Bastrykin has instructed to Institute proceedings in connection with the shelling of the Donbass plants “Grad”

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin instructed the Main investigation Department to open a criminal case in connection with new facts of the massive shelling by the Ukrainian security forces civilians of Donetsk “Grad”.

Lawyer Veselnitskaya: trump Jr. did not rule out the possibility of revising the “Magnitsky act”

Natalia Veselnitskaya © AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko NEW YORK, November 6. /TASS/. Donald trump Jr. during a meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June last year, did not rule out the possibility that his father is Donald trump, if elected President could reconsider the issue of the so-called Magnitsky act sanctions against the Russians. This was reported in an interview with news Agency Bloomberg Veselnitskaya itself, reveal some of the details of the conversation, in which, in addition to trump, Jr., participated-in-law of the future owner of the White house Jared Kushner and directed at the time of the electoral campaign of the Republican by Paul Manafort.

Bastrykin has instructed to initiate proceedings about the shelling of Donetsk from “Castles”

Bastrykin has instructed to initiate proceedings about the shelling of Donetsk from “Castles” MOSCOW, November 6 — RIA Novosti. The head of SK Alexander Bastrykin has instructed to Institute proceedings in connection with the shelling of the Ukrainian security forces civilians of Donetsk “Grad”, said the official representative of Department Svetlana Petrenko. “As a result of these actions of the Ukrainian armed forces have committed serious war crime, injured several children, one of whom died. In addition, under fire were the objects of civil infrastructure,” she added. Petrenko reminded that the UK is investigating these crimes, as guided by international law and Russian legislation. According to these norms, Moscow has the right to prosecute foreigners who committed crimes outside Russia, if they have not suffered punishment for it. “During the investigation of this crime against the civilian population, as well as in other cases of shelling of civilians, will be

The Americans called the timing of hypersonic weapons

The Americans called the timing of hypersonic weapons The Americans called the timing of the creation of hypersonic weapons with different levels of difficulty. According to the website of the TV channel REN-TV, expert, U.S. air force Jeffrey Zacharias is sure that the creation of such weapons will require decades of continuous technological development. Zacharias noted that supersonic drone will be released not earlier than 30 years. Around the same time will be ready to use and hypersonic platforms for launching missiles. In addition, the expert noted that the progress engine is sufficient for adopting such devices can be achieved within two to three decades, and hypersonic missiles, the United States can adopt already in 2020-ies. As for Russia, hypersonic anti-ship missile “Zircon” can be run with the generic launchers 3С14. They are also used for missiles “Caliber” and “Onyx”. Previously portal reported that the head of the Federation

In the state Duma believe that the abolition of the acts of 1954 the Crimea will put an end to the claims of Kiev

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS YALTA, November 6. /TASS/. Cancellation of the Soviet acts 1954 to transfer the Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR would put an end to any claims to the Peninsula from the neighbouring States, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Konstantin Zatulin.

Kadyrov invited Zyuganov to apologise for his words about Lenin

Kadyrov invited Zyuganov to apologise for his words about Lenin MOSCOW, November 6 — RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said that the leader of the CPRF Gennady Zyuganov does not hear the arguments of the younger generation in the matter of burial of the body of Vladimir Lenin, and said that the MP should apologize to the people whose opinion on this issue he called “chatter”. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Earlier, the leader of the Communist party stated that “chatter about the reburial under a has nothing, except trying to push on the red square generation and to organize mass riot”. He added that he will not give “these intrigues take place”. Kadyrov in his Telegram channel on Monday referred to the data of Levada center and FOM, according to which about 60% of citizens in favor of Lenin’s burial. He stressed that this position is shared by school children,

Eks-the head of Catalonia has allowed to enter politics

Eks-the head of Catalonia has allowed to enter politics The Belgian court will consider his case next week, media reported. Moscow. 6 Nov. INTERFAX.RU the Prosecutor’s office in Brussels said on Monday the conditions under which the night before had been released from-under guards the former head of the Catalan government, Carles Pujdeme and four of his associates. These conditions allow to maintain contacts between disgraced politicians, and their contacts with the media. “They can also engage in political activity”, — explained in Prosecutor’s office. The court will begin to deal with this matter next week behind closed doors, said the Prosecutor. “And the parties can present arguments and, if necessary, to challenge the contents of the warrant of arrest,” he said. According to several European media, the date of the first court hearing — November 17. The Prosecutor recalled that the parole taken into custody on Sunday, Catalan politicians

Putin submitted to the Duma a bill providing Asgardia security of heads of subjects of the Russian Federation

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. The draft amendments to the law “About the army national guard of the Russian Federation”, providing for the vesting of Regardie authority over the security of senior officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, submitted to the Duma by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The text of the document posted in the Duma’s electronic database.

A group of lawyers will challenge the sanctions in respect of Crimea in international courts

Lawyer Alexander Moloch © Mikhail Japaridze/TASS YALTA, November 6. /TASS/. A special working group will be engaged in the appeal of sanctions against the Crimea in international courts, said at an international conference “Crimea in the modern international context. The forum of friends of the Crimea” head of the group of legal experts under the head of the Crimea Alexander Moloch.

Poland legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes

Poland legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes According to authorities, about 300 thousand patients in need of such therapy. WARSAW, November 6. /Offset. TASS Irina Polina/. In Poland last week entered into force the new law on the legalization of marijuana for use for medical purposes. Normative act was passed by Parliament this summer. Under the new law, the preparations of cannabis can now be produced in pharmacies based on the prescription of a doctor of material supplied from abroad. The Polish pharmaceutical chamber States that the pharmacy in the Republic is prepared to issue medications containing marijuana. By words a press-the Secretary of Commerce Tomas Lelena, from 15 thousand pharmacies in Poland about 90% adapted to the production of medicines based on this recipe. “The cost for one gram of medical marijuana is estimated to be 50-60 PLN ($13-16), and the cost of monthly therapy would be