FOM: only 3% of Russians believe that Sobchak is the Kremlin

FOM: only 3% of Russians believe that Sobchak is the Kremlin

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, the Russians know well, but her decision to stand in presidents of the country do not support, the poll Fund “Public opinion” (FOM). Almost half of the respondents do not consider it an independent political figure.

While 27% of respondents believe that the decision to go to the polls Sobchak took myself. And only 3% of respondents believe that her candidacy is backed by the Kremlin.

According to 44% of the respondents for extension of Sobchak are “other political forces” (23% were undecided).

The widespread belief that the idea put forward well-known TV presenter in the President belongs to the Kremlin, in interview Bi-bi-si challenged Sobchak, complaining about the “pests” who are trying “to strangle” her “in the Kremlin’s embrace.”

For us it was fundamental to understand whether the perceived solution Sobchak on the nomination for the presidency as an independent or as someone suggested or imposed. Find out more second.Gregory Ertmanetshi analyst FOM

“And version of authorship of the Kremlin is not popular. Who do people mean by other political forces, we did not specify, but it is clear that it is about forces of opposition”, — he added. Speaking of “other” people, according to Cartman may mean the liberal opposition, oligarchs, and “the West, reference Department”.

While 38% of respondents think that Sobchak will allow up to the presidential election, 43% believe that it does not register as a candidate. The rest were undecided.

Sobchak is familiar to 98% of Russians, from the data FOM. Its visibility is higher than that of opposition leader Alexei Navalny — it is known only 55%, 46% don’t know (the data “Levada-center” in June).

