In the state Duma will introduce a bill to control content gostelekanalu

In the state Duma will introduce a bill to control content gostelekanalu MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. The first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture, film Director Vladimir Bortko (CPRF) plans to introduce a bill on the control of public television content, which, on the idea of the Deputy, will be implemented by the Parliament together with the competent government agencies. As the MP said during the Committee meeting, currently no one controls what the public broadcast channels. In his opinion, such an approach is inadmissible, “since television has a powerful influence on the population.” In all civilized countries there are government organizations that track this thing (the content of state television) with the participation of the Parliament, where all the existing factions… what I will present your bill in a week, I would ask the Committee to support, we need to influence.Vladimir Bordaberry Deputy Chairman of

The EU has published a blacklist of countries offshore

The EU has published a blacklist of countries offshore The Finance Ministers of the countries of the European Union on Tuesday published a black list of countries not wishing to cooperate with the EU in the field of tax reporting. The list consists of 17 countries, jurisdictions most of which are offshore. In a published “black list” includes: American Samoa, Bahrain, Barbados, Grenada, GUAM, Macau, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Namibia, United Arab Emirates, Palau, Panama, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia and South Korea. “We are at the level of the EU adopted a list of countries whose governments are not doing enough to combat tax evasion”, — quotes Agency Reuters Minister of Finance of France Bruno Le Mayor. According to the Minister, caught in the list of countries may lose access to the funds of the European Union. Against them will be introduced and other measures which the EU

The CEC has stated that they will continue to work with all media, including registered as foreign agents

Deputy head of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Nikolay Bulaev © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. The Russia’s Central election Commission will work in accordance with applicable legislation from all media, including those that are recognized as foreign agents. This was stated to journalists on Wednesday the Deputy Chairman of the Central electoral Commission Nikolay Bulaev.

Sands: Putin may at any time declare the participation in elections

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin may at any time declare the participation in the elections, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “The President can do it at any time, so you need to be ready every day,” – said Peskov. A Kremlin spokesman added that he did not know exactly when the head of state intends to do so. “I don’t know, but the rumors we have just about every day and go,” concluded Sands.

The state Duma has banned the visit to the chamber of media-registered as a foreign agent of the United States

© Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. The state Duma has banned visits to the building of the lower chamber at the Duma representatives of the American media recognized in Russia by foreign agents. The MPs adopted at a meeting on Wednesday corresponding resolution in response to the deprivation of the Russian TV company RT accreditation in the us Congress.

Putin signed the law on black lists of air passengers

Putin signed the law on black lists of air passengers Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law, under which airlines will have the right to refuse the purchase of tickets for their flights passengers have already been added to blacklists. Relevant documents are available on the portal of publication of legal acts. In full the amount prescribed in these rules shall enter into force in mid-2018. Then the man, fined or subjected to administrative arrest for failure to comply with lawful orders of the commander of the aircraft or prosecuted for disorderly conduct on Board the aircraft, may be included by the airline in the black list. For such people, the company is entitled during the year not to sell tickets on their flights. However, in some cases even included in the black list, the passenger will still be able to get on Board the aircraft.

The Kyiv Prosecutor’s office opened case on the fact of the power of liberation Saakashvili

The Kyiv Prosecutor’s office opened case on the fact of the power of liberation Saakashvili KYIV, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Kyiv Prosecutor’s office instituted criminal proceedings on the fact of power the release of the detained ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and transmits it to the investigation to the security Service of Ukraine, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of Prosecutor’s office of Kiev Hope maksimets on Tuesday. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий On Tuesday morning the apartment Saakashvili in Kiev was searched, the politician climbed onto the roof of an 8-storey building where he lives, and threatened to jump down. He was later detained and removed from home by police officers, he was put in the car and tried to get away, but supporters of the policy rioted, blocked the car and shot the wheels. Then the supporters of Saakashvili’s power freed him from the van of the security forces. “We brought (the

Ksenia Sobchak has hurt the feelings of the Chelyabinsk Communists

Ksenia Sobchak has hurt the feelings of the Chelyabinsk Communists The agitation tent of the presenter you want to move away from the monument to Lenin. Members of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Communist party demanded to clean tent campaign in support of the nomination of Xenia Sobchak for President of Russia away from the monument to Vladimir Lenin on the Scarlet field. Place a tent of Ms. Sobchak in “the Holy place of the Communists” the Communists considered it “offensive act” in connection with the statement presenter of the need to bury the body of the leader of the proletariat. Staff have reduced the residence time of the tent on the Scarlet field, but supporters of Ms. Sobchak explain it’s not “the feelings of the Communists,” and the low permeability of this place. Appeal to the head of Chelyabinsk Evgeny Teftelev published regional Committee of the Communist party. The

In Sweden, Prime Minister of Estonia is not allowed in the plane to Tallinn

In Sweden, Prime Minister of Estonia is not allowed in the plane to Tallinn Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Estonian Ambassador to Sweden Merle Pajula after the November EU summit in Gothenburg sent a letter critical of the content of the foreign Ministry of Sweden and the Gothenburg Landvetter airport, due to the fact that the Prime Minister jüri Ratas has not got on the plane. As stated in the letter, at the airport “in front of the nose of the Estonian delegation to” shut the door, and the plane rose into the air with no Ratas, said Tuesday the newspaper Postimees with reference to the The Ratas urgently needed to be in Tallinn, because there it was waiting for the next meeting. Paula saw with my own eyes, as several delegations from other countries immediately got on their planes, the Estonians took to wait in the VIP room

Saakashvili said that will require impeachment Poroshenko in Parliament

Saakashvili said that will require impeachment Poroshenko in Parliament KYIV, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. The ex-President of Georgia, former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili after his release from the car of the police said that together with his associates goes to the Ukrainian Parliament to demand the impeachment of the President. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий On Tuesday morning the apartment Saakashvili in Kiev was searched, the politician climbed onto the roof of an 8-storey building where he lives, and threatened to jump down. He was later detained and removed from home by police officers, he was put in the car and tried to get away, but supporters of the policy rioted, blocked the car and shot the wheels. Then the supporters of Saakashvili’s power freed him from the van of the security forces. “I encourage everyone to go to the Parliament of Ukraine and to demand a response for the