Roskomnadzor explained the blockage of unwanted materials organizations

Roskomnadzor explained the blockage of unwanted materials organizations Blocked Internet resources noted in the Department, contributed to the spread of illegal information. MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. Roskomnadzor explained the blocking of Internet-resources of organizations recognized in Russia is undesirable, the execution of the Federal law “On information”. About it the Agency announced Thursday on the official website. “St. 15.3 of the Federal law “On information” requires Roskomnadzor at the request of the Prosecutor General or his Deputy to take measures to restrict access to information resources with the information containing appeals to mass riots, extremist activities, participation in mass (public) events held with violation of established procedure, materials of foreign or international non-governmental organizations whose activities are deemed not to be desirable”, — stated in the message. In Department noted that by placing a hyperlink to a potentially illegal online content, the media contributes to its spread. “The availability on

“Doctors without borders” say about large-scale violence in Myanmar

“Doctors without borders” say about large-scale violence in Myanmar They reported the death of nearly 7 thousand Muslim Rohingya people for the month. According to the international organization “Doctors without borders” (MSF), in the period from 25 August to 24 September in Rakhine state in Myanmar have died not less than 9 thousand representatives of the ethnic Rohingya. Not less than 6,7 thousand of them, including 730 children under the age of five, were killed. The “Doctors without borders” believe that the real figures may be even higher. According to the report of the international organization “Doctors without borders” (MSF) last month, experts conducted several surveys in refugee camps in Bangladesh to establish the number of deaths and deaths of members of ethnic Rohingya fleeing violence in Myanmar. A survey of refugees and verification of data showed, for the first month since the beginning of clashes in Myanmar died at

About trump, Syria and Ukraine ended in Moscow a press-conference of Putin

About trump, Syria and Ukraine ended in Moscow a press-conference of Putin MOSCOW, December 14 — RIA Novosti. Foreign journalists asked the bulk of questions the second hour, the big press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin about the alleged interference in U.S. elections, American leader, Donald trump, Ukraine. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий Other topics that interested the press in the second part of the event, began the doping, the football world Cup, children and senior citizens. Not paid attention to and held at the beginning of the week the Russian leader’s visit to Syria on the Russian air base “Hamim”. Interesting guys About the American President mentioned in the context of the Russian budget. He noted that Moscow cannot afford such a large military expenditure as Washington, however, the funds which are spent today by Russia on defense, is enough. In this context, the President told an anecdote, within the framework of

Russia will increase spending on health

Russia will increase spending on health The total funding for medical expenses will be increased from 3.8 to 4.1 percent of Russia’s GDP. This was announced at a press conference at the end of the year Vladimir Putin. The President also spoke about the need to preserve the small forms of medical care and the establishment of new health posts. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий This was stated by President Vladimir Putin at a big press conference for the year, which broadcasts the First channel. The President also noted the need to preserve the small forms of medical care in small towns and create new feldsher-midwife stations (FAP). “According to the settlements, where less than 100 people — it should be mobile units,” — said Putin. According to the President, currently, “much has been done from the point of view of increasing the availability of high-tech medical care”. However, he noted that the enlargement

Big press conference of Vladimir Putin in facts and figures

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS At the press conference of Vladimir Putin was accredited a record number of journalists — 1640. Only one in 30 had to ask the question. Of the 55 people who received this opportunity, 54 were journalists, and one frankly admitted that “deceived” organizers of the press conference and works as a journalist and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Murmansk rybkombinat. Other interesting facts and figures about the press conference of the President — in infographics by TASS.

Benefits for children, retirement age, abortion: the main Putin’s statements on social policy

© Alexei Druzhinin/TASS Improvements in the areas of health and education, increasing the retirement age, the assessment of the implementation of the may decrees, to identify and support talented children were a key theme of social policy that were discussed during the annual big press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Family support for the benefit of demography In the course of communication with journalists, Putin spoke about the recent initiatives to increase the fertility rate and support the institution of the family. The introduction of monthly payments to young families in connection with the birth of the first child until they reach eighteen months. “The payment will be paid to families with incomes below time and a half of the subsistence minimum of able-bodied population, — said the President. What does that mean? In 2018 this means 10523 rubles in 2019 – 10836 rubles in 2020 – 11143 of

The Russian foreign Ministry accused the United States and Canada in search of a pretext to begin supplying lethal arms to Kiev

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Roman Canasuc/TASS MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. The United States and Canada are clearly trying to find a pretext to launch a massive supply to Ukraine lethal weapons. This is stated in a statement on Thursday the comments of the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. According to her, the United States and Canada continue to distort the facts, accusing the militia of Donbass in the shelling, which lead the Ukrainian forces. “Strengthens the sense that these attempts to shift responsibility is not accidental. In Washington and Ottawa are clearly trying to find a pretext to launch a massive supply to Ukraine lethal weapons,” the diplomat said.

Putin commented on Sechin failing to appear in court over Ulyukaev

Putin commented on Sechin failing to appear in court over Ulyukaev CEO of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin could come to court to testify in case of ex-Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, said President Vladimir Putin on the question of the journalist Tatyana Felgenhauer at a press conference in Moscow. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий Putin noted that because of the wide public resonance was interested in whether law Sechin failure to appear in court. “The law is in no way broken, and we collected enough materials, including readings Sechin,” said Putin. “Sechin could come to court, what is this,” at the same time, the President noted. And also because of screaming around or heard Putin wished me health. Not answered “Thank you.” Now everyone will think I’m ill-mannered(((( well!(( — Tania Felgengauer (@t_felg) 14 Dec 2017 During the download an error has occurred. The Minister is accused of receiving $2 million in bribes from