Ryabkov: the Ministry of foreign Affairs and parliamentarians are prepared to give a legislative response to U.S. sanctions

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. Russia could amend its legislation to more effectively counter the destructive policies of Washington in relation to Moscow, the Russian foreign Ministry is working on this jointly with the state Duma and the Federation Council. This was reported on Saturday TASS, Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “The situation that arose as a result of destructive policy of the American side with regard to the relations with Russia, literally overlap each other, he said. – We feel that in order to build their line to counter, their counter-attacks even more effectively, we may need some additions and clarifications to the legislation in force”.

Kiriyenko spoke about the projects of platform “Russia — country of opportunities”

Kiriyenko spoke about the projects of platform “Russia — country of opportunities” First Deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia Sergei Kiriyenko said on Saturday the four major projects running in the framework of the platform “Russia — country of opportunities” (stranamente.of the Russian Federation). Only ten such projects, and they span the age from 7 to 50 years. The contest “Leaders of Russia”, which went on for two weeks, more than 120 thousand applications, is the first of four projects. “Let then me somebody tell that our young people are not proactive, that it is lazy and that she doesn’t need anything. A complete lie, in my opinion, and the festival is confirmed”, — he stressed. Kiriyenko stressed that this platform is “absolutely open” to which “every day join new projects.” He noted that the second project launched under the platform of “Russia – country of opportunities”, called

Kislyak: removal of flags from departmenti Russia to the United States became “black day” in relations between countries

First Deputy Chairman of Committee of Federation Council on the international Affairs Sergey Kislyak © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. The US actions against the Russian diplomatic missions, in particular the removal of Russian flags from the objects of departmenti Russia to the United States, became a black day for the two countries, however, the relationship does not end there. This statement was made by a member of the Federation Council, former Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, in an interview to the program “Vesti on Saturday” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

Madrid ousted the government of Catalonia

Madrid ousted the government of Catalonia The Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy dismissed the President of Catalonia Carles Pokdemon and all his government. For six months in the region to be held early elections of its head. On Saturday, October 21, according to El Español. Therefore, the Madrid gave effect to article 155 of the Spanish Constitution, which allows you to enter the direct administration of the autonomy. According to Rajoy, the measure had several goals. Among them is the restoration of the Constitution in the region, the return “to normal life” and fellowship with autonomy, economic recovery and elections in “normal conditions”. October 19, the Spanish government said it will start the procedure of applying 155th article of the Constitution suspending the Autonomous status of Catalonia.

Russia and Turkey have prepared the decision on the supply of tomatoes from November 1

Russia and Turkey have prepared the decision on the supply of tomatoes from November 1 Earlier it was planned to enable Turkey to deliver to Russia of 50 thousand tons of tomatoes from four companies since the beginning of December. Moscow. 21 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Russia and Turkey have prepared the decision on the supply of Turkish tomatoes in the amount of 50 thousand tons on 1 November, said Minister of energy of Russia Alexander Novak on Saturday after the Russian-Turkish intergovernmental Commission. We also discussed the issues of removing barriers of trade and economic cooperation, the issue of lifting restrictions, including export of tomatoes from Turkey to Russia. This decision on the supply of tomatoes from November 1 in the amount of 50 thousand tons of tomatoes are prepared.Alexander Novachkova of energy of the Russian Federation Earlier Novak said that Russia from December 1, planned to allow the supply

NATO has denied allegations of failing to confront Russia

NATO has denied allegations of failing to confront Russia NATO rejected the accusations of the media in failing to reflect the hypothetical impact from the East. On Saturday, October 21, TASS said the official representative of the Alliance Oana Lungescu. Lungescu said that the Alliance has been strengthening the collective defence since the cold war. “In addition, NATO has tripled the number of its response Force, based on five thousand contingent of ultra-fast response”, — said the representative of the organization. Previously the German newspaper Der Spiegel, citing a secret report of the Alliance for internal use said that NATO is not ready to confront Russia in case of its attack on the position on the Eastern flank. The reason is called the logistic capabilities of the Alliance, which would not allow to react to a potential threat and make an operational movement of troops. It is noted that the

Russia will continue producing isotopes at the Iranian facility at Fordow

MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. Russia will continue producing isotopes at the Iranian Fordow enterprise in the framework of the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on its nuclear program. This was stated on Saturday by the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov, speaking at the Moscow nonproliferation conference. “Russia will continue to fulfil its obligations under the agreement, Ryabkov said. – Continue isotope production at the facility in Fordo”.

The Russian foreign Ministry pointed to the irresponsibility of trump’s position on Iran

The Russian foreign Ministry pointed to the irresponsibility of trump’s position on Iran In Russia believe the irresponsible decision of U.S. President Donald trump, who has not confirmed to Congress compliance with the Iran nuclear agreement. On Saturday, October 21, stated Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, reports TASS. “It is with great regret was compelled to observe that the positive dynamics of the implementation of the agreement has not deterred the President of the United States Donald trump does not confirm to the Congress fulfilling their part of the bargain,” said the diplomat, stressing that this decision is irresponsible including in relation to the international community. Ryabkov added that the United States, in his opinion, not yet ready to organize a joint meeting of Iran and “six” (five permanent members of the UN security Council and Germany). Also, the diplomat noted that Washington “once again took the issues

Spiegel: NATO will not be able to fight back in case of an attack from the East

Spiegel: NATO will not be able to fight back in case of an attack from the East MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Alliance will not be able to make the deployment of troops, if his Eastern European members of the military strike is delivered, says the German newspaper Spiegel, citing caught at her disposal a secret report of NATO. As the newspaper notes, NATO document entitled “Preliminary report on the strengthening of deterrence and defense capability of the Alliance” calls into question the ability of NATO forces to “act quickly and, if necessary, rationally.” “NATO’s ability to carry out logistic rapid deployment forces in heavily overgrown areas under the jurisdiction of the European command, has degenerated since the end of the cold war” — quote German mass-media the contents of the document. The official representative of NATO Oana Lungescu has refused to confirm or deny German editions. However,

Met with son trump the Russians talked to US Senate

Met with son trump the Russians talked to US Senate Members of the U.S. Senate, investigating the possible connection of Donald trump with the Russian government, spoke to citizens who attended the meeting with the son of the current President. Richard Burr, head of the Commission of the Senate investigating the possible intervention of the Kremlin in presidential elections in the United States, said that he was able to speak with some citizens who attended the meeting with his son Donald trump in June 2016. He did not specify with whom he spoke and refused to comment further, according to CNN. The meeting was attended by four Russians, reminds broadcaster: lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, the translator Anatoly Samodurov, and also Vice-President of Crocus Group Irakli Kaviladze. At the end of August, the Financial Times reported that Akhmetshin, who worked in Soviet times, the GRU, gave evidence about the