Erdoğan has described Israel as a state terrorist

Erdoğan has described Israel as a state terrorist Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan harshly criticized Israel, calling it a state terrorist, according to Hurriyet. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Speaking at the Congress “the party of justice and development,” Erdogan has criticized the excessive use of force by Israeli police against Palestinian protesters who came to the rally after recognition by Washington of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. As the newspaper notes, Erdogan called Israel a repressive state-occupier. Mass protests continue in the middle East after the decision of Donald trump to abandon the longstanding policy of neutrality regarding the status of Jerusalem. 9 December in the Gaza strip killed two Palestinians.

The defense Ministry responded to the charges of misappropriation of victory over ISIS in Syria

The defense Ministry responded to the charges of misappropriation of victory over ISIS in Syria The Ministry of defense of Russia commented on the words of the Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian, who accused Moscow of unfounded attribution of victory over the terrorists of the banned organization “Islamic state” in Syria. The defense Ministry called this statement strange because the defeat of ISIS in Syria — it is a merit of the Syrian leadership and government troops. “With the support of the Russian space forces, the Syrian army liberated from the terrorists of ISIS hundreds of settlements”, — is spoken in the comment of the Ministry of defense. According to the Russian military, the international coalition led by the US all this time “was focused on opposition to Syrian government forces until direct bombing.” “If there is any positive role of the international coalition to defeat

Spring explained how to create a cult of US

Spring explained how to create a cult of US MOSCOW, 10 Dec — RIA Novosti. The cult of the United States created through the myths and exaggerated lies about the alleged historical merits and victories of the country, told reporters on Sunday Deputy speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya (United Russia), commenting on the statement of U.S. President Donald trump of the US victory in two world wars. Trump, speaking to supporters in Florida, said that the United States is a nation that won two world wars and put communism on his knees, said on Saturday the TV channel Fox Business. “Inside USA “brainwashing” works through the education system, the cult of the United States created through the myths and exaggerated lies about the alleged historical merits and victories. A particularly eloquent and cynical as it is manifested in the deception of the US victory in world war II”

The UN has estimated annual amount of bribes in the world $1 trillion

The UN has estimated annual amount of bribes in the world $1 trillion Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Annual amount of bribes in the world is estimated at one trillion dollars, reports “UN news Center”. “While the global economy is losing an additional 2.6 trillion dollars due to corrupt practices”, — stated in the message. According to the UN development program (UNDP), in developing countries the losses due to corruption exceed the volume of official aid for development 10 times. According to the organization Transparency International, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in the corruption index is 131 in the world. December 9, the world observed the international day against corruption. In this regard, the UN noted that “no country, no region is immune from corruption” and “bribery is a serious crime that undermines social and economic development of any society”.

The Israeli army punished the Palestinians stole three apples commander

The Israeli army punished the Palestinians stole three apples commander The Israeli army took the decision to dismiss from service an officer who, during the operation for security in Hebron city stole apples from a Palestinian merchant. This is stated in the press service of the defense Army of Israel. The incident occurred yesterday, December 9, during the participation of soldiers in operations to suppress the riots in connection with the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. According to Haaretz, the city acted 84th infantry brigade “givati”. The commander, who was on patrol, noticed the shelves with fruit, abandoned by the traffickers. He walked over to him, took with them three apples and handed over his soldiers. It got on video that was later posted on Twitter. After the publication of the video, the army launched an investigation. As it turned out, the fruit belonged to a

Not those awarded: nuclear Western countries are boycotting the Nobel peace prize

Not those awarded: nuclear Western countries are boycotting the Nobel peace prize Britain, France and the United States officially announced that their ambassadors will not attend the Nobel peace prize. She was awarded the International campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Vladimir Agaev, a columnist for RIA Novosti. Of all nine countries that possess these weapons, their participation in the celebration confirmed only Russia, but also an unofficial member of the nuclear club — Israel. Ceremony held on 10 December in Oslo. Who “for” who “against” International campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, ICAN) was launched in 2007 in Melbourne. It was the result of the signing of the Treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons (Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, TPNW) held last summer. Although the text of the multilateral agreement was approved by the 122 member States of

Moskalkova said the progress in the protection of human rights in Russia

Moskalkova said the progress in the protection of human rights in Russia MOSCOW, 10 Dec — RIA Novosti. People today are much more protected, but challenges remain in the housing and prison system, in the awareness of the people about their rights — the field of improvement of safeguards is still high. On the eve of the International day of human rights Ombudsman Tatiana Moskalkova told RIA Novosti on the status of the human rights system in Russia. System problems The difference between rich and poor, the insufficient level of guarantees for young professionals, dissatisfaction with the judicial system and the result — all these issues remain relevant for Russia, said Moskalkova. She said that the work of the Ombudsman to all citizens is based on individual approaches, and recalled that each year, the Ombudsman considers all complaints to determine the most critical systemic problems. “Today we see that a

Lebanon called on Arab countries to impose sanctions against the United States

Lebanon called on Arab countries to impose sanctions against the United States The foreign Ministers of the Arab League discussed the situation around Jerusalem at an emergency meeting in Cairo. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister of Lebanon Gebran Basil has called on the Arab League to impose on US sanctions because of their decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, wrote on Saturday to the Jerusalem Post. According to him, in order to affect the position of the United States, you must first take preventive measures, ranging from diplomatic and then if that doesn’t help, to introduce political, economic and financial sanctions. “Whether it is disaster to unite us and awaken from the dream? History will never forgive us, and the future ashamed of what we did”, — quotes words of the Minister the Associated Press. Barked also proposed to convene an emergency summit of the

In Finland opened a new office of the DNI

In Finland opened a new office of the DNI Executive center of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) was opened on 9 December in Helsinki, Finland. This was reported by “Donetsk news Agency” with reference to the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the DPR. “Today in the capital of Finland — Helsinki — solemn opening of the Executive centre DND”, — said the Agency in the foreign Ministry of the Republic. According to the foreign Ministry, the DNI, at the opening ceremony was attended by Chairman of the friendship Society “Finland-Russia” Daria Skippari-Smirnov and the artist and public figure Sergey Zlenko. Headed the representative office of the Finnish human rights activist Johan Backman. During the event, guests and employees of the center have signed a letter of thanks to the foreign Ministry, the DNI, in which “the intention to progressively develop relations between the Republic and Finland, in particular in

Saakashvili’s party in Georgia is gathering signatures for the termination of cases against him

Saakashvili’s party in Georgia is gathering signatures for the termination of cases against him TBILISI, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. Georgian opposition party “United national movement” (UNM) began collecting signatures, demanding that the Georgian and Ukrainian authorities to stop the “political persecution” of ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and release it. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “END begins collecting signatures demanding to stop political persecution of Mikhail Saakashvili. Free Mikhail Saakashvili and all political prisoners!” — said in the appeal of the party, which distributes its press-service. The statement said that “if the illegal political persecution did not stop, then the user will receive a civil protest across the country.” The party has also urged the Ukrainian authorities “to release immediately the former President of Georgia”. Saakashvili on Tuesday was detained in the criminal case on the assistance of members of the criminal organizations and concealment of their criminal activity. However, supporters fought off