The senators have found a possible mirror response to the decisions of Twitter in the Russian media

© Donat Sorokin/TASS MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/. Senators have suggested a possible mirror response to the decision of Twitter to remove ads from accounts of the Russian mass media: to recommend to the companies of the Russian Federation to refrain from advertising in this social network. According to some estimates, it may turn out to Twitter in the loss of millions of dollars. A more severe response in case of further pressure on the mass media of the Russian Federation worked out by the Russian legislators.

Simple questions

Simple questions Maxim Kononenko on the causes of the failure of the latest promotions Alexei Navalny. The dramatic failure of the last tour of Alexei Navalny confronts him and watching audience a number of interesting issues. The issues facing the Bulk, is clear: as opposition leader back to number one after the nomination of a presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak. Sobchak absolute awareness, powerful communication, it is immediately joined by serious people. And most importantly — she has the right to participate in elections, unlike Alexei Navalny. And in a presidential election year, if you’re not running something you do not need anyone. About the same as no options with the participation of Navalny in the elections is not expected to have many times stated in the CEC and the presidential Administration. By law he can’t participate. The law for the sake of it will not change. Prudent declared his ambitions

The US has equated Russia to North Korea and Iran

The US has equated Russia to North Korea and Iran The office for foreign assets control of the United States (OFAC) issued a list of explanations about new sanctions against Moscow, Pyongyang and Tehran. Due to new requirements, Russia has actually equalized with Iran and North Korea — will now haunt not only the Russian natural and legal persons, but also citizens and companies that helped the Russians in the conduct of transactions. Previously, this condition was relevant only with respect North Korea and Iran, and against Russia was distributed only to American citizens and companies operating under us law. Now the restrictions threaten all companies in the world, who cooperate with the Russian legal entities from the sanctions list. OFAC explains that the new restrictions will be introduced for foreign exchange transaction transfer of financial instruments, securities, property, and the provision of services, personnel and technologies. The document says

The huntsman said about the lack of staff for the issuance of U.S. visas to Russians

The huntsman said about the lack of staff for the issuance of U.S. visas to Russians U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman said that delays in the issuance of U.S. visas to Russians occur due to the shortage of diplomatic personnel. He said this in the video response for a Facebook user’s question about when to stop the delay in issuing visas. Videos posted on the channel of the Russian Embassy in the US on YouTube. “Our employees work very hard. The fact that we do not have that number of people, which was before”, — said the huntsman. He stressed that it “is aggrieved by the decision of the Russian government to reduce the staff of the us Embassy”. According to the Ambassador, the state of American diplomatic personnel, “was substantially reduced” and “the enormous amount of work that was done by our consular offices in processing documents for

Russia has advocated the total abolition of the U.S. embargo against Cuba

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN 1 Nov. /TASS/. Russia stands for the full and immediate repeal of the American embargo against Cuba, considering it an example of “gross sanctions meddling” in the Affairs of a sovereign state. This was stated on Wednesday, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia at the meeting of the General Assembly on the Cuban issue. He said that Moscow would vote for the resolution calling for the lifting of the trade embargo in force against Havana.

Trump after the terrorist attack in new York city urged to close the lottery green cards

Trump after the terrorist attack in new York city urged to close the lottery green cards The US President called for the termination of the distribution of residence through the visa lottery. In recent years, among the main recipients of green cards were Russians. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий After the terrorist attack in new York committed by an immigrant from Uzbekistan, the US President Donald trump said about the need to abolish the distribution of residence permits (green cards) in the country in the framework of the Diversity Visa Lottery Program (DVLP, the DV lottery). Under this program, 50 thousand green cards every year played out among the applicant countries from which immigrants in the United States comes little. It is for the won to DVLP a green card, according to the American media and arrived in the U.S. in 2010, the executor of the terrorist act — 29-year-old native of Uzbekistan, Saipov

Trump after the terrorist attack in new York city urged to close the lottery green cards

Trump after the terrorist attack in new York city urged to close the lottery green cards The US President called for the termination of the distribution of residence through the visa lottery. In recent years, among the main recipients of green cards were Russians. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий After the terrorist attack in new York committed by an immigrant from Uzbekistan, the US President Donald trump said about the need to abolish the distribution of residence permits (green cards) in the country in the framework of the Diversity Visa Lottery Program (DVLP, the DV lottery). Under this program, 50 thousand green cards every year played out among the applicant countries from which immigrants in the United States comes little. It is for the won to DVLP a green card, according to the American media and arrived in the U.S. in 2010, the executor of the terrorist act — 29-year-old native of Uzbekistan, Saipov

Six bombers of the Russian Federation struck at the objects of the IG in Syria

Six bombers of the Russian Federation struck at the objects of the IG in Syria Moscow. 1 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Six long-range bombers Tu-22M3 inflicted air strike on terrorist targets near the town of Abu Kamal in the province of Deir ez-Zor, according to the defense Ministry. “The goals for the defeat became strongholds of militants ammunition depots and weapons. Means of objective control recorded the defeat of all assigned goals”, — stated in the message, received by “Interfax” on Wednesday. As specified, six Tu-22M3 bombers took off from Russia, making a flight over the territory of Iran and Iraq. “During an air strike on a cover of Tu-22M3 was carried out by the su-30CM from the airport “Hamim”. After the mission, all the Russian planes returned to the base airfields,” — said in the message. During the download an error has occurred.

Six bombers of the Russian Federation struck at the objects of the IG in Syria

Six bombers of the Russian Federation struck at the objects of the IG in Syria Moscow. 1 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Six long-range bombers Tu-22M3 inflicted air strike on terrorist targets near the town of Abu Kamal in the province of Deir ez-Zor, according to the defense Ministry. “The goals for the defeat became strongholds of militants ammunition depots and weapons. Means of objective control recorded the defeat of all assigned goals”, — stated in the message, received by “Interfax” on Wednesday. As specified, six Tu-22M3 bombers took off from Russia, making a flight over the territory of Iran and Iraq. “During an air strike on a cover of Tu-22M3 was carried out by the su-30CM from the airport “Hamim”. After the mission, all the Russian planes returned to the base airfields,” — said in the message. During the download an error has occurred.