Not those awarded: nuclear Western countries are boycotting the Nobel peace prize

Not those awarded: nuclear Western countries are boycotting the Nobel peace prize

Britain, France and the United States officially announced that their ambassadors will not attend the Nobel peace prize. She was awarded the International campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Vladimir Agaev, a columnist for RIA Novosti.

Of all nine countries that possess these weapons, their participation in the celebration confirmed only Russia, but also an unofficial member of the nuclear club — Israel. Ceremony held on 10 December in Oslo.

Who “for” who “against”

International campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, ICAN) was launched in 2007 in Melbourne. It was the result of the signing of the Treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons (Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, TPNW) held last summer. Although the text of the multilateral agreement was approved by the 122 member States of the UN, the signature under it has put only 53 countries. The Treaty will enter into force when ratified by at least 50 States, but so far only three of them — Guyana, Vatican, and Thailand.

Parties undertake “never under any circumstances” develop, test, produce and stockpile nuclear weapons and not to use it and not to threaten to use them. They also refuse to place on its territory nuclear weapons of other States. All these obligations apply only to participating countries of the agreement.

The “nuclear nine” immediately distanced itself from the negotiations. After literally two hours after the approval in the UN document, the UK, France and USA issued a joint statement in which they said that will never become parties to the Treaty. According to them, it “completely ignores the realities of the international situation in the security sphere” and incompatible with the policy of nuclear deterrence, “which for 70 years has provided security for Europe and North Asia.” In the American administration called the agreement “useless and counterproductive” — especially given the situation in North Korea.

Criticism of the agreement made by NATO. According to Brussels, he “threatens to undermine the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT)”. In addition, violating the IAEA safeguards regime.

