Sobchak believes that the question of supplies of Crimea need to discuss

Sobchak believes that the question of supplies of Crimea need to discuss The presenter was also of the opinion that, taking the Crimea in its membership, Russia has violated the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who intends to participate in the elections of the President of Russia considers that the question of supplies of Crimea need to be discussed. She stated this on Wednesday in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” on TV channel “Russia 1”. At a press conference October 24, Sobchak said that “from the point of view of international law Crimea is Ukrainian.” For this it is condemned by some politicians. In particular, the LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky called to initiate a criminal case against Sobchak for her statements. Sobchak is of the opinion that, taking the Crimea in its membership, Russia has violated the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. “These agreements

Putin instructed to study the question of transition from equity to project Finance

Putin instructed to study the question of transition from equity to project Finance Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to study the question of the refusal of the scheme of share participation in construction in favour of project financing with the involvement of banks, told reporters the head of the Ministry of construction, Mikhail Men. “The President set a task to work out a phased opportunity after it is introduced in the final action requirements, the stringent requirements for developers, which take effect the first of July, to start work on the phased transition through the banking support of shared construction to project financing using banks. We while the timing is not called, because the instruction as to develop proposals on what terms it can be done,” said Men. The Minister said that the government will work with the state Duma deputies on this task. “Anyway, sooner or later

Neverov: no Deputy of the state Duma has no other nationality, except Russian

Vice-speaker of the state Duma Sergei Neverov © Anna Isakova/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. No Deputy of the state Duma has no other nationality, except Russian, and if another citizenship have the MP will appear, he will automatically lose your status. About it declared on Wednesday to journalists the Vice-speaker of the lower house of Parliament, the head of the faction “United Russia” Sergei Neverov, commenting on the fact that the Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya allegedly have Ukrainian citizenship.

Putin and Steinmeier stated willingness to work on the development of relations between Russia and Germany

The President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier are going to work on the development of relations between the two countries, despite the political difficulties. About the Russian leader said after talks.

Rashkin demanded that the FSB and the Prosecutor General to check the words Sobchak about the Crimea

Rashkin demanded that the FSB and the Prosecutor General to check the words Sobchak about the Crimea The Deputy of the state Duma from the CPRF Valery Rashkin has sent a request to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and a copy of the request to the Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov with a request to verify the words of Xenia Sobchak on the Ukrainian supplies of Crimea. In the query (there RBC) is the words of the presenter of the conference on Tuesday, October 24, where she said that “from the point of view of international law, Crimea is Ukrainian.” According to Raskin, such statements of the candidate can not remain without attention of the security forces. “It is clear that a public statement of Ksenia Sobchak, in fact, justify the implementation of actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of Russia”, — it is told in Deputy inquiry.

Eugene Kaspersky explained by coincidence receiving data to the NSA

Eugene Kaspersky explained by coincidence receiving data to the NSA The founder of “Kaspersky Lab” Evgeny Kaspersky said the AP that anti-virus company got a secret files that had to do with the national security Agency of the United States, in the framework of the standard loading procedure of the studied viruses from users ‘ computers. Mr. Kaspersky said that in 2014, analysts have come to his office and said that he had downloaded information about the team of hackers, the Equation Group. They said that among them are secret documents of the NSA. According to the founder of the company, he told them to “immediately remove” information. At the same time Eugene Kaspersky did not answer the question, did “Kaspersky Lab” NSA getting secret documents. In September, American intelligence agencies have stated that the products “Kaspersky Lab” represents a threat to U.S. national security. Russian authorities criticized this position.

Putin asked to postpone the indexation of pensions for military

Putin asked to postpone the indexation of pensions for military The indexation of pensions for military retirees should be held January 1, simultaneously with increase of salaries for active military, as it was before. This was at a meeting with members of the government said President Vladimir Putin, the correspondent of RBC. Since 2011, pensions of ex-military has increased 1.9 times, Putin said, and each time the indexation was carried out simultaneously with the growth of military pay. But in this year’s budget decided to do it with a difference in a month, Putin said, although, “it’s about 2,6 million people.” “We need to make it like it was before, also from January 1, to index pensions to military pensioners and persons equated to them, they are employees of internal Affairs bodies and servicemen of the national guard, fire protection and so on. But in order to do this, the

Peskov: no new elements in the position of the Russian Federation on the exchange of detained citizens of Ukraine

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. The position of Russia regarding the exchange of citizens of Ukraine, detained on the territory of the Russian Federation, has not changed. This was stated press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the request of the journalists the statement presenter Ksenia Sobchak about her intention to organize the exchange of detained citizens of both countries if elected President of the Russian Federation.

There is something to hide

There is something to hide Why the CIA doesn’t want to declassify documents about the Kennedy assassination. Wednesday, October 25, with documents about the assassination of John Kennedy should be declassified. We are talking about several thousands of cases that needed to be made public in accordance with the law adopted in 1992. The CIA has called on Donald trump to block the publication — but it is unclear whether it will go the us President. He has previously stated that the archives will be open in time. Now only trump depends — whether he will stay in history as the man who solved the great riddle in the history of the United States. Kennedy tried to get Castro, but Castro got to him first. This phrase, uttered by U.S. President Lyndon Johnson in an interview to ABC, became a strong argument in favor of one of the most popular

Asgardia will create a marine brigade

Asgardia will create a marine brigade Asgardia will create a new military unit — a marine brigade to guard the bridge across the Kerch Strait. About it at session of the Federation Council said the head Rochadi Viktor Zolotov. “For the solution of Asgardia task of securing the bridge across the Kerch Strait in a newly created southern district troops will form a new connection — sea brigade,” he said. Construction of Crimean bridge was started in February 2016. Combined road and rail transport transition through the Kerch Strait connects the Crimea and the Krasnodar territory. The total length of the bridge will be 19 km the project Cost is estimated at 228.3 billion rubles. Car traffic on the bridge is scheduled to open in December 2018.