The United States first recognized the use by terrorists of chemical weapons in the Syrian Idlib

The United States first recognized the use by terrorists of chemical weapons in the Syrian Idlib The US state Department for the first time confirmed not only the presence but also the use of terrorists in Syria, chemical weapons, said the defense Ministry statement, the American foreign Ministry. 6фотографий6фотографий “The text describes in detail that in this province there is a terrorist group “Hayat Tahrir al-sham” associated with “al-Nusra Dzhebhat” (banned in Russia as a terrorist organization.— “B”), which uses “small and heavy weapons, improvised explosive devices and chemical weapons””, — reads the statement of the Ministry of defense. The Ministry denies US claims the bombardment of Idlib aviation videoconferencing. “As also mentioned in the text of the statement alleged bombing of Russian aviation of the city of Idlib, the state Department, to put it mildly, wrong, and American citizens have nothing to fear. Operating in Syria of Russian aircraft

The Russian Central election Commission explained the conditions of nomination in the presidential election

The Russian Central election Commission explained the conditions of nomination in the presidential election MOSCOW, 20 Oct — RIA Novosti. Candidates who wish to participate in the upcoming Russian presidential elections, the nomination will have to submit to the CEC the decision of the party Congress or to register initiative group of voters, and to provide the documents, including statement of consent to run, and data on income. Regular elections of the President of Russia will be held in March 2018, the campaign is supposed to start in December 2017 elections officially can be declared in the period from 7 to 17 December. Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina recalled that the presidential candidate may be nominated by the party or participate in elections in self-nomination. A party nominates a candidate at its Congress, and the candidate will need to collect initiative group of 500 people. The representative of the

The head of the CIA spoke about the US preparing for a “last step” of the DPRK

The head of the CIA spoke about the US preparing for a “last step” of the DPRK MOSCOW, 20 Oct — RIA Novosti. Washington needs to be ready that North Korea may soon launch a missile attack on the United States, reports the Washington Examiner the words of CIA Director Michael Pompeo. The head of the CIA believes that the likelihood that North Korea will launch a missile attack on the United States increased for the last time, and also will continue to grow because of “the lack of international pressure on Pyongyang”. “You only have to think how to prevent the last step,” said Pompeo. The CIA Director also said that the American President Donald trump intends to use the armed forces to prevent the impact of the DPRK on the U.S., however, Pompeo said, it is not clear when this measure will be necessary. The confrontation between Pyongyang

The EU has refused to Fund Turkey’s membership in the Association

The EU has refused to Fund Turkey’s membership in the Association Moscow. 20 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the EU summit which takes place in Brussels, agreed in General with the termination of allocation of Turkey 4.45 billion Euro until 2020, which were scheduled to support its accession to the European Union countries, a media report said. The proposal was made by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “We appealed to the European Commission with a request to develop recommendations for changes and reductions in assistance for membership”, — she told reporters on the first day of the summit. This proposal is based on the Merkel allegations that in Turkey human rights are violated that does not meet the criteria for EU membership. In support of the termination of funding was made by the Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel, who told reporters that negotiations on Turkey’s accession to the EU “de-facto frozen”

The scandal with the widow of a soldier after trump said the General Kelly

The scandal with the widow of a soldier after trump said the General Kelly The President’s chief of staff, retired General John Kelly, delivered a rebuke to U.S. representative Frederica Wilson, who first spoke about the disrespectful tone of trump’s conversation with the widow of the commando, who was killed in combat in Niger. Kelly, a former General of the marine corps of the United States, said that the Democrat Wilson broke his heart his criticism of trump’s behavior in a telephone conversation with the wife of the deceased La Sergeant David Johnson. Johnson died 4 Oct in Niger at the hands of Islamist militants, in an ambush. In total then killed four American soldiers. The head of the presidential administration, personally went to the hall of press briefings of the White house (there have always been press secretaries, and other officials, including the President at his discretion) and reported

Bush covertly criticized trump and not call him a name

Bush covertly criticized trump and not call him a name The 43rd United States President George Bush made a speech, which was critical of the policies of the current administration, however, he never mentioned the name of Donald trump, writes The New York Times. “We see the diminishing confidence in the value of free markets and international trade, oblivious to the fact that the protectionism followed by conflict, instability and poverty. We saw the return of isolationist sentiments, forgetting that chaos and despair in remote areas directly threaten the safety of America,” Bush said, speaking at a bipartisan conference in new York Bush Institute. Former President George W. Bush speaks on divisive state of American politics. Wath live: — CNN (@CNN) October 19, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. The former President said that in the United States, there is a crisis of confidence that threatened

Sands: observers on the border of Russia and Ukraine will not save the inhabitants of Donbass from the threat

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, October 20. /TASS/. The presence of international observers on the border between Russia and Ukraine will not save the inhabitants of Donbass from the deadly threat. This explanation to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin gave his press Secretary Dmitry Peskov.

The Russian Embassy advises US to check out the “allies” to intervene

The Russian Embassy advises US to check out the “allies” to intervene Washington should look involved in the interference in elections in the United States among the “friends and allies”. So, the Russian Embassy in the United States commented on the statement by the permanent representative of the United States to the UN Nikki Haley at the Institute of George Bush. Earlier Thursday, the U.S. representative at the world organization said that Russia allegedly uses intervention in the elections as a method of warfare, as a strong economy and army. The Embassy once again said that Moscow does not interfere in the internal Affairs of the United States and have repeatedly stated this. “I would like to remind the colleague, Nikki Haley, and that those who interfered in the electoral processes in the United States, and the most open and unceremonious manner, it would have to be officially declared allies

CNN: the RT has not fulfilled the requirement of the US authorities to declare itself noagenda

CNN: the RT has not fulfilled the requirement of the US authorities to declare itself noagenda NEW YORK, October 20. /TASS/. The RT has not fulfilled the requirements of the U.S. authorities to plead foreign agent. This is stated in the article published Thursday on the website of the American channel CNN. The chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan reported earlier that US authorities demand from RT to recognize itself as a foreign agent before October 17. According to CNN, the documents of the Ministry of justice indicate that this was not done. The article includes a statement by the representative of RT in the English language, which implies that the lawyers of the channel is “doing everything possible” to avoid this check, and “the dialogue continues”. CNN notes that, according to interviewed experts in the field of American laws concerning the registration of foreign agents, is not yet clear

In Austria announced the final results of early parliamentary elections

In Austria announced the final results of early parliamentary elections VIENNA, October 20 — RIA Novosti. The social democratic party of Austria bypasses the right-nationalist Freedom Party in the parliamentary elections, receiving 26.9 percent of the votes according to the results of final counting of the ballots, told reporters the Minister of internal Affairs Wolfgang Sobotka. Right-wing party, who previously held second place gets 26% of the vote. The Austrian people’s party remains the leader of the vote, gaining 31.5 per cent, the Minister added. Sunday in Austria held early parliamentary elections.