Gryzlov called inappropriate words Poroshenko about the return of artillery in the Donbass

The Plenipotentiary of Russia in the contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. The words of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko about the readiness to return the artillery to the line of contact in Donbas out of place amid the efforts of the contact group. On Friday, he noted that the Plenipotentiary of Russia in the contact group on settling the situation in Eastern Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov.

Russia closed the entry of dozens of Canadians

© Mikhail Japaridze/TASS MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Russia in response to anti-Russian sanctions from Canada took the decision on the closure of entry among canadian leaders. On Friday said in comments to the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, posted on the website of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.

Russia gave the canadian response to the “Magnitsky list”

Russia gave the canadian response to the “Magnitsky list” The representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova announced a ban on entry into Russia of a number of figures from Canada. Her review posted on the Agency’s website. “We have repeatedly warned canadian authorities against attempts to assist the sanctions pressure on Russia, warning that such actions unanswered will remain. Unfortunately, the official Ottawa under the pretext of the recently adopted anti-Russian “Magnitsky act” once again imposed restrictions in respect of our citizens,” — said in a statement. The commentary suggests that Moscow has to act on the mirror. “Based on the principle of reciprocity, the decision to close the entry into Russia a number of canadian leaders. The list is long, it has dozens of names. We are talking about those Russophobic minded citizens of Canada, who are systematically engaged in the destruction of bilateral relations,” says Zakharova.

The canadian authorities have imposed sanctions against 30 Russians

The canadian authorities have imposed sanctions against 30 Russians Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the government of Canada decided to impose sanctions against the 52 foreigners, including 30 citizens of Russia, said Friday in a press release on the website of the canadian government. According to the statement, all assets of persons placed under sanctions, is frozen, and these people will be denied entry to Canada. In a press release stressed that sanctions against the 52 individuals, including 30 Russians have been adopted in accordance with the earlier Parliament of Canada “Law on victims of corrupt foreign governments.” The document notes that “Canada adopts sanctions, effective immediately, against 30 Russians” in connection with the case related to the death in prison of the employee of Fund Hermitage Capital of Sergei Magnitsky. Among the persons against whom sanctions have been imposed — the head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin, a

Termination of the cooperation agreement of Russia and Ukraine in the sphere of television

Termination of the cooperation agreement of Russia and Ukraine in the sphere of television MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Agreement between the government of the Russian Federation and Ukraine on cooperation in the field of television and radio broadcasting has terminated. This is stated in the message of the Russian foreign Ministry published on Friday on the official Internet portal of legal information. “21 October 2017 terminated the agreement between the government of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of television and radio broadcasting, signed in Moscow on 23 October 2000”, — the document says. Earlier, in November 2016, the Ukrainian government announced the termination of this agreement with the government of the Russian Federation. The agreement had been in effect since 2000, and “provided for the creation of favorable legal, organizational and economic conditions for ensuring translation and distribution of programs

A court in Moscow has registered the claim Navalny for President

A court in Moscow has registered the claim Navalny for President The opposition accuses the President of illegal refusal in the coordination meetings. Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Opposition leader Alexei Navalny filed a lawsuit to the President of Russia in connection with the failure of the authorities of the different cities of the country in coordination meetings. “The court was administrative action Navalny Alexey Anatolievich to the President of the Russian Federation about a recognition illegal actions and inactions of the past”, — said the “Interfax” press Secretary of the Tver court of Moscow Anastasia Jurco on Friday. The decision on acceptance of a claim will be made within the statutory period, said the press Secretary of the court. Lawyer based Navalny Fund of struggle against corruption (FBK) Ivan Zhdanov explained to “Interfax” that the statement of claim the opposition asks the court to recognize the illegal actions of

Putin urged officials to trust people

Putin urged officials to trust people Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin urged public organizations to persevere in communicating with the officials, and the regional authorities is to create conditions for work of non-profit organizations. “Of course, not all officials are ready to dialogue and work together, but it is your persistence and persuasiveness break this bureaucratic rigidity” — said Putin, speaking at a forum of the active citizens Community. He promised that the government “will strive for productive cooperation (with NGOs) in various spheres, including in such complex and sensitive as working with people with disabilities, with students, work in medicine, search and historical work.”

The most loud scandals with participation of Ksenia Sobchak and Catherine Gordon

The most loud scandals with participation of Ksenia Sobchak and Catherine Gordon Among the candidates in the presidential elections of 2018 — Ksenia Sobchak and Catherine Gordon, bright women of national television and radio broadcasting. Over the years media career aspirants to the highest office in Russia proved that for a caustic word in a pocket do not climb. “Газета.Ru” — the victims of acute language candidates. Get out of the air, Ksenia Nine years ago, the journalist have already fought each other in the “Cult of personality” on radio “Mayak”. Then, in 2008, 26-year-old Ksenia Sobchak (at the time it was engaged in the project “the Blonde in chocolate”) broadcast invited Dmitry Glukhovsky and Catherine Gordon. Dialogue did not work: all the airtime the girls tried to figure out who’s the best, and put each other in place. In the course of walking and accusations of incompetent, and personal

The Ministry of education denied requests not to mention condoms in a lesson on HIV prevention

The Ministry of education denied requests not to mention condoms in a lesson on HIV prevention Moscow. 3 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation has denied the information that the officials allegedly recommended that the online tutorial for the prevention of HIV infection “to talk about morality” and not mention the word “condom.” “Statements by representatives of the contractor that they were encouraged “to talk about the problems of morality” instead of prevention, is not true. A project for an online lesson mandatory will be agreement with the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation”, — is spoken in the message published in the Telegram-channel of the Ministry on Friday. Earlier on Friday, the newspaper “Kommersant” reported that “the Ministry of education scandal associated with the online lesson on HIV prevention for students”. According to the publication, “implementing the Internet project refused to comply