Zakharov: Russian intervention in elections in the West has exhausted itself

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. The theme of alleged Russian interference in the elections in Europe and the United States has exhausted itself. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia 1”.

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist party recommended to the Congress to nominate the head of “Farm to them. Lenin,” the presidents

The Director of the Lenin state Farm Pavel Grudinin and Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist party Gennady Zyuganov © Nikolay Galkin/TASS MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist party recommended to the Congress party to nominate the Director of “Sovkhoz imeni Lenina” Pavel Grudinina candidate in the presidential elections, and party leader Gennady Zyuganov – the head of the Supreme Council of national-Patriotic forces. This was reported TASS the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist party Yuri Afonin. “The Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist party unanimously decided to recommend to the Congress of the Communist party to nominate Grudinina Pavel Nikolaevich candidate for the position of President of the Russian Federation, Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov was elected leader of the Supreme Council of people’s Patriotic forces, which will be the headquarters of the election campaign,” said Afonin.

Shoigu reported to Putin about the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria

Shoigu reported to Putin about the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria The Russian military has left the territory of Syria, said defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, President. Vladimir Putin gave such order, on 11 December. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий The Minister of defense and General of the army Sergei Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin about the execution of the order on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria, reports “Interfax”. “Your order for the withdrawal of Russian forces from the Syrian Arab Republic fulfilled,” — said Shoigu Putin during a meeting with defence Ministry officials and commanders of military districts and the Northern fleet. According to him, in areas of permanent deployment returned 36 planes, four helicopters and six Tu-22 bombers. 157 units of automotive equipment were delivered to Russia by sea transport. In addition, were taken from Syria, the personnel of the aviation units and special operations experts of the International

Russian youth has launched an Internet campaign in support of Putin in the elections

Russian youth has launched an Internet campaign in support of Putin in the elections MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. Campaign to support the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the upcoming presidential elections started on the Internet, its organizer was the youth from different corners of the country. The essence of the campaign is that young people on their pages in the Internet publish with the hashtag #Stampalia appeal to their peers and offer them to unite for support of the incumbent President who intends to run for a new term. At the moment, according to TASS, has already been published about 850 such posts on social networks, and about the opening of the headquarters, said students from more than 40 regions and 100 educational institutions in Russia. “Among my friends, and just students, a lot of supporters of Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], and together we are ready to help our

Putin has set the task to build in the Russian army new generation

Putin has set the task to build in the Russian army new generation The President stressed that Russia “has to be among the leaders, and in some areas — the absolute leader in building the army a new generation.” BALASHIKHA, 22 Dec. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the national army must become an absolute leader in the world. The head of state set the task to build the “army of the era of the new technological order”. Russia should be among the States leaders and in some areas the absolute leader in building the army a new generation, the army of the new era of technology Wladimir Putin expanded meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of defense of Russia Putin noted that “in the coming years it is necessary to continue the qualitative development of the Armed forces”. “We see that the world is experiencing a real

Source: Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist party encouraged to nominate for the presidency the head of “Farm to them. Lenin”

Director of “Sovkhoz imeni Lenina” Pavel Grudinin © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist party recommended that on Friday the Supreme governing body of the party – the Congress – to propose the General Director Moscow “state Farm. Lenin” Pavel Grudinina candidate for the presidential elections. TASS said one of the participants of the meeting.

Johnson and Lavrov exchanged jokes about mutual trust

Johnson and Lavrov exchanged jokes about mutual trust Moscow. 22 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said he followed the advice of a group of British parliamentarians during his visit to Moscow not to trust the Russian — not to take a mobile phone and avoid Russian food. “As evidence of the measure of my confidence, I can tell you that as soon as I arrived at the negotiations, I immediately gave my coat, all that was in his pockets, Sergei Lavrov. I knew he would look after them and nothing bad will happen,” Johnson said after talks with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow. In response, the Russian Minister said: “I can say that the pockets of her coat Boris was nothing.” However, Johnson reiterated his main message after talks with his Russian counterpart: “In the relations between our countries have experienced difficulties, however, there are

The Congress of the “Yabloko” nominated Yavlinsky as a presidential candidate

The Congress of the “Yabloko” nominated Yavlinsky as a presidential candidate MOSCOW, Dec 22 — RIA Novosti. The Congress of the “Yabloko” nominated one of the founders of the party Grigory Yavlinsky at the presidential elections in Russia in 2018, reports RIA Novosti. The next presidential elections will be held on March 18, 2018, the election campaign officially started on 18 December. “The vote was as follows: “for” Grigorii Alekseevich — 98, against — 4, the results of the vote decided to nominate Grigory Yavlinsky for presidential elections in 2018,” announced the moderator of the Congress the results of a secret ballot of the party. Campaign headquarters headed by Yavlinsky Deputy Chairman of Yabloko Nikolai Rybakov. It is reported RIA Novosti that the party has the necessary resources to collect signatures for a candidate in the upcoming presidential election. The party plans to publish the first campaign materials in support

Boris Johnson saw the Bentley proof of warming relations with Russia

Boris Johnson saw the Bentley proof of warming relations with Russia In Moscow began talks of foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his British counterpart Boris Johnson. The British foreign Secretary visits Moscow for the first time since 2012. Before the talks Sergei Lavrov admitted that relations between the two countries are at a very low level and expressed hope that the meeting will contribute to their improvement. Boris Johnson, in turn, recalled that diplomatic relations between Moscow and London there are already more than 450 years. However, he also expressed regret in connection with their current state. At the same time, the British guest was told about the evidence that over the past year the cooperation between the two countries has improved. As far as I know, Russia had delivered 300 cars Bentley. They are unlikely, of course, was bought by the employees of the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs,