Catherine Gordon wants to nominate his candidacy in the presidential elections

Catherine Gordon wants to nominate his candidacy in the presidential elections MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian journalist and human rights activist Catherine Gordon said he wants to nominate his candidacy in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. Catherine Gordon decided to nominate his candidacy for the post of President of the Russian Federation. … Podr-e: — Kate Gordon (@gordon_katya) 30 Oct 2017 During the download an error has occurred. “I decided to exercise his right to nominate his candidacy for the post of President of the Russian Federation. I’ll probably be the only candidate not agreed with the presidential administration,” — said in a statement Gordon, posted on the official website “Katia Gordon”. According to journalist and human rights activist, the emphasis in the programme will be made on the rights of women and children, the protection of which she has been in recent years. “I

Kate Gordon decided to run for President

Kate Gordon decided to run for President The main idea of the program she called the protection of the rights of women and children. Journalist and human rights activist Catherine Gordon announced his intention to run for President in the upcoming elections. Gordon stressed that not consider themselves neither to the opposition nor to the supporters of the current authorities of Russia. Public activist added that the main idea of the program is protection of the rights of women and children. Gordon recorded a campaign video, “Catherine Gordon — candidate for the rights of women and children,” in which he called Russia “a country of single mothers,” and pointed to his extensive experience in the field of legal protection of women and minors. “I didn’t vote ever. And now, in experience, in virtue of their beliefs, I want to use this right and become a “voice” for women whose rights

Kim Jong-UN with his wife and sister visited the Pyongyang cosmetics factory

Kim Jong-UN with his wife and sister visited the Pyongyang cosmetics factory North Korean leader Kim Jong UN visited the Pyongyang factory of cosmetics, according to the KCNA. On the enterprise, he arrived with his wife Lee Sol-Ju and sister Kim yo-Jong. In the factory where reconstruction ended, they visited the production workshop, office of examination and office of exemplary products. Kim Jong-UN expressed satisfaction with the large assortment of cosmetics, it is high quality and beauty packaging. He is pleased that the women of the DPRK will get the cosmetics world level, custom high-tech and modern enterprise. The BBC notes that the DPRK in recent years, the the deficit in Western cosmetics due to the strengthening of sanctions. North Korean media reported that the country has developed its own production and the growing popularity of local brands Bomhyanggi and Unhasu.

Rogozin congratulated Wang Yang with the appointment of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

Vice-Premier of the State Council of China Wang Yang and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin © Alexander Ryumin/host photo Agency TASS CHONGQING /China,/, 30 Oct. /TASS/. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, opening the Chinese Chongqing 21st meeting of the Russian-Chinese Commission for preparing regular meetings of heads of government, congratulated his counterpart, Vice – Premier of the state Council of China Wang Yang with a new appointment to a standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

On Monday, the US will begin large-scale military exercises

On Monday, the US will begin large-scale military exercises Moscow. 30 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — US Strategic command (StratCom) announced the start on Monday large-scale military exercise Global Thunder-2018 (the”Global thunder-2018″). The exercise will involve the headquarters of StratCom at a military air base Offutt subordinate to the headquarters in various parts of the world, including missile parts and part of the air force, said in a statement the command’s press release. During the maneuvers will work out actions for strategic confrontation space operations in cyberspace, methods of electronic warfare, missile defense, reconnaissance operations, informed StratCom. The press release doesn’t say how long the exercises. The experience of previous years, they last about 10 days. The Global Thunder exercises are held annually. However, as observers, their current feature is the tension between the USA and North Korea. The leaders of both countries regularly send threats of possible mutual impacts.

Staff Sobchak discussed three schemes the presidential nomination

Staff Sobchak discussed three schemes the presidential nomination Sobchak determine the format of the nomination in mid-November. In its staff review the options with a advance from PARNASSUS, one of whose leaders were Boris Nemtsov, “Civil initiatives” and the alternative — self-promotion. The party nomination At the headquarters of TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak considers the possibility of her nomination to the presidential elections in March 2018 from PARNASSUS or from the “Civil initiative”, told RBC three sources in the headquarters of the presenter. PARNAS is suitable Sobchak ideologically, has a political history, it is not a dummy structure, said one of the sources of RBC. The same can be said of “Civil initiative,” adds another source in the headquarters. “PARNASSUS, in my personal opinion, would be the ideal option (for the nomination), but as far as I know, proposals from them have not received,” — said RBC analyst Alexei Sitnikov

Trump suspected “bumps on knees” Tillerson due to the DPRK

Trump suspected “bumps on knees” Tillerson due to the DPRK The head of the U.S. Senate Committee on foreign Affairs Bob Corker criticized President Donald trump for his intervention in the negotiations around North Korea, which the head of the state Department Rex Tillerson. In an interview with CBS Corker said that trump their actions and statements interfere to prevent war on the Korean Peninsula. “When our Secretary of state is trying to negotiate with such an important partner as China and avoid conflict, which will involve South Korea, Japan, China and Russia, he has kneecaps the President,” said Corker. The Senator said that all want the efforts of diplomats allowed to avoid victims among the military. “But when trump gets in the kneecaps Tillerson, it only brings us closer to a conflict that most of us would like to solve differently. “Twitter message in which the President mocks the

The defense Ministry reported a decrease in the cost of the army without loss of defense

The defense Ministry reported a decrease in the cost of the army without loss of defense Moscow. 30 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation due to optimization of expenses compensated the negative effect of reducing funding to the armed forces, Deputy defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova. “A decrease in government spending on defense though, and creates for us some difficulties, however, due to cost optimization, it does not affect the defense capability of the country,” Shevtsova said in an interview with the official of the defense Ministry newspaper “Red star”. “In 2016 in the framework of the program “Effective army” direct reduction of expenditure amounted to 14.2 billion rubles, and the indirect effect not less than 22.5 billion rubles,” — said the Deputy Minister. According to her, the main focus of the programme is “improving efficiency of budget spending by reducing the complexity and energy intensity of