Russia was summoned to the foreign office the chargé d’affaires of Austria

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Charge d’affaires of Austria in Russia Stefan Weidinger summoned to the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation in connection with the refusal of Vienna to the issuance of visas to Crimean journalists, who were going to participate in the meeting of the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on freedom of the media. This was stated on Friday, the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after talks with Secretary General of the OSCE Thomas Greminger.

Accused of bribery by the mayor of Vladivostok has resigned

Accused of bribery by the mayor of Vladivostok has resigned The mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev, who is reckoned a bribe of 75 million rubles, commercial bribery and abuse of power, resigned. Previously, he was temporarily removed from office by a court decision. The mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev, who is kept in SIZO “Matrosskaya Tishina”, resigned. About it RBC said the acting mayor Andrei Litvinov. Pushkarev is charged with receiving bribes for 75 million rubles, excess of powers of office and commercial bribery. The guilt he does not recognize. “A statement from Igor Sergeyevich on early retirement received. The duties of the head of the city already I was engaged as his Deputy. Now, in connection with the resignation will launch the procedure for the election of the new head of the city administration”, — told RBC Litvinov. Today I took the decision on early resignation of the head

HIV develop the moral immunity

HIV develop the moral immunity The Ministry of education does not want the youth talked about condoms. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Ministry of education scandal associated with the online lesson on the prevention of HIV infection for students. Performers of the Internet project refused to comply with the requirements of officials in advance to agree on the answers to users ‘ questions, and recommendations “to talk about morality in order to escape the slippery” and avoid words like “condom”. In what form 1 Dec will be a traditional lesson it is not yet clear. All-Russian Internet-a lesson for HIV prevention, dedicated to the world day of struggle against AIDS 1 December is conducted by the Ministry of education and science in 2015. In 2016, the Minister of education and science Olga Vasilyeva ahead of the action noted that the issues of combating the spread of HIV infection among

The senators requested Facebook to identify all saw the Russian advertising users

The senators requested Facebook to identify all saw the Russian advertising users At the hearings in the U.S. Congress, the senators demanded that Facebook to identify all users that could see the Russian political advertising and warn them. About it reports Reuters. “You feel an obligation, in turn, notify those people who got access to this? You can do this? And aren’t you supposed to do?”, — leads the Agency of the appeal Democrat Jack reed to the representative of Facebook Colin Stretch. In his turn, Mr. Stretch noted that such identification is a “significant technical issue” and he is not confident of the ability of Facebook to implement it. However, he did not rule out that it may be possible. The company declined to comment to the Agency. During the hearings, the Facebook reported about 80 thousand releases to influence public opinion in the United States, Twitter has revealed

The Center for conciliation described the actions of the US under the al-TANF as a war crime

Syrian refugees camp © AP Photo/ Raad Adayleh MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. The actions of the military and the U.S.-led coalition in the area At Tanfa can be regarded as a war crime, in particular they do not provide assistance to refugees who suffered during a firefight in the area of the camp of er-Rukman 29 Oct. This was stated to journalists on Friday at the Russian Centre for reconciliation the warring parties in Syria.

FOM: only 3% of Russians believe that Sobchak is the Kremlin

FOM: only 3% of Russians believe that Sobchak is the Kremlin TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, the Russians know well, but her decision to stand in presidents of the country do not support, the poll Fund “Public opinion” (FOM). Almost half of the respondents do not consider it an independent political figure. While 27% of respondents believe that the decision to go to the polls Sobchak took myself. And only 3% of respondents believe that her candidacy is backed by the Kremlin. According to 44% of the respondents for extension of Sobchak are “other political forces” (23% were undecided). The widespread belief that the idea put forward well-known TV presenter in the President belongs to the Kremlin, in interview Bi-bi-si challenged Sobchak, complaining about the “pests” who are trying “to strangle” her “in the Kremlin’s embrace.” For us it was fundamental to understand whether the perceived solution Sobchak on the nomination

Citizens are ready to celebrate a day off

Citizens are ready to celebrate a day off National unity day has not become clear to the Russians. According to VTsIOM, 43% of respondents do not remember or do not know what the name of the holiday that the country will celebrate on 4 November. And for the most part of the respondents to the Day of national unity is nothing more than an extra day off. Head of chair of political psychology at Moscow state University Elena Shestopal said that the consolidation of the nation state have to be such holidays not only myths, “but also a system of meanings.” For 36% of the citizens national unity Day became a holiday that awakens in man “a special elation”, urging to “think about the past and future of the country.” Among the inhabitants of the village so meet the 40%, follows from poll VTsIOM. But 48% of citizens perceive, on

The US has rejected all requests of the Russian Federation to visit the cottages of the permanent mission to the UN in new York

© AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez UN 3 Nov. /TASS/. Russian diplomats about 20 times requested the US authorities permission to access to the holiday complex of Russia’s permanent mission in new York, closed in 2016, however, all these requests were rejected without explanation. This was stated on Thursday by a senior Counsellor, permanent mission to the UN Maxim Musikhin at the meeting of the 6th Committee of the General Assembly. He accused the us authorities of hindering the work of the Russian diplomatic mission, in violation of international obligations and demanded to “fix the situation”.

Trump announced a possible meeting with Putin at the APEC summit

Trump announced a possible meeting with Putin at the APEC summit WASHINGTON, 3 Dec — RIA Novosti. US President, Donald trump declared that, probably, will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vietnam on the sidelines of the APEC summit. “This is a very important trip. We can have a meeting with Putin … this is very important. They can help us with North Korea, Syria. We need to talk about Ukraine”, — he told in interview to TV channel Fox News. The summit of APEC leaders will be held in da Nang, Vietnam from 6 to 11 November, the presidents of Russia and USA will take part in it. Previously adviser to the head of the White house’s national security, Herbert McMaster said that the question about the meeting of Putin with trump is not yet resolved. “It’s still not determined if determined, we will announce it”, he said.