Bridge from Kuban to the Crimea received the name

Bridge from Kuban to the Crimea received the name In voting for the best name for a transport link, which will connect the Crimean Peninsula with mainland Russia, won a version of the “Crimean bridge”. The voting results are available on the website of nezavismosti.of the Russian Federation. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Second place in the vote was called the “Kerch bridge”, the third “Bridge of reunification”. Vote for the best name for the bridge in the Crimea began on a special website on 16 November. Those wishing to vote needed to pass the authorization through one of the social networks and vote for the option that much. It was also possible to confirm their choice via email. Voting ended on 17 Dec at 00:00 GMT. The bridge connecting the Crimea and Krasnodar Krai. Its length is 19 km, it will be the longest in Russia. It is assumed that the traffic over

The OSCE mission in Ukraine announced the intention of Russia to withdraw its military from SCCC

The OSCE mission in Ukraine announced the intention of Russia to withdraw its military from SCCC Special OSCE monitoring mission (SMM) in Donbas, announced about the Russian decision to withdraw their officers from the Joint center for control and coordination (SCCC). “On 14 December, the representative of the Ukrainian armed forces at the JCCC headquarters of the JCCC, located in government-controlled Soledar (79 km North of Donetsk), the SMM handed over a letter from the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation stating that the Russian Federation is going to withdraw from the territory of Ukraine the officers of its armed forces from SCCC”, — stated in the SMM. We will remind, on 7-8 December in Vienna hosted a meeting of foreign Ministers of the OSCE countries. The situation in the East of Ukraine affected both the General sessions and in the bilateral format. Thus, on 7 December Sergei Lavrov

A military doctor revealed the cause of poor health of the pilots of the F-35

A military doctor revealed the cause of poor health of the pilots of the F-35 MOSCOW, 16 Dec — RIA Novosti. A military doctor, Colonel, U.S. air force J. Flottmann have identified the possible cause of the poor health of the pilots of the new fighter-bombers, the F-35. It is reported by Aviation Week. For this, he made three flights on F/A-18 Hornet. One of them was equipped with a supply system of liquid oxygen LOX, two more modern oxygen OBOGS station, which is equipped with advanced F-35. Flottman came to the conclusion that the OBOGS under heavy loads supplies air too abruptly, making it difficult to breath pilot. “I am convinced that the increased oxygen content in the respiratory gas in conjunction with the operation of the regulator of breathing has a negative effect on the productivity of employees”, — said the expert. The Colonel also noticed that the

Russia will help SAR in the fight against the attempts of the US destabilizirovat the situation

Russia will help SAR in the fight against the attempts of the US destabilizirovat the situation The US wants to destabilize the situation in Syria, Russia will help to prevent this. This statement was made by the head of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Bondarev on Saturday, December 16. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “It is clear that Syria they would not leave quietly again and prepare a foothold to destabilize the situation in it. I’m sure Assad will be strong enough to counteract this… for its part, Russia will help”, — quotes the message of “RIA Novosti”. Thus, the Senator commented on the information of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria that the international coalition led by the US continues to work with the remnants of the militants in Syria, forming of them “New Syrian army” under the guidance of their instructors.

Ksenia Sobchak announced the use of its popularity

Ksenia Sobchak announced the use of its popularity Moscow. 16 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — TV Presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who announced his desire to run for President, believes the policy of “the art of the possible”, the correspondent of “Interfax”. Answering the question, not whether it is “the Kremlin project”, Sobchak has expressed the view that the government uses its popularity in the same way as it uses politics to advance their ideas. “Does the power that she now can I somehow use? Yes, of course. I don’t know how everything is solved, but I’m pretty sure I appear on Federal channels with the permission of someone. With the permission of the one who calls and says, okay, let”, — said Sobchak during the communication with supporters and journalists in Yekaterinburg on Saturday. 18 Oct Ksenia Sobchak has declared his intention to run for President of Russia in 2018. 16 December, she

Shoigu thanked guarding Putin in Syria war

Shoigu thanked guarding Putin in Syria war The Russian defense Minister, army General Sergei Shoigu announced gratitude to all military personnel guarding President Vladimir Putin during his visit to a Russian airbase Hamim in Syria. This is stated in the press release of defense Ministry received by “Vedomosti”. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий It is noted that to Express my gratitude to the military instructed Vladimir Putin. Awarded to officers and soldiers who provided security at the airbase, the pilots of the aircraft that accompanied the presidential Board and staff of calculations of air defense, electronic warfare specialists and the crews of certain ships of the Russian Navy. Putin on Monday, December 11, visited the base Hamim. He met Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Sergei Shoigu and the commander of the Russian military group Sergey Surovikin. Speaking to the military air base, Putin ordered the defense Minister and the chief of staff to begin the

RF Ministry of defense: instructors from the US is preparing militants to fight the Syrian army

© EPA/YOUSSEF BADAWI MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/. Instructors from the United States is prepared in the training center at the refugee camp in Syria, the new armed groups called “New Syrian army”, which after a course training plan to transfer to the South of the country to fight government troops. This was stated on Saturday at the Russian Centre of reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria with reference to returnees.

USA create of is militants* new armed groups in Syria

USA create of is militants* new armed groups in Syria MOSCOW, 16 Dec — RIA Novosti. Armed groups of the “New Syrian army” are refugee camps in the province of El-al-hasakah under the guidance of American instructors, according to the Russian Centre of reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria. The American military, according to returning refugees to their homes, announced that after completing a training course created formation will be deployed in the South of Syria to fight the Syrian government forces. The report stresses that despite the American statement of commitment to destroying the terrorist group “Islamic state”*, the international coalition continues to work with the remnants of the terrorists in Syria. According to the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties, one of the clearest examples of this is the situation in the refugee camp, located 20 kilometers North-East of the town of Jisr al-Shadadi, in the

The government made it mandatory for drivers to wear reflective vests at night

The government made it mandatory for drivers to wear reflective vests at night The government amended the rules of the road (SDA) clause, which obliges drivers to wear a reflective jacket or vest in case of the compelled stop of the car outside the settlements when leaving him in the dark. Document published on the government website. The resolution provides statistics for six months, according to which on Russian roads in the dark, there were more than 7.5 thousand arrivals on pedestrians. In these accidents died 1321. Also increased the number of assaults on drivers. For the six months 2017 66 has occurred such an accident, which is 4.8% more compared with the year 2016.