The former lawyer of Navalny’s campaign staff announced the failure of his presidential campaign

The former lawyer of Navalny’s campaign staff announced the failure of his presidential campaign Former Deputy coordinator of the Moscow headquarters of Alexei Navalny, a lawyer Vitaly Strokanov announced that the campaign for verification of signatures in support of the policy has failed. About this he wrote in his Facebook. “Verification of signatures by region failed completely, hence the absence of at least some statistics on it, which for a long time require to disclose donors,” wrote Sarukhanov, adding that the headquarters of the opposition for three months was verified by 14,000 signatures collected in the regions of the necessary 250 000. According to Sarukhanova, the failure of the campaign to blame the head of the election headquarters of Bulk Leonid Volkov. He, according to the lawyer, “has not invented anything new, except through the sea of detentions, arrests and the negative resonance to avoid answering questions about the causes

Lavrov advocated the participation of the permanent members of the UN security Council to discuss Cyprus settlement

© Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS TASS, 24 Dec. Russia supports the participation of all permanent members of the UN Security Council, including Russia, in an international conference on Cyprus. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in an interview to the Cypriot newspaper Simerini published on Sunday. According to him, Moscow takes the UN a Central place in the process of resolving the situation on the island, as the whole negotiation process is based on the resolutions of the UN Security Council. “It is therefore logical to our proposal on the participation of all permanent members of the UN Security Council, including, of course, Russia, in discussing the external aspects of the settlement and, consequently, in an international conference on Cyprus”, – said the Russian foreign Minister.

In the North Korean foreign Ministry called an “act of war” new sanctions of the UN security Council

In the North Korean foreign Ministry called an “act of war” new sanctions of the UN security Council North Korea rejects new sanctions of the UN Security Council as an “act of war”, according to the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the DPRK, Reuters reports. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “We will continue to strengthen our defensive nuclear deterrence system, is focused on fundamental elimination of nuclear threats, blackmail and hostile moves of the United States by establishing a practical balance of forces”, — stated in the message text. The foreign Ministry also noted that the U.S. is “in the final horror of great historical completion of the launch of the state nuclear forces.” Earlier, the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN called for a revolutionary offensive against anti-socialist phenomenon.

The Communist party Congress put forward Grudinina candidate for the presidential elections

Director of state farm. Lenin Pavel Grudinin at the XVII Congress of the Communist party of the Russian Federation © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS The VILLAGE of ROZHDESTVENO /Moscow region/, December 23. /TASS/. The highest governing body of the Communist party – the Congress party – nominated on Saturday the Director of the Moscow enterprise “Sovkhoz imeni Lenina” Pavel Grudinina candidate for the presidential elections 2018. For the first time from the Communists would run a non-partisan candidate. He goes on elections as the representative of the wide people’s Patriotic forces. Voting without coercion The decision on nomination Grudinina was made following a secret ballot of delegates. “Of the 314 he [Grudinin] received 11 votes against. Vote decent and honest” – said Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov. He noted that the presence of votes against indicates the free will of the voters. “No one is forced”, – he stressed. Grudinin thanked Zyuganov

Gordon called the program Sobchak “political plagiarism”

Gordon called the program Sobchak “political plagiarism” The election program of the candidate, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, is a “political plagiarism”, said the TV presenter Ekaterina Gordon in his Facebook. According to her, the promise Sobchak to transform Russia into a parliamentary Republic, it was announced Gordon on November 21. Gordon claims that the presidential candidate “withdraws” as a “C student from other people’s notebooks”. “What makes Ksenia Sobchak looks like a blatant political plagiarism and erosion of any political opposition movement,” said Gordon. She added that until recently, Sobchak herself admitted in the absence of the program. Gordon also put the blame “game protection Bulk”, which he called “certain meanness”. “Any thinking person it is obvious that it destroys him as a politician,” says Gordon. She concluded that Sobchak wants “just to work out the money and role.” Sobchak on December 23 has published its political program called “123

China made its first flight the world’s largest amphibious aircraft

China made its first flight the world’s largest amphibious aircraft The world’s largest amphibious aircraft AG600 made its first test flight. Aircraft designed for fire fighting, the first instance released at the aircraft factory in Zhuhai. The plane took off from the airport of this city and held in the air for about an hour. However, he did not rise above 3 thousand meters, in flight he was accompanied by another Board with a team of technicians. During the download an error has occurred. The machine has four turboprop engines, a hull length of 39 m and the wings are almost the same extent. Amphibian can take on Board 12 tons of water from open reservoirs for 20 seconds. AG600 at the request of the operators can be equipped with additional equipment for monitoring the marine environment, for passenger or freight transport, exploration of mineral resources, said “RIA Novosti”. As

Stoltenberg acknowledged the loss of NATO forces of combat skills at sea

Stoltenberg acknowledged the loss of NATO forces of combat skills at sea MOSCOW, 24 Dec — RIA Novosti. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said about the higher level of activity of Russian submarines and acknowledged that the fleet of the Alliance has lost the necessary fighting skills in the sea. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Russia has invested heavily in its fleet, especially submarines. The activities of Russian submarines are now at the highest level since the cold war,” he said in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The meeting was also attended by the Financial Times and the Washington Post. At the same time, Stoltenberg pointed to the willingness of the Alliance to meet the challenges at sea. “After the cold war NATO has reduced their capabilities in sea, especially in the fight against submarines. We are less trained and lost skills,” he explained. Stoltenberg also said that NATO must be able to

Kosachev called a step in the direction of the war, the US decision to supply weapons to Kiev

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, December 23. /TASS/. The US administration’s decision on arms to Ukraine, announced Friday, has a blatant political subtext, and is a step in the direction of the war, the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. His review appeared in the Saturday page on Facebook. “About (or rather perverted) interpretation of the situation in the South-East holds hostage the ambitions of the Russophobic Kiev and Washington millions of people waiting for from politicians in the world, not war. The current Washington decision – alas, once again in favor of war, not peace”, – said the Senator. According to him, Washington’s decision “is an obvious, blatant, and even articulated political overtones.” “This story, despite the term “defensive” in the relevant decision of Washington to the defense of Ukraine has a

The Federation Council has accused Russian observers in the Donbass

The Federation Council has accused Russian observers in the Donbass Russian military observers are unable to return to the Joint center for control and coordination of ceasefire (SCCC), if he becomes the “current instrument”, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. About it reports “RIA Novosti”. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий In his opinion, the return of the Russian officers SCCC “may be implemented”. “Of course, under one condition. We are talking about the transformation of this center into a real instrument of control over the situation in Donbass”, — said Klintsevich. in connection with the request of France and Germany to return to the Russian observers. The reason for the termination of Russia’s participation in SCCC Senator called “an unwillingness to be extras in the body, which solves nothing.” That observers from the Russian side need to return to JCCC, said the President of