Putin submitted to the state Duma the agreement with Syria, the expansion of the base of the Russian Navy in Tartus

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu on the Russian air base “Hamim” © Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted Wednesday to the state Duma the agreement with Syria about the expansion of the centre of logistics (MTO) of the Russian Navy in Tartus for 49 years. Information about this posted in the Duma’s electronic database. “This agreement is valid for 49 years and is automatically extended for successive 25-year periods if neither party at least one year before the expiration of the next period, notifies in writing through diplomatic channels the other party of its intention to terminate it”, – the document says.

The state Duma adopted the law on the punishment flayers

The state Duma adopted the law on the punishment flayers Moscow. 13 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma at session on Wednesday has accepted in the second and third readings of a bill to strengthen penalties for cruelty to animals, including flayers and sadists. The amendments to the criminal code of the Russian Federation. If the result of this treatment the animal was killed or injured, it will be punished by the penalty to 80 thousand roubles, or by compulsory works for a term of up to 360 hours, or by arrest for a term up to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term up to 3 years. If animals are abused a group of individuals in the presence of a minor, with the use of sadistic methods, public demonstration, including the media and the Internet in respect of several animals, the punishment will be fined from

The state Duma adopted the law on penalties for violation of the law on messengers

The state Duma adopted the law on penalties for violation of the law on messengers MOSCOW, 13 Dec — RIA Novosti. The state Duma adopted in the third final reading a bill introducing fines up to one million rubles for failure to comply with the organizers of services for instant messaging (messenger) duties imposed on them by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Corresponding amendments to KoAP. According to the text of the law, the failure of the messengers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation of duties entails imposition on citizens in the amount from 3 thousand to 5 thousand roubles; for officials — from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles; for legal entities — from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles. It is noted that for administrative offences provided for by this article, persons performing business activity without education of the legal person, bear administrative responsibility as

The FSB is not found in the words Sobchak about Crimea appeals to separatism

The FSB is not found in the words Sobchak about Crimea appeals to separatism The FSB’s claims check out Ksenia Sobchak that “from the point of view of international law” Crimea is Ukrainian. Calls for separatism in these words of the pretender to the Russian presidency, the secret service is not found. Employees of the Federal security service (FSB) conducted a linguistic analysis of statements about Criminality Ksenia Sobchak, announced plans to run for President in 2018. Appeals to violation of territorial integrity of Russia they are not discovered, told RBC Deputy of the state Duma from the Communist party Valery Rashkin, who had requested the FSB and the Prosecutor General. “I know. I don’t agree with this”, — said the MP, noting that “now” he is gaining “materials, and to reason again [them] to submit” and demand to bring in that Sobchak to justice. “We have structures that are

Peskov called the issue of ownership of the Crimea is not subject to discussion

MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. The question of belonging of the Crimea is not negotiable, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the words of U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson that sooner or later this issue will again be on the agenda. “As for Crimea, not much to add here, this topic is in no way subject to any discussion,” – said Peskov.

The state Duma introduces the monthly payments at the birth of the first child

The state Duma introduces the monthly payments at the birth of the first child The draft code establishes the right to receive payments on the birth or adoption of their first child until they reach eighteen months. MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. The state Duma unanimously adopted on Wednesday in the first reading the presidential bill on the introduction of monthly payments at the birth of the first child. The draft code establishes the right to receive monthly payments at the birth or adoption of their first child until they reach eighteen months. This possibility will be Russian citizens, permanently residing on the territory of the country if the child is born or adopted after 1 January 2018. The allowance will be calculated taking into account the family’s income — it should not exceed time and a half the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population of the region. The initiative also

Russia will create in Syria a full-fledged naval base

Russia will create in Syria a full-fledged naval base Moscow. 13 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Syrian Tartus will be a full-fledged Russian naval base, have informed “Interfax” on Wednesday the former chief of staff of the Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Kravchenko. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “It will strengthen the operational capabilities of our fleet in the Mediterranean and in General the position of Russia in the middle East,” — said Kravchenko. He noted that earlier in Tartus, Russia was the point of logistics, “is a small area, expanding territory, we create a naval base.” “Base implies a decent area, all kinds of protection and defense, the entry of ships up to cruisers of the first rank. They will be able to resupply and personnel to rest,” — said Kravchenko. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday submitted for ratification to the state Duma the agreement between Russia and Syria to expand the territory

Medvedev instructed to study the introduction of quotas for Russian wines in retail

Medvedev instructed to study the introduction of quotas for Russian wines in retail Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of agriculture to study the introduction of the quota not less than 30% of the Russian wines in stores and restaurants. The demand for wine produced in Russia was unstable and retailers began to reduce its purchases. With the request “to consider the possibility of introducing a minimum 30% quota for domestic wine production” in trading networks, retail and HoReCa segment to the Russian Prime Minister turned self-regulatory organization, the Association of winegrowers and winemakers of the Crimea “the Crimean Bureau of grapes and wine” (CBW; brings together the largest manufacturers of the Peninsula — “Massandra”, “Inkerman”, “Novyy Svet”, “Golden beam”, etc.). In the letter (is at the disposal of RBC), signed by the Chairman of the Board KBW, Yanina Pavlenko, explained that the introduction of the quota “will give a powerful

Putin signed a decree on increasing the salaries of Federal officials

Putin signed a decree on increasing the salaries of Federal officials Moscow. 13 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed the decree “On state civil service of the Russian Federation” according to which from 1 January 2018 1.04 times increased the salary of Federal civil servants. A decree published on the official website of legal information. In particular, increase the sizes of monthly salaries of diplomatic personnel of the foreign Ministry, diplomatic missions and consular establishments, territorial bodies — representations of the Russian foreign Ministry on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the assigned diplomatic ranks. Furthermore, the increase of salaries of monthly cash content will affect Federal civil servants in accordance with the substituted positions of the Federal civil service and the sizes of monthly salaries of Federal civil servants in accordance with their assigned class ranks of state civil service of

Ukraine allowed the termination of railway communication with Russia

Ukraine allowed the termination of railway communication with Russia A public operator of Railways of Ukraine “Ukrzaliznytsya” may terminate rail links with Russia in 2018, said the Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian channel “112. Ukraine”. According to him, such a decision can be made due to the fact that Russia built a railway line to bypass the Republic. “The question of railway communication with Russia, it is now “Ukrzaliznytsya”. Think about the final decision, we will be able to report in 2018,” he said. The Minister said that at present between Russia and Ukraine runs a Russian (Moscow — Chisinau) and several Ukrainian passenger trains. The decision on suspension of rail traffic may also affect the freight, admitted the official. In may, Ukraine has already stated the possibility of termination of railway communication with Russia since July 1. The reason for this was passenger traffic from the area of so-called