Naryshkin called part of the “great collaboration” communication of the Russian Federation and the USA on the terrorists

The Director of service of external intelligence of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, December 23. /TASS/. The interaction between the intelligence services of Russia and the USA are built quite constructively, giving the CIA the Russian side the data about the impending terrorist attacks in St. Petersburg are part of a large collaboration. The journalists said the head of the foreign intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin.

Putin urged not to treat Russia “as his beloved grandmother”

Putin urged not to treat Russia “as his beloved grandmother” President Vladimir Putin believes that Russia must be treated as a young and forward-looking, not “like a beloved grandmother.” He stated this on Saturday at a Congress of the party “United Russia”. To achieve this, you need to make significant changes in the development of health, education and infrastructure, said the President. He explained that “without health and education will not solve the other key problem is to make economy innovative, to promote digitalization, biotechnology”. “Can’t do that sick, uneducated people”, — Putin said. The President spoke today at the Congress of the party “United Russia” in Moscow at ENEA. He thanked party members for their work and stated that much remains to be done. In turn, the Prime Minister and the leader of United Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that the party will have a Putin all the necessary support

The Communist party has nominated Pavel Grudinina in presidents of Russia

The Communist party has nominated Pavel Grudinina in presidents of Russia A presidential candidate from the Communist party became the Director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinin. The party is the “liberal alternative to Putin and the government,” said earlier the leader of the Communists Gennady Zyuganov. Congress of the Communist party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) at the 17th Congress on Saturday, December 23, nominated a presidential candidate 57-year-old Director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinina. For a decision voted by the majority of delegates to the Congress, the correspondent of RBC. According to the interlocutor of RBC in the Communist party, “against the candidacy Grudinina voted by 11 delegates, the rest follow”. The decision was made by secret ballot. Earlier, the Communists unanimously supported the proposal of the CPRF leader Gennady Zyuganov to include in the newsletter uncontested candidacy Grudinina as presidential candidate from the Communist

Putin believes that the youth in Russia should have equal opportunities for self-realization

Putin believes that the youth in Russia should have equal opportunities for self-realization The President noted the need to expand the network of support for youth projects, as “young people coming of age.” MOSCOW, December 23. /TASS/. The government should expand the support of young people in business, government, science and other fields came a strong young professionals. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Congress of “United Russia”. He pointed to the need to expand the network of support for youth projects, as “young people coming of age.” According to the President, young people in different localities should have “equal opportunities for self-fulfillment.” “Only then we will provide the parish in politics and business, in government, in science and production in all spheres of life strong young professionals, patriots, honest, courageous, ambitious, energetic people who understand and share the development agenda of the country and

Putin at the Congress of “United Russia” called for honest labeling unsolved problems

Putin at the Congress of “United Russia” called for honest labeling unsolved problems According to the President, Russia is constantly developing political system makes it more flexible and responsive to the needs of citizens. MOSCOW, December 23. /TASS/. “United Russia” must honestly identify challenges facing RF problems and persistently to eliminate everything that hinders the development of the country. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Congress of “United Russia”. Most importantly – we must honestly identify unresolved issues and aggressively to solve them, eliminating what hinders to go forward, to set ourselves even more ambitious goals and achieve results. There are many important, important, not urgent Affairs, and all that managed to do is only the Foundation, but not a guarantee of further successful development.Vladimir Putin He listed a number of achievements over the years of existence of the party. “Yes, we understand that probably

Sobchak presented the election program

Sobchak presented the election program MOSCOW, Dec 23 — RIA Novosti. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, a intentional to stand for election of the President of Russia in 2018, on Saturday presented her election program called “123 difficult step.” Sobchak on Saturday came to the Congress of the party “Civil initiative”, which is to nominate its candidate for the elections of the President of Russia. The election program Sobchak is available to RIA Novosti, it contains 123 points. “The most important problem in our country today has become a tenure of power, it engenders corruption, and, consequently, the inequitable distribution of public goods, slowing technological and social progress, international isolation, economic crisis”, — said Sobchak in the Preface of the program. The program includes proposals on domestic policy, economic development, social policy and foreign policy. Previously Sobchak at the opening of the headquarters in Yekaterinburg said that her campaign “is designed

Sobchak said that there is the election of the President for the return of the Russians the truth and freedom

Ksenia Sobchak © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, December 23. /TASS/. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, that on Saturday Congress of the party “Civil initiative” intends to nominate a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, said that he wants to participate in the elections to change the political life in the country, returning to her truth and freedom.

The Russian foreign Ministry condemned the US decision to supply weapons to Kiev

The Russian foreign Ministry condemned the US decision to supply weapons to Kiev Also, according to Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin, the decision of the United States to once again undermine the work on the implementation of the Minsk agreements. MOSCOW, December 23. /TASS/. Washington’s decision to supply weapons to Kiev once again undermines the work on the implementation of the Minsk agreements. This was stated on Saturday by TASS the state Secretary, Deputy foreign Minister Grigory Karasin. This decision essentially undermines the work on the implementation of the Minsk agreements in 2015. In fact, [the decision is] supported the “party of war” in Kiev, that is, those political forces that are betting on a military solution to the problem of Donbass. This is unacceptable.Gregory Kerosinzuschlag the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Karasin noted that all the efforts of the international community should be focused