Alliance “Roundtable of democratic unity” angel Oropesa. Representatives of the ruling United socialist party of Venezuela won the gubernatorial election in 17 of the 23 States of the country. The election results do not recognize the Organization of American States, whose General Secretary Luis Almagro said that “in a country where there is no guarantee of an effective democracy, the election results can not be recognized”. Washington has accused Caracas

Putin wants to divide with the population health costs

Putin wants to divide with the population health costs You need to think about what kind of medical care should be free and which — with the involvement of co-financing, said President Vladimir Putin, one must understand their responsibility for their own health. The President first said about the desirability and acceptability of co-financing in the social sectors, says the rector of the Higher school of Economics (HSE) Yaroslav Kuzminov. Polls 2016 and 2017 showed that the willingness of the population to pay for the receipt of public services of higher quality in recent years has greatly increased, he says, quality education and health care willing to co-Finance 41% of Russians and willingness is observed in almost all income groups. But co-financing is threatening the fragile social equality, continues Kuzminov, low income groups will not be able to co-Finance high-quality, and therefore expensive social services. To introduce co-payments need, but

Clinton compared the “Russian intervention in the elections” with 11 September

Clinton compared the “Russian intervention in the elections” with 11 September Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believes that the so-called “Russian intervention” in the US presidential election in 2016, you can compare with the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001. About it reports Buzzfeed. “Our very esteemed veterans in the field of security and intelligence claimed that the intervention was “cyber September 11″, in the sense that there was a direct attack on state institutions. It may sound an exaggeration, but we know that the Russians probed our electoral system, and tried to penetrate there. Promotion in social networks was only part of their campaign,” said Clinton. She added that “with the Russians was not yet finished, it is a constant threat.” According to Clinton, Russian President Vladimir Putin “constantly” seeks to destabilize the Western democracies. October 16, U.S. President Donald trump said that the investigation about the

Nuclear war could start at any moment, said the DPRK

Nuclear war could start at any moment, said the DPRK Nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles needed to Pyongyang for self-defense, and the DPRK will not abandon them until the threat from the United States, said zampolpreda North Korea at the United Nations. UN, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. The DPRK supports the idea of a total ban of nuclear weapons, but intends to keep its Arsenal until they have United States, said the Deputy permanent representative of North Korea at the United Nations Kim In Ryong, adding that nuclear war “could break out any moment.” Speaking at a meeting of the Committee of the UN General Assembly on disarmament, the diplomat expressed support accepted in July of the Convention on the complete prohibition of nuclear weapons, and stated that the document is the Washington. The DPRK has consistently supported the complete destruction of nuclear weapons and efforts to denuclearize the

The government announced the beginning of preparations for the presidential election

The government announced the beginning of preparations for the presidential election The Russian government announced the beginning of preparations for the presidential elections to be held in the country in March 2018. The authorities have prepared a resolution which gave instructions involved in the preparation of the elections offices. The government has drafted a decree, which officially announced the preparations for the upcoming presidential election and gave instructions to ministries and departments during the election campaign. Relevant document published on the portal of normative legal acts under the name “About measures on assistance to election commissions in the exercise of their powers by preparation and elections of the President.” The project has only 37 points. The explanatory note sets out the measures the support of all these bodies, including the MVD, FSB, Regardie, Ministry of justice, FNS, energy, Pension Fund and others, in the preparation and updating of voter lists,

Iraqi forces took control of Kirkuk

Iraqi forces took control of Kirkuk Units of the Iraqi army took control of the city of Kirkuk. About it reports Reuters. Special forces soldiers, accompanied by armored columns entered the city center in the afternoon, October 16. Encountering no resistance, the soldiers occupied the administration building and raised over it the flag of Iraq. Happy welcomed by local residents, hostile to the control of Kirkuk to the Kurds. Previously, on 16 October it was reported that the Iraqi military seized the airport, a military airfield and a few oil fields around the city. September 25, Iraqi Kurds voted in the referendum for an independent state. The holding of this plebiscite has caused negative reaction in Baghdad. On 27 September, the Iraqi Parliament appealed to the Prime Minister Haider Abadi, a request to send army units in Kurdish-controlled province. Kirkuk is a disputed territory. The authorities of the Autonomous Iraqi